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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #7976 [Ignore] 03,Jun,09 22:22
I had a young lady respond to my personal eMail with a reply that she didn't wish to chat with me because she felt our age difference was too great. I respect her desires but moreover, I respect that she was up front and told me so. She was very gracious and direct.

I get frustrated sometimes when I invite someone I think would be interesting to talk to and get to know when they never respond. I encourage everyone to at the very least do what this young woman did and communicate your disinterest. It will eliminate a lot of frustration and wondering for everyone.

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By #652988 02,Jan,22 08:49
I don't want much if I'm doing something you don't like tell me

By #9747 04,Jun,09 17:57
Guilty, guilty, guilty! When I first came to this site I had no idea what it was all about & yes, I ignored ALL the private messages. As a naturally shy & quiet person, I just didn't know how to handle it! I apologize to anyone I hurt or frustrated at that time, I'm honestly very sorry. As time went on I got more used to the way this site works & became more comfortable with communicating with other members. A big THANK YOU to graf, Johny, dad242, ooh, thickdick, & hardcock8 for your patience & care. Some of you have deleted & I miss you greatly! My advice to you who are writing new female members, give them some time & some love:)
By #9747 04,Jun,09 18:28
Oh & Mr. BushPilot, Sir, I just wanted to say that I don't understand anyone who wouldn't want to chat with you! I had the honor of 1 conversation with you & it's too bad that we're never online at the same time since then. You are a very noble & respectable man who is also kind & honest. I don't really know how to end this, Sir Yes Sir? :)
By #7976 04,Jun,09 21:52
I'm hoping we can chat again too. You are an angle and I loved talking with you. I hope to see you soon.

By #9482 04,Jun,09 09:27
More people should be like you guys. Thanks for the comments.
By #7976 04,Jun,09 15:03
And your response is very much appreciated too. Thanks.

By #10655 03,Jun,09 22:36
It's best to get an answer like you did than be ignored.

I don't like receiving messages from people out of the blue asking me to vote for them. Like this one I got today:

"Hi man! My wife likes your big dick! How do you like her bare pussy? She would be very happy for a hot vote if you think she's sexy."

It sounds like a politician asking for a vote. Did he send that message to everyone? Politics is one thing and this site is another thing. It's a turnoff to be asked to vote for someone's picture.
By #7976 03,Jun,09 22:51
I agree. I don't play the points game so with respect to those who do, I just ignore those comments. As for the sexually oriented introductions, those I try to give a polite thanks for contacting me and move on.

Thanks for your comments. They're good ones.

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