What's with all the hatred towards JohnS? I know it's none of my business but it seems every time he posts his opinion there's groups of people called him old and condescending then sending anonymous message called him all sorts of swear words. Has he done something really bad in the past for some to **** him? I'm just really confused on the situation
This is a private message that JohnS sent at least one member, probably more than that ;
Mar 29, *** JohnS: AS can be seen from the Zivgames report the King is well aligned with Bella and is part of the bloc dedicated to allowing the fakes through. No wonder I am glad not to part of the joke known as the review panel.
Mar 27, *** JohnS: Have fun with this /member.php?w=509580 as every image is web derived and will generate multiple links if you would like to refer.
Stuff the panel and the stupid Defender of the Fakes bitch and her cohorts.
Mar 26, *** JohnS: Now that the Defender of the Fakes has full control of the panel having engineered a set-up to cause my loss of voting rights she sinks even lower into the sewer and mocks Eduard (and the panel members indirectly) on the public forum.
No wonder I am pleased to be out of it.
Now this is one of JohnS's old forum threads from 2011, a time when it did not cost points to post silliness in the forum.
Started by JohnS at 09,Oct,11 10:20 other posts
I noted this somewhat ageist and discriminatory comment recently on the group homepage, perhaps the older members could put their views and opinions forward.
John S.
"HotnReady4u wrote (Oct 9, 07:53):
I'm so freakin tired of all these old ass fuckin guys trying to talk to me! IT'S FREAKIN GROSS!! I'm about to delete my account, I can't stand it. Anyways, if you're young, check out my profile!
He's cuckoo for cocoa puffs! He has the audacity to call somebody out for posting an ageist and discriminatory comment but he calls me a bitch. My, my, my JohnS, your messages speak loudly about who you really are.
JohnS, even though I don't have a personal problem with you, I found the comment on her topic uncalled for since the person just wanted to know where one of the hottest girls on here had gone.
That sort of comment is his typical style. Here's one from the "True or Lie" thread:
"It may have some "merit" and some members may find it amusing and not too hard for their intellect, however I personally will not be concerning myself with it."
Setting aside the fact that his statement implies that he finds it too hard for HIS intellect, it is a condescending statement which serves no purpose other than to show that JOHn believes himself "above the common folk". --------------------------------------- added after 2 hours
I just noticed that John did, in fact, take a guess on one of my True or Lie posts. So, the "I personally will not be concerning myself with it" portion of his comment was...um...less than honest.
If you want another example of why some people don't like him, look at his comment on the post called "Aimee" A pointless, condescending, demeaning comment to a member who was just looking for some info.
Here's another example of what side of his mouth is JohnS talking from.
"**** and I are interesting plus we think for ourselves and that makes us unique.
Some individuals try to be smart and have "fun" at our expense but only show their obtuseness by doing so.
We also do not belong to cliquey little groups like some lost lambs but act and think independently."
So, JohnS thinks of himself to be interesting and unique, I will agree to that, but interesting and unique in a good way? Everyone has a weird Uncle that is seated at something other than the main table for holiday gatherings. That's JohnS.
This is another example of JohnS pulling another member into some mess that he started but lacks the substance of being able to finish the job on his own.
Also, he makes reference to "cliquey groups", what groups? The groups for Australian residents or those that are into fisting? Groups are established for like minded people, people who share the same interest. You might not be the moderator of a formal group but you spend an inordinate amount of time generating and sending private messages regarding various members. How are your actions any different? So the next time some of you "lost lambs" receive a private message from JohnS, just know that that puppeteer is one of SYD's biggest manipulators!
You must cry yourself to sl33p at night knowing that the only person who thinks so highly of you, is you!
Read the thread again, old man and read the responses. No one suggested that Blaine25 had a problem, only you. But since you have a penchant for dragging members down into the messes that you create, I must ask Blaine25, how many private messages did it take from him to convince you that members reaons to dislike him were unfounded? I'm curious, is JohnS or this topic worthy of you using 20 of your points? Just an f.y.i., he wouldn't have used his 20 points on you or anyone else. Believe that!
As for me welcoming a member and now voting to delete him, one of his cronies beat me there by several days but he fails to mention that! --------------------------------------- added after 36 minutes
And guess who couldn't help themself and posted this message on the reported member's wall? You're right, none other than JohnS!
