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✌ vita-trap !!

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&#9996; vita-trap !!

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By nford 01,Sep,21 00:32
ouch but a good ouch
By Vita 01,Sep,21 01:10
► Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley ! ◄

By stefan123 01,Sep,21 00:58
Brutales Mädchen oder will sie helfen
By Vita 01,Sep,21 01:11
Es scheinen alle Methoden recht wenn´s um Vita´s Puller geht !

By Uzbad_T 01,Sep,21 01:13
Nice smile.
By Vita 01,Sep,21 02:38

By Uzbad_T 01,Sep,21 01:13
This only the start.
By Vita 01,Sep,21 02:38
ooookaayy !!!

By Uzbad_T 01,Sep,21 01:14
She told me next time she will use a rat trap instead of the mouse trap.
By Vita 01,Sep,21 02:39
By anonymous 04,Oct,21 08:16
mmmmm would love her to do it to mine
By Vita 06,Oct,21 00:26

By Robben 01,Sep,21 01:14
Was it the only way for her to catch you? Look up for sexy women- obviously they can result in pain?
By Vita 01,Sep,21 02:39

By Uzbad_T 01,Sep,21 01:14
She hopes to see some remarkable marks on your dick which last several days.
By Vita 01,Sep,21 02:40
ooooh yes !!!

By Steffen15 01,Sep,21 01:50
By Vita 01,Sep,21 02:42
Scheint anzusprechen ... Grüße !!

By slipper 01,Sep,21 01:51
I'd like to trap that, too!!!
By Vita 01,Sep,21 02:43

By Fritz 01,Sep,21 01:51
Es ist so schön wenn der Schmerz nachlässt
By Vita 01,Sep,21 02:43
Und er von kleinen Händen eingesalbt wird !!!

By Haralampi 01,Sep,21 02:15
Can't Vita be caught more gently.....!? With her hand or even better with her mouth, with her lips.....
By Vita 01,Sep,21 02:44
yes !!

By #442079 01,Sep,21 03:12
She is right to be happy with the catch!
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:47
i think too !!

By #647619 01,Sep,21 03:24
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:47
Neidisch ??!

By saggyballs67 01,Sep,21 03:52
Hot Vita
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:47
thank you

By balticsea 01,Sep,21 04:47
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:48
Ich sach´ja : Nüscht´ für Weicheier !!!!

By willie111 01,Sep,21 04:53
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:48
T H A N K ⇔ ✌ ⇔ Y O U

By smiley 01,Sep,21 05:01
she looks very pleased with her catch!
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:49

By Rob00 01,Sep,21 06:02
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:49
envious ??!!

By Hornythickguy 01,Sep,21 06:24
She looks more than happy
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:50
... many thanks and best regards !

By duncanidaho 01,Sep,21 06:32
Remove trap immediately!!! Risk of preventing cum flow!!!
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:52
thank you very much ... a real friend !!

By bustyman44dd 01,Sep,21 07:13
Traps are so sexy... normally!
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:52
》》》》 《《《《
By pantiboi 05,Aug,23 18:16
She thinks it’s so funny!
By Vita 06,Aug,23 00:01
► Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi 🙈🙉🙊 ley - Smi ley - Smi ley ! ◄

By BirdDog 01,Sep,21 07:19
She's nice bait and caught a big mouse
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:53
》》》》 《《《《

By apolo10 01,Sep,21 07:46
The mouse fell into the trap
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:53
nice of you … thanks a bunch from berlin !

By tb1 01,Sep,21 07:54
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:54
you a milksop ??!!!

By skyking 01,Sep,21 07:59
Pussy caught a mouse !!!
By Vita 02,Sep,21 00:57

By Homer33 01,Sep,21 08:43
Bei so einem Fang muss Sie ja strahlen!
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:55
Sach´ich doch ... da beschwer´ sich mal eine !!!

By littleun 01,Sep,21 13:29
I have a better trap for that mouse
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:57
cooool !!!

By gomez 01,Sep,21 13:42
She finally got a trap big enough..wonder what she used for bait
By Vita 01,Sep,21 14:57

By Redworm1963 01,Sep,21 15:47
That's what happens when you let run wild!
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:20
yes !!

By #639086 01,Sep,21 16:19
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:20
thank you for your terrific and barefaced comment !

By Paktax 01,Sep,21 17:47
That looks very painful
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:22
nothing for softy´s !!!
By Paktax 04,Sep,21 15:24
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:45

By Justforfun 01,Sep,21 18:35
You are so creative, hope it’s not as painful as it looks though
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:24

By jonns 01,Sep,21 19:00
Nice catch
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:24
nice of you … thanks a bunch from berlin !

By HotFuckerBoy 01,Sep,21 19:53
Uh oh, Youre caught now Vita!
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:25

By surferharry 01,Sep,21 22:46
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:26
i see you like thx and greet ✉✈ from berlin !

