| By Mt3594 at 23,Sep,13 11:12 Edit
I grew up uncircumcised, and in Navy Boot camp about a hundred of us recruits had to pass a swimming test. The test was done at the base pool, and we all had to strip naked. The officer in charge explained that we all had to shower, and anyone who was uncircumcised needed to retract their foreskin and wash their cockhead. When exited the showers to enter the pool, we were instructed to form 2 lines, one for circumcised guys and one for us that were uncircumcised. Of the hundred or more sailors, there were only a handfull of us that still had our foreskins. I was the last in the uncircumcised line. I had a small cock when flaccid, with a very long foreskin and overhang. When It came my time, the officer in charge had me stand in front of him at attention. He looked at my small cock and ordered me to pull back my foreskin for his inspection. I guess he was checking to make sure I had washed away any smegma. I passed, but having many other recruits the circumcised line looking over me and sort of smirking was pretty humiliating. |
I don't believe half of what you are saying!
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Mt3594 blacklisted me, so this is the way I react on his topic because he blocked me to react. I know..! I know, I should't have...
first sentence is understood!
Fake foreskin...
You have machine gunned it into the foreheads of every SYD/SYC member here, countless...times.
"machine gunned into the foreheads of every member"???
Man, I only used words! In a discussion! Is that wrong?
Yes, in most discussions about circumcision, I turn up. And I do so for a reason:
1. foreskin has a function;
2. hand off of b o y s untill they are old enough (18 y/o) to decide for themselves;
3. break down stupid arguments about health, looking better, protecting against HIV, and this list goes on and on.
I have NOTHING agains a guy that is cut! His parents decicion or his own! NOTHING!
I don't like a cut cock personaly, I LOVE foreskin! Love the look, love the play, love the smell, love the taste, love the way it works! Right! I have had a lot of sexpartners that think the same.
But some guys are born in a country or religion that makes it impossible for a guy to know about this from his own experience. Because at day one, eight, or at age 6, they will meet the knife.
And that is what should stop!
I think cutting in c h i l d's genitalia is WRONG! Boy OR girl!
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