I'm 31 years old, fucked more in my life already than some women over their 50's, have had children...what does a pussy make mature?? The age, the experience, if it has been stretched or not? I think the statement mature is a bit vague!! So tell me what makes that a cunt is mature?
Nah, that's 'solera', and it's for sherry. For pussies, I believe the 'wine model' might be a better analogy--leaving it in an oak cask for c.10 years.
Good question. 35? I guess it would depend on a lot of variables so it would be different from one woman to the next. I know I count as mature, nearly 50, 4 kids, an ex, etc.
"mature" for anything sexual means; 'too old to really be doing it but surprisingly able and hot'......a sort of ageist compliment!
Teenagers think they have a monopy on sex so anyone over 25 who looks like they can still do it is "mature"....
For those who are 25 it's anyone hot and able over 35.....
For people over 35 it's anyone over 40....
For the over 40's it's anyone over 50......
For those over 50 it's anyone of the same age because by that age you have worked out that mature people have teh experience and life skills to have sex much better than when they were younger......
how does mature mean to old really to be doing it. For example cheese can be mature. But it is still able to be tasty. I don't like working numbers into love and relationships and i consider age one of those numbers.
"......how does mature mean to(o) old to really be doing it..."
....It does'nt,...read what I wrote...
The trouble is that the world is a very ageist place and never more so than in sexual matters... There's quite a lot of people who won't even consider a potential partner if that person is over a certain age,..even if they really like him/her!!......
.......Just have a quiet listen to your female friends when they don't realise you are,......."he's really nice!....but he's over 30, it's such a shame"!!
From Matt's Wife: That is your choice but I don't like hair on mine, sometimes I will do what fantasy does and have a little hair on my mound but never anywhere else
Teenagers think they have a monop
For those who are 25 it's anyone hot and able over 35.....
For people over 35 it's anyone over 40....
For the over 40's it's anyone over 50......
For those over 50 it's anyone of the same age because by that age you have worked out that mature people have teh experience and life skills to have sex much better than when they were younger......
....It does'nt,...read what I wrote...
The trouble is that the world is a very ageist place and never more so than in sexual matters... There's quite a lot of people who won't even consider a potential partner if that person is over a certain age,..even if they really like him/her!!......
.......Just have a quiet listen to your female friends when they don't realise you are,......."he's really nice!....but he's over 30, it's such a shame"!!
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