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This pose is so hot Buck!!! This was me at the urologist a f

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Vote (3 points): [HOT!!!]   Votes: 19

This pose is so hot Buck!!! This was me at the urologist a f

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 19


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By Linktime 26,May,18 17:03
This pose is so hot Buck!!! This was me at the urologist a few weeks ago, for real! He had given me an injection in the penis which induces a firm erection in 10 - 15 minutes so he could do an ultra sound. He had me on one of those short exam tables where your half sitting and the edge is right at my anus. He had me pull my knees back and expose my anus. I got so hard so fast. The cool thing is that I was supposed to get erect which made it ok. He slid his finger slowly into my anus and rubbed my prostate, I told him I felt like I might ejaculate, I couldn't help it. He said not yet as he would be spending about 15 minutes doing the ultra sound on my penis and testicles. What I heard was "not now", it made me wonder what that meant. He put some cold lube on everything and ran the ultra sound wand over my testicles for a bit and then said "now I am going to do your penis". I stayed in that position, he said he could do it easier this way. He took my penis in his hand to position it and I know I was pulsating. As he moved the wand slowly up and down and all around my penis I got almost uncontrollable and finally, I ejaculated! He kept moving the wand up and down my urethra as I came throb after throb. When I was spent, he said that he took the opportunity to ultra sound during my ejaculation. I actually said 'thank you' which I then felt embarrassed about and he could tell. He reassured me that he has had this happen before and that he totally understood what I was feeling and didn't see a good reason to stop me. He is very cool. I hope I need to have that exam again. OMG I told you this whole story because of the position you are in here in your pic. I want to lick your cock, it is magnificent! Looking at you and telling this story has me dripping precum and I can't stop myself; I am going to stop typing for a minute......I am back. I just masturbated to this pic of you. Your cock is so sexy, I love your urethra and those fabulous veins, not to mention your handsome balls. I came all over the place!!! My cock is still pulsing and so is my anus. I hope you don't mind me indulging in my story but I so did enjoy this. Thank You for posting this awesome pic of you. I will do this again for sure as long as your ok with me jackin off again.

By Linktime 26,May,18 17:09
One last thing Buck, try getting in the same position and putting a vibrator on your Cock, it will make you crazy hot!!! One of my favorite things. Just lay on your side but with your cock and balls as they are here then reach back and apply the vibrator. I am going to do just that and use your pic, in a while once I have rested a bit. I really appreciate you.

By agp052 13,Oct,18 11:12
That is a really hot pic

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