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Found old bikini ! 31 & 0 kids; 45 & 3 kids; not as good, but hanging in there!

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Found old bikini ! 31 & 0 kids; 45 & 3 kids; not as good, but hanging in there!

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 6


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By #102374 21,Jul,15 23:23

By #7976 21,Jul,15 23:24
Looks just as good today as yesterday.

By rocket1 22,Jul,15 12:20
Wow!!very sexy!!!

By Dimmu_Borgir 23,Jul,15 12:20
You are and will always beautiful!! Compliments

By Walker 25,Jul,15 13:52
Fabulous even at 45. You will still be wonderful at 55

By #492728 28,Jul,15 07:40
you still look sexy the same as 15 years ago!!!

By #127064 04,Sep,15 08:14
Only difference I see is boobs are bigger..... You are a very sexy 45 without a doubt

By anonymous 16,Sep,15 08:18
Wow, if that\'s just \"hanging in there\" a whole lotta twenty somethings would be love to be able fast forward in their mind and find they\'ll be \"hanging in there\" like that when they\'ve gone from 30 to 45... with c h i l d r e n.
Anybody that was lucky enough to untie your bikini at 30 would be wishing like hell they still get to untie it at 45. They thought things were good at 30... well it only gets better at 45.

By Louis 07,May,18 20:28
Not as good in what way? No way that I can see. You do yourself an injustice. You're a hot lady.

By #630203 04,Dec,20 19:51
Sexy body and underwear

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