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Semi-private chat?

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by admin [Ignore] 11,Jan,09 23:29  other posts
I got a suggestion from one of the members to make a chat that would not be visible to public, but more than 2 people could participate in it. I.e. kinda private chat for several persons.

Is it necessary? If you need it I'll make it. If not - I do not wish to waste my time for this. Please respond.

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By #59855 22,May,10 00:52
From Matt's Wife: This sounds like fun

By admin [Ignore] 13,Jan,09 11:09 other posts 
OK. It seems to be ready. I have tested it as much as I could.

You can start a private channel here - /sp_chat.php

Then you need to send the link to the member(s) that you wish to join in. You can do this in private or public chat - does not matter because noone can enter untill you approve him/her (any of the already approved participants can approve the followers).

Be warned that messages in the channels exist only 1 hour and if no messages were posted during one hour the channel gets deleted completelly.

As usually, if you encounter any errors - please let me know.

By #3997 12,Jan,09 14:24
I think it would be a good idea i agree a giant orgy

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