By #625564 02,Sep,21 00:38
Cute and hot!
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:26
thank you

By t-rex 02,Sep,21 01:26
She got you
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:28
fat prey ... happy huntress !

By medir 02,Sep,21 02:43
On a enfin réussi à t'attraper !!
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:29

By IlovePussy 02,Sep,21 09:14
Maybee I' ll wanna try this one day
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:30
good idea !!

By Kwann 02,Sep,21 09:19
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:30

By ScottsCock 02,Sep,21 09:32
What bait did she use??
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:31
images of naked girlies !!!

By #612937 02,Sep,21 13:58
Nice lol.
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:33

By chris51 02,Sep,21 17:03
And well worth it!
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:34
fat prey ... happy girlie !!

By jerseyhav 02,Sep,21 23:50
I got em!!
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:35
thanks a bunch from berlin !

By Jasonshowdick 03,Sep,21 00:01
thank you for cool having difficulties with this tablet of jonboy try visit me on my other page using new tablet. I'm Jason
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:35

By JasonAnDaddyShowDick 03,Sep,21 01:01
🤪🥰👄👅 okay it's my turn to play with it
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:36
good idea !!

By HardAtWork 04,Sep,21 01:51
Yeah, I was going to ask what bait was used...Now I'm wondering if I have a mousetrap around here somewhere...See if I'm hard enough to (carefully) hold up against the pressure....And for how long...
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:37
what bait ?? ... images of naked girlies !!
By HardAtWork 05,Sep,21 01:37
By Vita 05,Sep,21 03:06

By minkip 04,Sep,21 04:45
By Vita 04,Sep,21 15:38
no fear ... vita is with you !!

By Rikan420 04,Sep,21 23:53
Painfully Exciting
By Vita 05,Sep,21 03:09

By SammyBW 06,Sep,21 06:40
Aua, das arme Ding
By Vita 06,Sep,21 10:18
Wen meinst du jetzt ??!

By eduard99 06,Sep,21 09:58
Die hast Du doch manipuliert, diese Falle!
By Vita 06,Sep,21 11:08
Nein, Vita war VÖLLIG ahnungslos !!!!
By eduard99 06,Sep,21 11:36
Du hast ja immer so einen Riesenerfolg mit Deinen Gags!
By eduard99 06,Sep,21 11:37
Der Mensch ist nur dann ganz Mensch, wenn er spielt ... sagte schon Friedrich Schiller!
By Vita 06,Sep,21 12:17
By Vita 06,Sep,21 12:17

By redfox167 06,Sep,21 14:40
Autsch Das macht man doch nicht mit VITAs bestem Stück
By Vita 06,Sep,21 14:41
Mädels sind nich´zu halten wenn sie erstmal was wollen !!

By snowflake 06,Sep,21 16:55
Was man alles fangen kann
By Vita 07,Sep,21 01:57
Der Jagderfolg kann sich sehen lassen, oder ??!

By newman 06,Sep,21 16:59
By Vita 07,Sep,21 01:58
► Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley ! ◄

By shorty 07,Sep,21 03:02
By Vita 07,Sep,21 13:53
Ja was ??!

By Flowo 07,Sep,21 05:05
Ich dacht immer, mit Speck fängt man Mäuse und mit Pussys Schwänze.
By Vita 07,Sep,21 13:55
Die Mädels denken sich immer wieder was Neues aus um "ranzukommen" !
By Flowo 07,Sep,21 16:10
By Vita 08,Sep,21 00:56
Aber was tut man nich´ alles ... !!

By PeterPeter 07,Sep,21 15:20
Cool picture
She caught a big fish that day
By Vita 08,Sep,21 00:57
the catch of your life !!!

By #127566 08,Sep,21 02:11
By Vita 08,Sep,21 16:28
► Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley ! ◄

By #509705 08,Sep,21 04:07
very ouch,
By Vita 08,Sep,21 16:28
what ???
By #509705 10,Sep,21 08:21
Mouse trap, lol. BETTER THAN RAT TRAP, LOL
By Vita 10,Sep,21 12:33

By johnleman82 08,Sep,21 17:11
By Vita 09,Sep,21 00:42

By trim1963 09,Sep,21 07:13
Ouch mate
By Vita 09,Sep,21 10:48
i see you are mesmerized ... thank you very much !

By marc66 10,Sep,21 10:48
By Vita 10,Sep,21 12:35
Was ihr nur alle habt ... so sind nun mal die neuen Fangmethoden der Mädels !!

By Hay_thats_Ann_My_Wife 11,Sep,21 06:02
Awwwww! what A Catch I think "i'll Eat it" ,,, Ann
By Vita 12,Sep,21 04:38
► Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi ley ! ◄

By Barni 11,Sep,21 18:47
blind vor Mannesgeil in die Falle geraten
By Vita 12,Sep,21 10:13
Mit Nacktbildern von Mädchen gelockt ... GEMEIN !!