JohnS wrote (Mar 29, 04:3:
You must NVER send messages to other members stating you are in fact only 17.
Yep! He was so excited about advising another member what they should not be doing that he and spellcheck didn't catch the mistake.
Perhaps you should ask him why he's disliked but don't expect a realistic response.
Regarding the points you've made; 1) old, he is old 2) condescending, he is condescending 3) regarding anonymous messages, I can only speak for myself so....anything I've wanted to say, I sent to him via private message. Unfortunately, that line of communication is no longer since I was blacklisted by him. Just for a point of clarification, you are unable to communicate anonymously with another member. Perhaps you're speaking about posting anonymous messages on a member's wall or on their posted pictures, I've done that, however I've always posted my screen name.
One of the things that JohnS continues to do and without any consequences is that he uses members birth names in the public domain without their consent. Also, he continually sends hypothesis to other members, whether they are his "friend" or whether he perceives them to be his supporter. Just my opinion, JohnS is SYD's original and only mole because he does like to do some underground digging to find out whatever dirt is possible on others. He can't be faulted for having a high opinion about himself but it might be nice if he pulled his head out of the clouds and realized he's just a man, a mere mortal.
You've been here 2+ years, surely you've read his posts in the forum and comments that he's made within the evaluation panel. I find many of his comments to be racist, sexist and insulting yet I cannot honestly believe he gets his feelings hurt when he sees or receives what he perceives to be ageist remarks. Here's something to look at if you need "for instance", look at the Dafuq thread. JohnS was the primary contributor to that thread but was hurt and/or insulted when he found that he was the topic for consideration, comments and laughs. JohnS doesn’t mind if he has the stick and is doing the poking but don't take your stick and poke at him.
For all you who have not received the memo from JohnS about being set-up and having his voting privilege withdrawn on the evaluation panel, he was not set-up, sadly, he just can't help himself.... The evaluation panel is not the venue for "shit slinging", it is merely the platform for voting members to determine the fate of a reported member. He used that platform to call me something other than my name and I, yes I, reported him to admin.
One of those people has already commented with the usual condescending statements. The rest of that group of individuals will certainly comment but will not answer your question so we both will never know the answer to your question.
One of that group does not like Australians and has sent anonymous messages to another Australian member and made their distain for Australians obvious.
They put on facades of "respectability", false humility and morals.
With me what you see is what you get.
If they think they can get rid of me by sending abusive messages to me on my birthday (a copy on another discussion) from a fake deleted account or by the current business with the review panel nonsense they are wasting their time as they underestimate the Australian spirit.
Hyenas hunt in packs and will only attack by stealth whereas lions and tigers hunt alone.
Frick! He voted my post down, I'm voting his post down, not because he's, um, er, uh ( I'm trying to think of something nice but it's just not happening )....I'm voting his post down because he gave incorrect information!
As to the tiger thing:
Given that tigers are native to Asia and India, if any of them were actually members here, John would immediately refer them for deletion. He is particularly prejudiced against individuals who come from those parts of the world...
Both John and myself, over the years, have made various comments in response to discussion of actions and behaviors which - in our opinion - and also based on vast medical evidence, which is readily available...present an indication that many members still have not gotten the memo on safe and responsible sexual practices.
The retorts by those confronted regarding their unsafe behaviors run the range from 'It's just fantasy' or 'I am always careful' to 'I only go with people that look healthy/clean' and so on.
It only takes once. A slip in judgement; a broken condom; a vindictive or lying sexual partner. Example: anal sex is 5000% more dangerous than other activities; one act of anal has the same risk factor of 50 acts of oral - yet people (mostly gay guys) continually regale us with tales of anonymous sexual encounters with multiple partners - many whom will never be seen again. Condom manufacturers state that failure rates are 5 - 14% consistently, but these statistics refer to vaginal sex. Anal sex is much rougher on the condom material. The condom doesn't have to break; it just needs a weakness created that allows the passage of pathogens.
These poor role models give our youth bad examples to follow, as their accounts of their escapades never have any mention of sexual responsibility or potential risk factors. Indeed, there are a number of members here who seem to flaunt their risktaking...and the rest of us be damned.
