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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #5159 [Ignore] 16,Apr,09 16:42
a) has any one ever noticed the difference images of the male and female get treated in modern society?
by this i mean that an image of a woman is labeled as erotica, one for the lads.
however, an image of a male is labeled homo-erotica and seen as only to be admired by gays.
b) is it not possible for a man to admire an image of another man without being classed as gay?
c) why can't an image of a man be accepted purely as erotica, just as a woman's is?

as a matter of interest, my answers would be; yes, yes and; it can be but modern society can not accept that.

what say you?

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By #485312 18,May,16 17:00
men are usually just more hard wired to be horny, l don't think it was 'lady like' for women to perv so most male porn is directed purely at men, since they are the ones that have less shame and bought the material, no point marketing to women if they don't buy the stuff, women are in general more prudish when it comes to porn, they consider a men cheating if he looks at it, its just the way of the world *lix*
By #458225 18,May,16 20:00
But you'll admit, it's more a matter of education, would you not?
By #485312 19,May,16 00:36
yes society dictates a lot to us, boys are taught differently to girls, dads praise boys for being sexual, but don't want their girls being promiscuous so it is ground into us from day dot...l mustn't have listened lol, l stole my dads stick mags and read all the forums and articles, l knew a lot about sex before l tried all his books about slaves and mandingos and love the way they used the men as sexual objects...lm sure now girls have a better idea about sex then we did years ago...but sometimes a little information can be dangerous too lol, *lix*

By #7976 18,Apr,09 21:24
Why worry about this issue. Whatever a person uses erotica for is a personal choice and probably will be the same as many others and different from as many others. For myself, I enjoy looking at images of nude men and women. No one in their right mind labels me as Gay though because while I may find the human body fascinating, I am still very heterosexual and live my life that way. As for Erotica as a philosophical term, it is again up to the eyes of the beholder to decide what is erotic to them. One persons erotica is anothers pornography. Either way, if it is erotically stimulating, whether offensive or not, it can be classified as erotica.

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