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Started by bella! [Ignore] 12,Jan,19 03:36  other posts
The other day, I posted something in another thread where I asked members what was the first word that popped into their head when they saw/heard the word "cheap"?

My first response was from Whoknows and his reply was "perfume". That phrase, cheap perfume, made me instantly think of Journey's DON'T STOP BELIEVING. The post went in a different direction from what I planned but it was so much fun! Example, there were other responses to the word "cheap" that included shoddy, floozy and several more and huxley999 was able to cite songs with those words in them!

Let's pick a RANDOM word and see if a song comes to mind. My guess is not every word will trigger a song to pop into our heads, but who knows. If you would kindly post a few lines of the song that reflects "the word", the name of the song and the artist and if you like, a YouTube link to the song. PLEASE ATTACH YOUR SONG TO THE PARTICULAR "WORD OF THE DAY".

Let's have some musical fun!

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By bella! [Ignore] 24,Jan,19 23:28 other posts 
Not a new word but a "number". A song with any number (one, two, three, four, etc) in it.
By #551147 25,Jan,19 00:58
How about a song with all of the above? 😜

Murder by NUMBERS! 1, 2, 3!
It's as easy to learn as your a,b,c's

Murder by Numbers.... The Police 😍

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By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 01:41 other posts 

Love me two times, babe
Love me twice today
Love me two times, girl
I'm goin' away

Love me two times, girl
One for tomorrow
One just for today
Love me two times
I'm goin' away

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By #551147 25,Jan,19 01:44
Mmmmm Love me some Doors! And that iconic photo of Jim Morrison... He was soooo hot!

Nice one, B
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 05:26 other posts 
Three times a lady - The Commodores

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Thanks for the times that you've given me
The memories are all in mind
And now that we've come
To the end of our rainbow
There's something I must say out loud!
Your once, twice
Three times a lady
And I love you
Yes, your once, twice
Three times a lady
And I love you!
When we are together
The moments I cherish
With every beat of my heart
To touch you, to hold you
To feel you, to need you
There's nothing to keep us apart
You're once, twice
Three times a lady
And I love you!
I love you !
By #188992 25,Jan,19 06:40
The Clash (again!) 1 2, Crush on you

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By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 12:06 other posts 
Yeah, your favorite band of all time!
By #188992 25,Jan,19 12:20
So much so you get the Magnificent SEVEN, as a bonus!!

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By #372661 25,Jan,19 11:58
Jenny, I got your # 867-5309

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By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 12:02 other posts 
By #526776 25,Jan,19 13:22
25 or 6 to 4

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By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 14:45 other posts 
Dang, girl, you are on FIRE!
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jan,19 21:59 other posts 
Rolling Stones, 19th NERVOUS BREAKDOWN

You better stop, look around
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes
Here comes your nineteenth nervous breakdown....

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By #551147 22,Jan,19 20:02
New word for the day... Delirious 😃
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jan,19 06:59 other posts 
I can't think of any song with the word "delirious" in the lyrics and I'm not going to cheat by consulting Google, either. It has only been 11 hours, let's see if anyone can come up with a song.
By #188992 23,Jan,19 10:21
I was going to go for either of Prince or ZZ Top (who both have tracks called Delirious), but try "Desperate but not Serious", from Adam and the Ants:

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"Desperate but not serious
Your kisses drive me delirious"
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jan,19 11:34 other posts 
You are a musical savant, my king!
By #188992 23,Jan,19 11:45
Ha ha. Not sure about that, but many thanks for the compliment. I guess I have pretty eclectic tastes and have plenty of miles on the clock, so that my personal musical knowledge goes back a bloody long way!!
By #551147 23,Jan,19 13:17
I thought my knowledge of music was pretty eclectic as I cannot get enough of it (except new crap). Kudos on catching Prince's Delirious.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Jan,19 07:18 other posts 
Delirious - Susanne Sundfor

I hope you got a safety net
'Cause I'm gonna push you over the edge
The strangest thing, deliberate
Done with intent, without repent
I hope you got some common sense
Turn around and walk away
The strangest thing, deliberate
Done with intent, without repent
I love the pain, I love the game
Come into my arms, come into my arms
You say that I'm delirious
But I'm not the one holdin' the gun
I told you not to come
My victim number-one
You won't let go, you won't give in
Till every part of you is suffering
It's the strangest thing, it's deliberate
Done with intent, without repent
I love the pain, I love the game
Come into my arms, come into my arms
You say that I'm delirious
But I'm not the one holdin' the gun
I told you not to come
My victim number-one
I told…
By #551147 24,Jan,19 07:43
Ooooo Nice choice!

By bella! [Ignore] 21,Jan,19 23:45 other posts 
New word; LIMP
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Jan,19 09:34 other posts 
Jonathan mcReynolds - Limp

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By #188992 22,Jan,19 09:46
Like someone in love - by a ton of different artists!!

"Each time I look at you
I'm as limp as a glove"
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jan,19 20:04 other posts 
That is an oldie! I picked the recording performed by Sarah Vaughan from 1958, I preferred her rendition over Bjork's.

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By bella! [Ignore] 20,Jan,19 21:33 other posts 
The new word, passenger(s)

And thank you mr_blue for providing two difficult words that could actually be found in songs.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 21,Jan,19 06:46 other posts 
Passengers- Elton John

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By #551147 21,Jan,19 11:29
Since we initially played like a word association game, I will throw this one out. When I saw "passenger(s)" I thought, people. People then inspired this song 😉
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By #545732 21,Jan,19 18:42
"No Scrubs" by TLC

I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me
Hanging out the passenger side
Of his best friend's ride
Trying to holler at me
I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me
Hanging out the passenger side
Of his best friend's ride
Trying to holler at me

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By bella! [Ignore] 21,Jan,19 23:38 other posts 
I liked Robert Palmer and that song too. My favorite video of his was ADDICTED TO LOVE. Loved that the women looked alike and those red lips.