"Six Degrees of Separation" is a concept which they seem to have a lack of comprehension.
All of these factors above, when pointed out by the two 'prudes' on the board, are consistently met by h @ t e, anger and expressions that we are 'lying' about the risks involved.
I guess that is why we are still living and healthy. There are some members that I suspect will not make it past their middle age. There are members that extol the miracles of vaccines and treatments for HIV/STD's that - not as a weapon for eradicating disease - but simply a license for them to continue their selfish behaviors that puts all of humanity at risk.
So, the focus should not be on the fact that John and I are not well liked, but why. It has nothing to do with age; condescension; or so on, but the very simple fact that people don't like to be called out for their bad behaviors.
I think I've mentioned this to you before and if I haven't, I'm truly sorry....there is a BIG difference in how you convey the information you provide. If you don't see the difference, it would be a shame. You provide a level of sexual education but I don't recall you ever belittling anyone for what they do or do not do. What I do get a sense of is a bit of sadness on your part because of their lack of willingness to understand your point of view. Surely, you have been open to spirited debates and provided your point of view, I only recall one time that you "lost your cool". On the other hand, JohnS states what he has to say and that's all there is to it, like it's too bad you're too ignorant to know this. Surely you've had teachers, colleagues, friends in your life that say something that you don't understand but they just aren't able to communicate in a way that you can absorb it. So yes, JohnS does have a way of being condescending.
As for why you're here and responding to this thread, you know why.....it is because JohnS sent you an email and requested some backup.
Perhaps it would shine a better light on JohnS if Blaine's thread would have asked all of JohnS's friends to step forward and address his positive qualities.
I will take this opportunity to state, once again, I do not dislike someone because of their geographic location, the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, etc, it would be because who you are.
On my final note, I'm not surprised that no one has had nads enough to step up.....
I'm sure you have good intentions, hornybrat, but mirroring the very language you have used you might like to consider this - why do you feel it is your role to CONFRONT people about their behaviour? Why do you also feel it's appropriate for you to CALL OUT people for their behaviour? Can't you either keep your opinions to yourself or start a thread in here about sexual health to INFORM people?
Sounds to me like you relish taking some sort of moral high ground and lecturing people and (surprise, surprise) that might make some people get angry.
Hopefully, we are all adults on here and have enough sense to seek our own role models without you, and your ilk, pointing out that some people have a reckless disregard for safe sex.
Personally, I'd also like it if (when making claims) you quote source material. Otherwise, it just looks like 5000% has been plucked from thin air. "Anal sex is 5000% more dangerous than other activities" is a meaningless phrase. Is it 5000% more dangerous than sharing a needle with someone with HIV? 5000% more dangerous than French kissing a badger? 5000% more dangerous than wrestling a grizzly? At least if you DO choose to lecture folk you should present your argument in a more coherent fashion.
Funny two hours before I posted my response he did a creep on my profile. Which is hella disturbing considering he has blacklisted me and has no reason to be looking at my pics. That's another reason why most people loathe him. He's constantly looking for fakes or other reasons to play Barney Fife to get others in trouble so he can chicken hawk for points.
I could go on and on as to reasons why, but I'm trying to not bad mouth anyone. I will say his way of finding personal info about people is hella shady. He then uses that info, such as a persons given name and uses it without permission. That's not cool. Some don't have the ability to openly post face pics or use their demographics on here.
I stopped doing evaluations. Did not get on this site for being verbally **** by anyone. Just like looking at the pictures and reading the worthwhile comments. What I do see here are a lot of people that seem to be uncomfortable with their own skin and have to claw at others for their views. The only thing that this site needs is a little less of the mine is bigger than yours attitude that some have towards others. We are learning that everyone has an opinion and can express it, of course, unless you are the Donald!
We need to learn how to play in the sand box with the toys we are born with and not be so jealous of the opinions and looks of others.
I've said this numerous times before in various forum threads. JohnS is a hypocrite. He attempts to hold other SYD/C members to standards that he does not live up to himself.
He is also, in no particular order: a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist, a liar, a Judas, and a sneak.
JohnS is the stereotypical "You k*ds get off my lawn" grumpy old man who takes immense joy in spoiling other people's fun. He is a humorless crank.
He is also a coward. And a beater of dead horses.
