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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by Walker [Ignore] 20,Oct,10 18:07  other posts
Had a buddy, a new neighbor as a teen. Andy was a great friend. We palled around and he and I played hoops shirts and skins. We wrestled and I even showed him my porn stash. He was about as tall as I was but thinner. He didn't have chest hair yet and had larger nipples than I did but some guys in school had larger nipples than my button size so I didn't give it a thought. We finished a game of 21 and it was hot so we were shirtless. I had to pee so we went behind the shed. I pulled out my cock and peed in the bushes. Andy stared as me and his star caught my eye. Dude you got to pee or what? He didn't say anything just came over to me watching closely. He slapped me on the back and grabbed me and kissed me. What the hell I thought as he shoved his tongue into my mouth as I was still peeing. I reached around and grabbed his head and pulled him off me. Dude I pissing here what the fuck? Andy came back at me after I shook the last of the piss off my dick. He came back up to me and dropped him shorts and I looked expected to see a fucking boner. Andy was smooth down there and didn't have a boner or even a cock. Shit your a girl I said! Andy replied mostly. Mostly I yelled you pretended to be a boy these last few months, but your a girl. Andy came right up to me and let me look. It looked like a girl with a big clit. Go ahead she said pull it. I did, and it was about the size of my thumb, like my cock in cold water. She had a cunt which I opened up and looked closely at. Wow that's - cool I said but thought what the fuck. I all of a sudden realized the feeling I had for him was OK since she was a girl. My cock went instantly hard as I stood up and kissed her. I felt betrayed but relieved and excited as hell. I fucked her that afternoon several times. She unfortunately moved away being a summer renter. So she explained that she was a mix and had no hormones and had to decide to be a boy of girl and get shots. Andy confided in me that I helped her decide to be a girl and she had started getting shots. That's why her nipples were getting big. She said she had begun smelling different and that's why she wanted to kiss me. She moved at the end of the summer and I never saw her again. Although years later I saw a woman stating at me in the city and we made eye contact for just a moment and I thought about Andy.

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Show It Off