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Yeah, it was "like a word association game" but it was a word, THE WORD that "we" could associate with a song.
--------------------------------------- added after 132 hours

Gee, did I ever muff up on this, I posted the video for SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE. Doi!
By #188992 21,Jan,19 18:46
Wilco, Passenger Side

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By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 17:48 other posts 
New word: irascible
By #551147 18,Jan,19 17:53
WTF! I'll now go look that one up... Let's see how many more will be truthful. 😉
By #545732 18,Jan,19 17:54
HAHAHA! Easy.... hmmm.... what does irascible mean?
By #551147 18,Jan,19 17:57
I would tell you, but I'd prefer to see how many more don't know.
By #545732 18,Jan,19 17:58
Haha! I just googlified it, but I still know for sure I don't know any songs with it in the lyrics. I admit defeat.
By #551147 18,Jan,19 18:02
Agreed! I can't even understand the pronunciation, description.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:04 other posts 
Uh, I've never used this word in any conversation that I've had because I admit, I have no idea what it means.

Even though I Google'd it for the definition, I don't foresee myself using it anywhere in the near future.
By #551147 18,Jan,19 18:10
Lmao YOU picked one of our resident brainiacs... I think he got confused with the game were playing. He surely stumped my ass. Should be the stump game. 😉 😆
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:02 other posts 
Out of curiosity, to your knowledge, is this word in any song that you are aware of?
By #545732 18,Jan,19 18:04
I just had to googlify for curiosity, but won't be posting them coz that's cheating, and I was surprised to find quite a lot!
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:08 other posts 
So, this word is in a number of songs, yes? Gee, I can't imagine the word being in any song that I'm familiar with.

I think mr_blue gave us a humdinger of a word!
By #545732 18,Jan,19 18:09
Haha, I'd have better luck thinking of a song with "humdinger" in it!
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:10 other posts 
Go for it, "humdinger".
By #551147 18,Jan,19 18:11
Yeah, I wanna see that too!
By #545732 18,Jan,19 18:15
Yikes! I should have kept my mouth shut... defeated again
By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:18 other posts 
Rosemary Clooney
By #188992 19,Jan,19 12:55
AC DC House of Jazz

Can't find a You Tube clip for it though, so you might have to take my word for it!!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:19 other posts 
Humdinger is popular....
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:30 other posts 
At the top of my head, I believe I recall a song by, wait for it..... Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, Devil With a Blue Dress.

I believe that a portion of the verse goes like this;

She's a real humdinger and I like it like that
Devil with a blue dress, blue dress, blue dress
Devil with a blue dress on
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Ha! I was right.

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By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:14 other posts 
Yeah ,I know two , Bad religion -hooray for me
And chumbawamba- morality play in three acts...
It's in a few rap songs I think,but I'll have to dig around for those..
By #545732 18,Jan,19 18:18
Oh wow, Chumbawamba! Takes me back to student days.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Oh shit! You saying Rosemary Clooney just reminded me I think there's a Dean Martin song too.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:20 other posts 
It's one of those words,if you hear it in music it will stick with you....I think they call it an earworm or something like that ?
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 19:46 other posts 
Since you stumped the players, would you like to pick a word for "tomorrow"?

I know it is already tomorrow where you're at but we just received today's word only hours ago. If you decide to pick a word, is it possible to pick one that's not so complicated?
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:26 other posts 
The ONLY song I remember by Chumbawamba is the one where they basically sing and repeat, I get knocked down and I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down....Pissing the night away.....
By #545732 18,Jan,19 18:27
Lucky you
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:52 other posts 
I knew the title had nothing to do with the lyrics. The name of the song was TUBTHUMPING

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By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:22 other posts 
Thank you. I can honestly say that I was never in THIS GAME because I do not believe that I've ever even heard this word and Whoknows conceded.

Would you do us the honor of giving us a few ones and a link to the particular song and artist that you choose?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:35 other posts 
Chumbawamba - morality play in three acts
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Bad religion -hooray for me
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By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 18:46 other posts 
Are you able to do the running man to either of there?
By #545732 18,Jan,19 19:09
When I was a student, I shared a house with a guy, who was a fan of Chumbawamba. No offence to any fans of them, but I couldn't stand them after hearing that bloody song day in day out!
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 19:19 other posts 
That was a song that my nephews played the heck out of. I took them to an outdoor concert at a local college and I believe that Chumbawamba only had one album/disk at the time and we went to that particular concert because of that particular song. We waited all night to hear and it was their very last song.

It's a good thing that they went with their favorite Aunt because I showed them what goes on in the outside venue. We took probably 6 or so inexpensive beach balls to bat around through the crowd and a large, large bag of wrapped candy to toss through the air. I think they enjoyed our activities more than Chumbawamba.
By #545732 18,Jan,19 19:23
I'd enjoy batting a ball around more too!
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 19:42 other posts 
A ball or two balls?
By #545732 18,Jan,19 19:43

I couldn't possibly say...

Well... yes I can. Two preferrably
By #577391 19,Jan,19 12:21
Best I could come up with was this

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and that's using YouTube
By #188992 19,Jan,19 12:51
A Figure Walks by The Fall

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Who is not irascible
He is no genius
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 20,Jan,19 07:06 other posts 
Take me to the stars by S.P.O.C.K

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A planet full of beings
No one looks the same
Strange ways of acting
And no one thinks the same
inimiical, irascible
Emotional, illogical

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