For the record, I don't h@te him. I just enjoy verbally bitch-slapping him back into his cage when he forgets to mind his manners.
I'll give you my own personal perspective, Blaine:
After being on this site a while I decided I would participate in the "Evaluate Abuse Reports" shenanigans. I happened to take a different view to that expressed by JohnS and, to my surprise, I got a couple of abusive personal messages - one of which was from the very chap in question. I responded (quite bluntly) and got a further abusive message from everyone's favourite Aussie. When I attempted to reply to that second message I was informed that JohnS had blacklisted me - so I did the same! Consequently, I have been unable to read any of his forum posts since that day. However, I have seen how he behaves in, what some call, "The Star Chamber". Firstly, I believe that he errs on the side of assuming EVERY new member is a fake rather than the opposite. Secondly, when he refers to pics he has a nasty habit of finding a really insulting way of letting you know which pic he is talking about. One example I can recall is where he referred to a pic of someone's butt as "the pic of the cornhole" or something similar. Others will have seen many such derogatory/nasty ways he has described pics. Thirdly, (and this may just be me) his tone implies that he is the self-appointed Sheriff of SYD/SYC and that anyone who takes an opposing view must, necessarily, be of diminished intellect. I'm long enough in the tooth to recognise what is essentially bullying, even if it is of the passive/aggressive variety - so I don't have a great opinion of him. On the other hand: I don't think I've directly insulted him - other than my quip that I believed JohnS thought of himself as a wit, and I thought he was HALF right!
It's sad that he is unable to see or accept what it is about him that members do not find endearing. As I said, perhaps Blaine should have asked what positive thoughts members have of JohnS since that seems to be the only thing that JohnS wants to hear.
I just peed myself laughing. JohnS considers himself as a lion or tiger? Oh, hecky, NO! meow.....meow.....meow.....
Well, lions and tigers ARE in the...um..."pussy" family. Kinda.
Also, lions do not "hunt alone". They hunt in groups AND they sneak up on their intended prey (which is "stealth" if you have any command of the English language).
This is a private message that JohnS sent at least one member, probably more than that
Mar 29, **
Mar 27, **
Stuff the panel and the stupid Defender of the Fakes bitch and her cohorts.
Mar 26, **
No wonder I am pleased to be out of it.
Now this is one of JohnS's old forum threads from 2011, a time when it did not cost points to post silliness in the forum.
Started by JohnS at 09,Oct,11 10:20 other posts
I noted this somewhat ageist and discriminatory comment recently on the group homepage, perhaps the older members could put their views and opinions forward.
John S.
"HotnReady4u wrote (Oct 9, 07:53):
I'm so freakin tired of all these old ass fuckin guys trying to talk to me! IT'S FREAKIN GROSS!! I'm about to delete my account, I can't stand it. Anyways, if you're young, check out my profile!
He's cuckoo for cocoa puffs! He has the audacity to call somebody out for posting an ageist and discriminatory comment but he calls me a bitch. My, my, my JohnS, your messages speak loudly about who you really are.
JohnS, even though I don't have a personal problem with you, I found the comment on her topic uncalled for since the person just wanted to know where one of the hottest girls on here had gone.
"It may have some "merit" and some members may find it amusing and not too hard for their intellect, however I personally will not be concerning myself with it."
Setting aside the fact that his statement implies that he finds it too hard for HIS intellect, it is a condescending statement which serves no purpose other than to show that JOHn believes himself "above the common folk".
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours
I just noticed that John did, in fact, take a guess on one of my True or Lie posts. So, the "I personally will not be concerning myself with it" portion of his comment was...um...less than honest.
"**** and I are interesting plus we think for ourselves and that makes us unique.
Some individuals try to be smart and have "fun" at our expense but only show their obtuseness by doing so.
We also do not belong to cliquey little groups like some lost lambs but act and think independently."
So, JohnS thinks of himself to be interesting and unique, I will agree to that, but interesting and unique in a good way? Everyone has a weird Uncle that is seated at something other than the main table for holiday gatherings. That's JohnS.
This is another example of JohnS pulling another member into some mess that he started but lacks the substance of being able to finish the job on his own.