By slipper 11,Sep,21 21:25
Did he get what he deserved, Ma'am?
By Vita 12,Sep,21 10:30
thank you

By #747 12,Sep,21 07:34
By Vita 12,Sep,21 10:30
Scheint anzusprechen ... Danke-Danke für den großartigen Kommentar !

By #580048 13,Sep,21 03:35
ouch - you´re caught in the trap....
By Vita 14,Sep,21 14:50
... low trick foul manner !!!!!!

By pantiboi 14,Sep,21 16:20
Oh she thinks it’s funny!
By Vita 15,Sep,21 01:21
the main thing is that the girls have fun !!

By Sirius5500 07,Nov,21 13:50
A buddy of mine snaps his little dick for me like that. So fucking hot.
By Vita 07,Nov,21 19:24
hello ... greetings to your buddy !!

By #443537 16,Nov,21 15:09
Wow were her teeth around your tool ?
By Vita 22,Nov,21 12:19
yes !!!!
By #443537 22,Nov,21 14:07
By Vita 22,Nov,21 20:28

By M308ben 22,Nov,21 12:03
Love that smile
By Vita 22,Nov,21 12:20
the main thing is that the girls have fun !!

By fancyabit 23,Nov,21 04:03
Ouch!! I like it
By Vita 23,Nov,21 04:05
and the girlies too !!
By fancyabit 23,Nov,21 04:18
I like to see her pulling that off.
By Vita 23,Nov,21 10:55
vita is a good daddy-toy !!!

By uncutmario 24,Dec,21 12:56
Ooz, Somebody got caught!
By Vita 25,Dec,21 10:43
really sneaky methods of catching, or ? !!

By JustWondring 30,Dec,21 07:52
She's mean! I love her!
By Vita 30,Dec,21 17:50
unfair catch methods !!
By JustWondring 03,Jan,22 06:07
I wouldn't turn her in.
By Vita 03,Jan,22 09:59
the main thing is that the girls have fun, or ?!

By schnapper007 14,Jan,22 09:31
das müssen wir auch mal machen, im wettbewerb, wer
am meisten aushält
By Vita 14,Jan,22 10:33
Top die Watte quillt !!!

By BirdDog 01,Feb,22 13:21
By Vita 01,Feb,22 13:39
i see you like again thx and greet ✉✈ from berlin !

By Dick88 24,Jul,22 04:33
better keep it trapped by such white teeth ...
By Vita 25,Jul,22 01:19
... she will get the opportunity !!

By JustWondring 09,Aug,22 15:08
That was very mean of you, young lady! Now do mine.
By Vita 09,Aug,22 23:24
that's how you catch a daddy !

By JustWondring 03,Mar,23 09:12
Do me next!
By Vita 03,Mar,23 10:01
► Smi ley - Smi ley - Smi 😈 ley - Smi ley - Smi ley ! ◄

By #647298 17,May,23 01:36
Ouch! Looks likes you’ve been naughty
By Vita 18,May,23 03:55
unfortunately common practice .... so you catch a vita !!

By JustWondring 02,Dec,23 07:58
Did she do that to you? Send her to me, and I'll straighten her out. Tell her to bring the trap.
By Vita 22,Dec,23 05:31
okay thank you for your compassion !!

By Reinhold 21,Apr,24 01:22
mit meinem könnte die kleine machen was sie gerne möchte
By Vita 21,Apr,24 01:36
Sach´das nich´zu laut ... sie steckt voller Ideen und findet nie ein Ende !!
By Reinhold 21,Apr,24 01:38
würde es gerne daraufankommen lassen
By Vita 21,Apr,24 01:39
Oooookaaaay ... ich meld´dich bei ihr an !!
By Reinhold 21,Apr,24 01:42
wie weit würde sie gehen
By Vita 21,Apr,24 01:44
... ich weiß nur das jeder der bei ihr war NIE WIEDER hingeht !!
By Reinhold 21,Apr,24 01:45
für mich hört sich das gut an
By Vita 21,Apr,24 01:48
Sie "besorgt" sich wohl öfter Probanden auf Discotheken ... mit KO-Tropfen !!!!!
By Reinhold 21,Apr,24 01:49
und bearbeitet schwanz und hoden?
By Vita 21,Apr,24 06:05
Anscheinend Thema zu ihrer Doktorarbeit !!

By toydick 09,May,24 14:25
Love it!! I gotta try it!!
By Vita 10,May,24 01:48
thank you good luck ... make images !!

By Liliput 04,Aug,24 05:45
mädel, es gibt einfachere methoden einen schwanz abzuschleppen
By Vita 04,Aug,24 07:41
Schau dir die Brutalität in ihren Augen an !!

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