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Statue of the god

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Statue of the god

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By duncanidaho 27,Jul,21 10:35
Statue of the god Min
Coptic; late Predynastic Period, circa. 3150 BC; limestone; Height 177cm; Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1894.105e. The fragment of this colossal statue is from the temple of the fertility god Min at Coptos (Egypt) where it stood with at least two other similar statues. These early examples of monumental temple sculpture already show the divinity with an erect phallus as he appears in the later pictorial canon. Comparison should be made with pictures of modern cumshooter duncanidaho!!!,
By sometimes 03,Aug,21 14:52

By *kmadeau* 27,Jul,21 10:38

By #644817 27,Jul,21 10:46
You don’t need a statue to prove you have the cock of a god
By duncanidaho 27,Jul,21 10:47
WOW!!!!!!!!! Thank You!!!
By tb1 28,Jul,21 14:21
I agree 👏👏

By Vita 27,Jul,21 10:48
the ur-cock !! fantastic !!

By babycok 27,Jul,21 11:45
Originally this statue had a large penis and legend has it that it was used by women at the time to improve fertility. At midnight during full moon it would be visited by women desperate to fall pregnant as they would stand in front of the statue facing away to position themselves for penetration. Sometime in the 19 century the penis was removed as it was deemed offensive.
By duncanidaho 27,Jul,21 11:51
Thanks for this additional information and for your excellent restoration work on the original sculpture!!!

By Kwann 27,Jul,21 13:35

By notynyt 27,Jul,21 18:14
Good one 🤣🤣
Hope you will also take a look at some of the temples built in India. Where some temples were built with erotic sculpture for sex education. like the Khajuraho temples

By wallyw1998 28,Jul,21 00:27
How realistic is that statue. Love to see how the sculpture would portray a load of cum shooting out of that beauty.

By saggyballs67 28,Jul,21 00:38
Wow cool Duncan

By medir 28,Jul,21 08:59
Statue antique avec bite moderne.
Bel assortiment !!

By 4everanedger 28,Jul,21 17:09
That is a cock to worship

By iduda2003 29,Jul,21 00:29
Hmmm that’s my kinda statue 🤗😋

By #548921 29,Jul,21 03:42
You're a nut case but guess what? I love it!

By marc66 30,Jul,21 17:42

By doedeldi 08,Aug,21 06:34
a real monument

By cfan2 14,Sep,21 13:31
Now THAT'S worth worshipping!!!

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