Also, he makes reference to "cliquey groups", what groups? The groups for Australian residents or those that are into fisting? Groups are established for like minded people, people who share the same interest. You might not be the moderator of a formal group but you spend an inordinate amount of time generating and sending private messages regarding various members. How are your actions any different? So the next time some of you "lost lambs" receive a private message from JohnS, just know that that puppeteer is one of SYD's biggest manipulators!
Read the thread again, old man and read the responses. No one suggested that Blaine25 had a problem, only you. But since you have a penchant for dragging members down into the messes that you create, I must ask Blaine25, how many private messages did it take from him to convince you that members reaons to dislike him were unfounded? I'm curious, is JohnS or this topic worthy of you using 20 of your points? Just an f.y.i., he wouldn't have used his 20 points on you or anyone else. Believe that!
As for me welcoming a member and now voting to delete him, one of his cronies beat me there by several days but he fails to mention that!
--------------------------------------- added after 36 minutes
And guess who couldn't help themself and posted this message on the reported member's wall? You're right, none other than JohnS!
JohnS wrote (Mar 29, 04:3
You must NVER send messages to other members stating you are in fact only 17.
Yep! He was so excited about advising another member what they should not be doing that he and spellcheck didn't catch the mistake.
Regarding the points you've made; 1) old, he is old 2) condescending, he is condescending 3) regarding anonymous messages, I can only speak for myself so....anything I've wanted to say, I sent to him via private message. Unfortunately, that line of communication is no longer since I was blacklisted by him. Just for a point of clarification, you are unable to communicate anonymously with another member. Perhaps you're speaking about posting anonymous messages on a member's wall or on their posted pictures, I've done that, however I've always posted my screen name.
One of the things that JohnS continues to do and without any consequences is that he uses members birth names in the public domain without their consent. Also, he continually sends hypothesis to other members, whether they are his "friend" or whether he perceives them to be his supporter. Just my opinion, JohnS is SYD's original and only mole because he does like to do some underground digging to find out whatever dirt is possible on others. He can't be faulted for having a high opinion about himself but it might be nice if he pulled his head out of the clouds and realized he's just a man, a mere mortal.
You've been here 2+ years, surely you've read his posts in the forum and comments that he's made within the evaluation panel. I find many of his comments to be racist, sexist and insulting yet I cannot honestly believe he gets his feelings hurt when he sees or receives what he perceives to be ageist remarks. Here's something to look at if you need "for instance", look at the Dafuq thread. JohnS was the primary contributor to that thread but was hurt and/or insulted when he found that he was the topic for consideration, comments and laughs. JohnS doesn’t mind if he has the stick and is doing the poking but don't take your stick and poke at him.
For all you who have not received the memo from JohnS about being set-up and having his voting privilege withdrawn on the evaluation panel, he was not set-up, sadly, he just can't help himself.... The evaluation panel is not the venue for "shit slinging", it is merely the platform for voting members to determine the fate of a reported member. He used that platform to call me something other than my name and I, yes I, reported him to admin.
One of those people has already commented with the usual condescending statements. The rest of that group of individuals will certainly comment but will not answer your question so we both will never know the answer to your question.
One of that group does not like Australians and has sent anonymous messages to another Australian member and made their distain for Australians obvious.
They put on facades of "respectability", false humility and morals.
With me what you see is what you get.
If they think they can get rid of me by sending abusive messages to me on my birthday (a copy on another discussion) from a fake deleted account or by the current business with the review panel nonsense they are wasting their time as they underestimate the Australian spirit.
Hyenas hunt in packs and will only attack by stealth whereas lions and tigers hunt alone.
Given that tigers are native to Asia and India, if any of them were actually members here, John would immediately refer them for deletion. He is particularly prejudiced against individuals who come from those parts of the world...
The retorts by those confronted regarding their unsafe behaviors run the range from 'It's just fantasy' or 'I am always careful' to 'I only go with people that look healthy/clean' and so on.
It only takes once. A slip in judgement; a broken condom; a vindictive or lying sexual partner. Example: anal sex is 5000% more dangerous than other activities; one act of anal has the same risk factor of 50 acts of oral - yet people (mostly gay guys) continually regale us with tales of anonymous sexual encounters with multiple partners - many whom will never be seen again. Condom manufacturers state that failure rates are 5 - 14% consistently, but these statistics refer to vaginal sex. Anal sex is much rougher on the condom material. The condom doesn't have to break; it just needs a weakness created that allows the passage of pathogens.
