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WOW, that's a massive undertaking, how much can you take?

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WOW, that's a massive undertaking, how much can you take?

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By 2pierced 15,Jun,24 07:09
WOW, that's a massive undertaking, how much can you take?
By David_TheBiggestSlut 17,Jun,24 15:19
If it's flexible enough, then around 10-11 inches, if solid, then just around 7-8 inches
By 2pierced 18,Jun,24 01:43
It all sounds like so much pleasure to be enjoyed.

By Coolbuddy6669 17,Jun,24 14:32
Omg amazing! You are awesome!
By David_TheBiggestSlut 17,Jun,24 15:19
Thank you bro!

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