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You are definitely a piece of art, a treat for the eyes! You

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You are definitely a piece of art, a treat for the eyes! You

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 2


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By bella! 24,Jul,22 14:44
You are definitely a piece of art, a treat for the eyes! Your screen name is Smoothballs but honestly, I'm locked in on your chin, love the stubble!
By Smoothballs 25,Jul,22 03:22
Why thank you, I can honestly say I haven’t been complimented on my stubble before so that’s a first
By bella! 25,Jul,22 03:58
Um, you "got it going on". My compliment was sincere, you, your body is a piece of art. Your skin is the canvas for your ink. Your mature male physique is very attractive and to me, your face stubble is like sprinkles and a cherry atop a scoop of ice cream.....

By Smoothballs 25,Jul,22 04:05
Thank you

By fireplug 16,Feb,24 07:36
nice manscaping, tight!
By Smoothballs 16,Feb,24 07:39
Gotta love a bit of manscaping

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