These poor role models give our youth bad examples to follow, as their accounts of their escapades never have any mention of sexual responsibility or potential risk factors. Indeed, there are a number of members here who seem to flaunt their risktaking...and the rest of us be damned.
"Six Degrees of Separation" is a concept which they seem to have a lack of comprehension.
All of these factors above, when pointed out by the two 'prudes' on the board, are consistently met by h @ t e, anger and expressions that we are 'lying' about the risks involved.
I guess that is why we are still living and healthy. There are some members that I suspect will not make it past their middle age. There are members that extol the miracles of vaccines and treatments for HIV/STD's that - not as a weapon for eradicating disease - but simply a license for them to continue their selfish behaviors that puts all of humanity at risk.
So, the focus should not be on the fact that John and I are not well liked, but why. It has nothing to do with age; condescension; or so on, but the very simple fact that people don't like to be called out for their bad behaviors.
As for why you're here and responding to this thread, you know why.....it is because JohnS sent you an email and requested some backup.
Perhaps it would shine a better light on JohnS if Blaine's thread would have asked all of JohnS's friends to step forward and address his positive qualities.
I will take this opportunity to state, once again, I do not dislike someone because of their geographic location, the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, etc, it would be because who you are.
On my final note, I'm not surprised that no one has had nads enough to step up.....
Sounds to me like you relish taking some sort of moral high ground and lecturing people and (surprise, surprise) that might make some people get angry.
Hopefully, we are all adults on here and have enough sense to seek our own role models without you, and your ilk, pointing out that some people have a reckless disregard for safe sex.
Personally, I'd also like it if (when making claims) you quote source material. Otherwise, it just looks like 5000% has been plucked from thin air. "Anal sex is 5000% more dangerous than other activities" is a meaningless phrase. Is it 5000% more dangerous than sharing a needle with someone with HIV? 5000% more dangerous than French kissing a badger? 5000% more dangerous than wrestling a grizzly? At least if you DO choose to lecture folk you should present your argument in a more coherent fashion.
We need to learn how to play in the sand box with the toys we are born with and not be so jealous of the opinions and looks of others.
He is also, in no particular order: a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist, a liar, a Judas, and a sneak.
JohnS is the stereotypical "You k*ds get off my lawn" grumpy old man who takes immense joy in spoiling other people's fun. He is a humorless crank.
He is also a coward. And a beater of dead horses.
For the record, I don't h@te him. I just enjoy verbally bitch-slapping him back into his cage when he forgets to mind his manners.
After being on this site a while I decided I would participate in the "Evaluate Abuse Reports" shenanigans. I happened to take a different view to that expressed by JohnS and, to my surprise, I got a couple of abusive personal messages - one of which was from the very chap in question. I responded (quite bluntly) and got a further abusive message from everyone's favourite Aussie. When I attempted to reply to that second message I was informed that JohnS had blacklisted me - so I did the same! Consequently, I have been unable to read any of his forum posts since that day. However, I have seen how he behaves in, what some call, "The Star Chamber". Firstly, I believe that he errs on the side of assuming EVERY new member is a fake rather than the opposite. Secondly, when he refers to pics he has a nasty habit of finding a really insulting way of letting you know which pic he is talking about. One example I can recall is where he referred to a pic of someone's butt as "the pic of the cornhole" or something similar. Others will have seen many such derogatory/nasty ways he has described pics. Thirdly, (and this may just be me) his tone implies that he is the self-appointed Sheriff of SYD/SYC and that anyone who takes an opposing view must, necessarily, be of diminished intellect. I'm long enough in the tooth to recognise what is essentially bullying, even if it is of the passive/aggressive variety - so I don't have a great opinion of him. On the other hand: I don't think I've directly insulted him - other than my quip that I believed JohnS thought of himself as a wit, and I thought he was HALF right!
I just peed myself laughing. JohnS considers himself as a lion or tiger? Oh, hecky, NO! meow.....meow.....meow.....
Also, lions do not "hunt alone". They hunt in groups AND they sneak up on their intended prey (which is "stealth" if you have any command of the English language).
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