![](/avatars/409/409634.jpg) | I find it effing hilarious that some snuff film reject, who by the way left me ugly messages on my page first got all vag sore that I did it back to him. Then he messages me kissing my butt saying he actually likes me, when I reply okay why did you leave that ugly message, he proceeds to ban me and leaves another ugly message about me. So I burned his points and left him shit and poison. Then he goes on my page and leaves more ugly messages.I swear people drink some prune juice or something. All this lack of fiber is fucking annoying. Don't get your crusty undies in wad cause I don't want to screw you.Rant over, peace out ~ Evil Fairy aka HBIC.
Nov 8, 01:25 gizmobear: My apologies .Bye! Nov 8, 01:21 evil-fairy: Okay... then why did you leave a snarky comment on my page? Dude like I don't know you. Nov 8, 01:12 gizmobear: Some how I don't think you're as bad as you make out to be. Nov 8, 01:07 gizmobear: lol.I honestly like you're sense of humour! The only lotion I'd like to rub on you is mine. But I'm sure you would never let that happen!______ Nov 8, 00:58 evil-fairy: Youre not gonna toss me in a well now, and make me rub lotion on my skin?
Nov 8, 00:55 gizmobear: Nov 8, 00:50 evil-fairy: evil-fairy has deleted gizmobear from his/her friends Nov 8, 00:50 evil-fairy: Sorry about that norman bates. Nov 8, 00:50 evil-fairy: opps accident
Nov 8, 00:41 gizmobear: Surely you're not serious?! You added me to friends you'd like to kill I assume? Nov 8, 00:39 evil-fairy: evil-fairy has added gizmobear to his/her friends |
"gizmobear" is that slang for something?
I'm not sure what its slang for, but his page looks like some bad , low budget, snuff film.
I noticed that his friends and comments are a certain group of people that are into degradation, and humiliation. One of them didn't like that I said her panties had enough yeast to start a bakery a few weeks back. Yet it was fine that some guy said he was goint to gut her, tie her up, and leave her body to rot for wild **** to find...
The other "female" of his friends is ahead of me in the pic of the month contest... The man friend of his has pics of the panty chick, with "humiliating" comments on his page. Funny thing is none of the females have pics that look like they were taken in the last 2 decades. For one I haven't seen clothing or shoes like that being worn since Clinton was getting his cigar rolled.
I remember receiving a pic from a guy, who was fucking a girls and it looked like he had whipped cream all over his dick and balls. I asked him if he knew that she had yeast infection and he said she was fine, just really excited and had lots of pussy cream! Men are clueless about that kind of stuff.
Is this a planned comeback of you know who?
Men are clueless, they think a woman actually makes thick cream when they cum. Its not, its either yeast or BV. And contrary to belief, men can get these infections too, and are often times the carrier, and spreader of them.
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