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My s.i.s.t.e.r and my penis

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Started by #513148 [Ignore] 26,May,16 10:39
just thinking about it. So years ago I anomously sent pictures of my dick to my s.i.s.t.e.r saying "these belong to your b.r.o. she freaked put and started texting me the pictures. Then I told her I kept receiving blank pics so she started explaining them in detail to me. It was then I realized it got me more aroused then I ever been. I couldn't stop doing it.and it was to the point where she had at least 5 dick pictures saved. Specifically my remote dick picture from my profile . Finally one night we got drunk and I went to pass out. She came in my room very quiet and got in the bed. Then she grabbed my dick but then let go. She would use her phone light to look under the blankets then she fully exposed me and fell asleep. I then jacked out next to her then put my dick in her palm.I could fell the precum rubbing sadly that all that happened. Months later I went to use her phone and she still had my dick pics saved! Once in a while she ll make remarks like" your third leg" or one time she said "well he has a extra foot" lol. She also insisted on waking me up for work so I would act asleep with a hard dick fully exposed and she would always take her time to wake me. Good ol days. Any one else ever experienced any thing similar?

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By #190275 27,May,16 15:14
Might just be a fantasy i know that fake " in ces t" vids a very popular.

By #460385 26,May,16 22:20
Dude, there are a million girls out there to send your dick pics to. One of them is not your s i s t e r. That's just fucked up. Why not send them to your mom? You need help b r o t h e r.

By #458225 26,May,16 12:41
Have never had the urge, nor the experience, personally.

What i suspect is that it probably occurs most often with siblings that are close, if at all. It's a normal reaction to puberty, contrary to what the herd mentality would tell you.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,16 13:36 other posts 
Apparently, this guy is really looking for attention ( positive or negative ) because basically the same topic, perhaps word for word, has already been posted. Clearly the member/author knows that s¡ster is a censored word because of how it is spelled in the title.

The profile of this author states he's 25 years old and "years ago" ( for argument sake, to quantify "years ago" let's say 5 years ago ), he sent HIS dick pics to his s¡ster!? Yeah, puberty is one thing but anything after 15 or 16 years old, he beyond puberty and seems a bit deviant.

That's just my opinion.
By #491031 26,May,16 15:34
I think this is the third or forth time the guy has posted this same, or similar, topic.
By #513148 26,May,16 15:49
Well to ebe exact I did post this before and I lost my password to my account so I had to create another one. It started when I was 19 . Went on for about 2 years. Now it's a just a memory. Why is it so bad to tell stories. Isn't this site for anything sexual whether you into it or not. I never judged anyone for 6or all the weird shit they do or say in here but yet u have persistently pointed out my story . Sorry I'm not a normal freak like you
By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,16 18:12 other posts 
Hey, with over a kabillion people in this world, I find it kray-kray that any degree/level of freak would want to send their dick pic to their very own s¡ster. Has life dealt you a bad hand? No girlfriend, no buddy's s¡ster, no girl that you met online, the dog ran away.......SOMETHING.

You don't mention your s¡ster's age or the age difference between you two but I speculate that she's younger by 3 years. Is that really how you see yourself as a role model for her? It's not a matter of whether or not you judge people by the "weird shit they do or say here", it's about knowing right from wrong and in my opinion, you were very wrong.
By #513148 26,May,16 15:53
I guess I am deviant just a bit. Btw nice niple bella!
By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,16 17:29 other posts 
By #491031 26,May,16 17:32
That was a pretty friendly response from a "normal freak".

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