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PARIS 1956

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PARIS 1956

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 75


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By kalebi 12,Aug,14 19:15
très beau monsieur!!!
By basque9 12,Aug,14 19:19
Merci bien, mon ami. I will send you the entire picture, including my head and face, privately!
By *kmadeau* 12,Aug,14 23:34
and for me too you are so FUCKING HOT
By basque9 13,Aug,14 00:32
Gee buddy, of course! Thanks for your great comment.
By #130415 17,Aug,14 11:28
Dude, you're not getting older you're getting better. You've still got an awesome piece. I'd love to see the entire picture too
By basque9 17,Aug,14 12:02
Sure hot buddy!

By bella! 12,Aug,14 20:08
Holy crap! Now those are some beautiful, athletic, muscular and sexy German legs!

I want to see the unedited version, too. Please, pretty please, pretty please with sugar on top!?
By basque9 12,Aug,14 21:45
Ok sweetheart! We do lose muscle mass with age unfortunately!
I was 23, just out of Army boot camp and at my fittest ever!
By bella! 12,Aug,14 22:21
Oh, I understand the loss of muscle mass but darlin', your magnifiqué masterpiece looks absolutely the same!
By basque9 12,Aug,14 22:26
Oh, the cock did not change much: got snipped much later and it grew for 2 more years after this picture was taken.

By #359325 13,Aug,14 07:00
This is one, hot frfriggin photo
By basque9 13,Aug,14 09:10
Thanks so much, mate; nice to hear that!

By tb1 13,Aug,14 07:38
By basque9 13,Aug,14 09:15
Thanks mate!I was just out of Army paratrooper boot camp! Then off to Paris for 2 years.
By tb1 13,Aug,14 23:15
I thought those were Paris lip marks on that pecker of yours
By basque9 13,Aug,14 23:17
Ha, ha, a bit of precum was drooling down!
By tb1 15,Aug,14 00:18
same as always right?
By basque9 15,Aug,14 00:31
I guess so, mate!
By tb1 17,Aug,14 11:56
By basque9 17,Aug,14 12:01

By Gayleks 14,Aug,14 04:51
simply: wow!
By basque9 14,Aug,14 09:32
Thanks mate! I was a young porn star and model in the 1950's in Paris.
By penisadmirer 17,Aug,14 06:40
You were outstanding, muscled and with that big dick!!!
By basque9 17,Aug,14 12:08
Thanks mate; you are muscled and have a great dick as well!

By eduard99 14,Aug,14 05:58
....wonderful! so you are making and collecting sex pics of your own body since about 60 years .... a good thing! I want to see more historic pics of yours!
By basque9 14,Aug,14 09:28
Most are probably lost forever. Literally hundreds similar to this one were made by my promoter in Paris.

By #13135 14,Aug,14 11:34
By basque9 14,Aug,14 11:41
Thanks so much, Newt!

By iduda2003 14,Aug,14 15:49
Love it. Your still a Magnificent specimen of a hot Man. ..
By basque9 14,Aug,14 20:35
Thank you so much! Every time of life has its rewards and is beautiful!

By fancyabit 15,Aug,14 03:12
Love the be effect , nice bod'n'cock
By basque9 15,Aug,14 07:21
Thanks mate. Those were great times!

By Dicktator 15,Aug,14 12:17
Kompliment, seeehr geil alles
By basque9 15,Aug,14 13:45
Ich danke ihnen sehr, mein Freund!

By Ebonytip68 15,Aug,14 16:30
As far as i'm concerned, you are still a STAR!!! Can I get on the list for the unedited pic?
By basque9 15,Aug,14 17:32
Gee whiz, thanks mate! I am attaching the pic for you!

By #76591 15,Aug,14 21:55
Nice Clock...Makes a Perfect Sundial.......Two oh cock...
By basque9 15,Aug,14 23:33
Good gosh, you are right; I had overlooked that shadow,mate!

By bella! 16,Aug,14 13:58
Would you look at those thighs, the abs and the beautiful piece of manmeat!
By basque9 16,Aug,14 21:31
Thanks so much , Bella ! I remember looking very muscled after paratrooper boot camp was completed in 1956. In the span of a few years though, Europe made a gentleman out of me and the muscles and rough edges softened a good bit! Handsome English suits and exquisite French living can do that to a Yank!
By bella! 17,Aug,14 03:14
You are so very interesting! I wish it were possible to hear more of your stories.
By basque9 17,Aug,14 11:54
Some of my friends have gone on to read the best selling novel about my life/exploits in Paris, written by novelist Gordon Merrick! The book is still in print after all these years! It is entitled THE QUIRK.I was a young American artist,Rod, just 23, in love with a girl in Paris but dating guys on the side! Most is quite true, but the writer added some drama!

By Vita 17,Aug,14 01:49
》》》》 inestimable - priceless – unaffordable ! 《《《《
By basque9 17,Aug,14 11:58
Ha, ha, don't be so sure about all that; I am a sucker for flattery; I might give myself away with enough of that!
By Vita 18,Aug,14 06:04
👏 i think : man of the year 1956 !!!
By basque9 18,Aug,14 11:11
You just rang my bell!
By Vita 18,Aug,14 11:14
By basque9 18,Aug,14 11:27

By abu 07,Sep,14 12:57
By basque9 07,Sep,14 13:25
Just remembering what it was like 58 years ago , mate!

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