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what size cock is too small to please a woman

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Started by #169476 [Ignore] 18,Jun,11 17:40
is a 4 inch length and 4 1/4 inch girth bog enouhg to please a woman

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By #311508 16,Dec,12 21:04
A billion Lesbians are out there having great sex and they don't even have dicks?

If you think that only penetration with a penis above a certain size is the only thing that can please a woman then you suffer from the same macho bullshit that most men do. There are countless ways you can get a woman off and if you are afraid that your penis length or girth isn't cutting it then you need a plan B & C don't you.

Let's not forget that the clitoris is on the outside of the Vagina and can be a source of tremendous orgasms for a woman so there's a help right there.

Learn to do sensual massage and to eat pussy right, use toys and fingers and a bit of imagination in your sex life. Romance her and treat her with respect and she will be more than happy with you.

If after all that she is still a size queen then dump her and find a woman with a brain.
By WristThick [Ignore] 16,Dec,12 23:15 other posts 
Looks like this question struck a few nerves here...
By #311508 16,Dec,12 23:42
No one is touching a nerve but a lot of ignorance is being expressed

Why do guys beat themselves up over something so dumb. There are many guys with average or larger dicks who are absolute dud fucks because all they think they need to do is stick it inside a vagina. Like I said plenty of lesbians out there having toe curling orgasms without a penis in site. If that doesn't tell you something then you're fucking stupid.
By WristThick [Ignore] 17,Dec,12 00:12 other posts 
This guy is asking a question specifically about a cock. He's NOT asking, "If I don't have a big cock, can I please a woman?"

Women can have several different kinds of orgasms. Clitoral is just one of them. And the external clit is just the tip of the iceberg. Learn about the crus of clitoris and the clitoral bulbs and you'll see what I mean.

A lot of women become size queens because they experience orgasms from penetrative sex. And, for the most part, those kinds of orgasms are achieved by SKILLED men with larger-than-average penises. That DOESN'T mean that a man with a tiny penis can't give a woman an orgasm.
By #316049 17,Dec,12 00:45
Struck a nerve? I opened this thread to find the token "i'm a tool" comment - and there you were, even better than I could've expected (complete with a ridiculous asian stereotype, unawareness that pussies are elastic, and a self-awarded pat on the back because you think your dick's big).
It's redundant because the poster's not here anymore but all of the other commenters are genuinely trying to suggest solutions and methods for the guy to get around any perceived problems and insecurities.
By #311508 17,Dec,12 05:23
I agree with you anon73, WristThick has exposed himself as a tosser of the highest degree. Another big dick wanker who thinks his shit don't stink.
By #316049 17,Dec,12 05:37
Nothing wrong with being proud of your cock (i am, everyone should be), but big-upping yourself on a thread with an author that was obviously not 100% secure in himself is poor form. Not to mention the stereotyping, lack of constructive advice/support, etc etc
By WristThick [Ignore] 17,Dec,12 21:01 other posts 
Thanks for addressing my points, guys!

By WristThick [Ignore] 18,Jun,11 17:54 other posts 
It depends on how small her pussy is and how much experience she has. Because if she's been stretched by a cock as big as mine, then forget it. Then again, if the guy was big and he ended up hurting her because he didn't know how to use his size, that bad experience could help you out lots.

You should probably seek out some Asian girls. I know it can't be proven scientifically (yet), but their pussies are generally smaller and tighter than girls of other races. That's been my experience, anyway.
By #316049 16,Dec,12 06:39
You are a deluded fool buddy, stop talking out of your arse. My money is on you having been with less than 5 women in your life, that's the speculatory bravado of an inexperienced 16yr old spewing from your mouth.
4 inches isn't huge, but if you are good with it...
By WristThick [Ignore] 16,Dec,12 15:57 other posts 
I think YOU are the one who's deluded. I've seen your other posts and boy are you clueless. lol

-your friendly, neighborhood, 16 year-old boy with "speculatory bravado"

By #64328 16,Nov,11 14:55
No such thing as too small.....If you cant cut the mustard you can always lick the jar. There are more guys under 6 inches than over. I dont understand why menfeel a need to exagerate thier size

By #190791 07,Nov,11 17:13
What the beautiful lady in your pictures think about that?

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