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Who is the sexiest female on this site?

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Started by #333646 [Ignore] 21,Aug,13 16:02

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By #39300 01,Sep,13 00:17
EMM, PinkMartini, RedItalianRose, Rose, EvilFairy (crazy hot!), ChocolateDyamond, HarleyQuinn, like2c, WOfemale (also crazy hot!).
By Rose [Ignore] 01,Sep,13 23:11 other posts 
Thank you for the mention!
By #39300 02,Sep,13 03:56
You deserve it
By #342651 19,Sep,13 16:47

By #335866 03,Sep,13 04:54
all girls are gorgeous here have to say. For me are:
ROSE,CHOCOLATEDYAMOND,CASSYGIRL,PINKMARTINI,AREXA52. these are very nice and polite ladies. you are all number 1 on my list before I get into trouble by singling them out
hopefully, wont get into trouble by not mentioning other sexy girls here
By #358797 03,Sep,13 21:04
Awh! I don't know what to say! Thank you!
By Rose [Ignore] 03,Sep,13 22:28 other posts 
I am honored, thank you!
By #402506 19,Sep,13 07:43
Hey I just saw this and thank you you're so sweet

By #349781 08,Sep,13 15:15
Not to brag but....
By #164428 08,Sep,13 17:06
Another one, trolling for a compliment.

Hey, if the newbies are going to do it, why don't I! Top Ten member for at least a year, voted most friendly, etc. Vote for me!
--------------------------------------- added after 110 seconds

JK, of course. Well, all of that is true, but sexy is in the eye of the beholder. I would never put myself out there.
By bigguy [Ignore] 09,Sep,13 00:09 other posts 
You can do this, you earned the right!
By #343754 09,Sep,13 01:31
I would have never known of Tatie if she hadn't posted here but her pics are quite stunning. I do understand the whole tooting your own horn thing but I'm glad she did.
By bigguy [Ignore] 09,Sep,13 08:59 other posts 
You do have a point itrain.

By #215432 09,Sep,13 02:29
Guess I'm a little late, but, Obscura is the epitome of Sexy!
By bigguy [Ignore] 09,Sep,13 08:58 other posts 
We are all to late. But you are right that she is. I sure do miss her!!!

By bigguy [Ignore] 29,Aug,13 13:59 other posts 
After a lot of thinking I decided to give my opinion. I have narrowed it down to 2 and i'm not going to list them in any particular order. This is not based on looks alone there is so much more than that which makes a woman sexy. Her dress or lack of "I prefer dressed" her neatness and probably the most outstanding thing for me is, if she has a cute attitude and without a doubt beyond all is how she interacts with me. Here are my two favorites.


These ladies are both extremely gorgeuos and are the sweetest thing you can imagine. Their interaction is unbelievable and both have the cutest little attitude ever.
There is another that I really like and she is as sexy as all get out but she treat me the same way. And then there is another that is heading for the top QUICKLY!!!! And I think she knows who she is.
By #390248 07,Sep,13 11:17
I'm in a state of complete and total suspense!
By #316935 08,Sep,13 20:06
Aww thanks x
By bigguy [Ignore] 09,Sep,13 00:05 other posts 
That's my girl!!

By #428387 08,Sep,13 02:22
I just want to reaffirm my list and put the girls back on the top where they belong .

Here you are my inspiration has just cum down from the Gods


And of cause all the other lovely lady's who it would be rude to leave out
By #358797 08,Sep,13 06:41
Awh. Thanks.
By Rose [Ignore] 08,Sep,13 14:45 other posts 
Thank you poolboy!

By #427395 31,Aug,13 21:32
i should be in the list but im new lol... i better be mentioned
By #164428 31,Aug,13 23:21
Wow. Trolling for a compliment?

Now if you were here for a couple of years and ranked in the Top Ten in popularity on the site, that would be another story.
By #358797 06,Sep,13 19:21
Nice one. Go Steffi!
By #164428 06,Sep,13 20:01
Thank you, my sweet dear. I just can't abide arrogant people. There's another of her posts below wherein she flips the bird for not being included. And all this after being a member for ONE DAY.
--------------------------------------- added after 86 seconds

at 31,Aug,13 21:31 other posts

why am i not on the list


By Cum4Steffi at 31,Aug,13 23:54 other posts

You said that you are new. And let me tell you; you will not endear yourself to us with the attitude.

By #358797 06,Sep,13 20:07
Oh goodness, completely understandable. That type of arrogance irritates me as well. How can someone that new expect such an honor as to be listed here after a single day?
Hell, I was surprised I was mentioned in this thread, I've only been here a little over 6 months, lol.
By #164428 06,Sep,13 23:00
Thank you for the support and understanding! Not much gets me angry. Most here know me to be a cheerful, friendly sort. But that is one of my "buttons". lol

I'm not surprised you were mentioned. You are well known here, and you're gorgeous on the outside, and sweet and kind on the inside. I'd nominate you in a heartbeat.
By #358797 06,Sep,13 23:30
That's one of the things that irritate me as well, childish bullshit pisses me off quicker than anything, though. Never a shortage of that here. Lol!
And thanks, Steffi! You're too sweet. You're all those things as well!
News to me that I'm well known here. Lol. I don't really talk to many people. I stick to a very select few.
By #316255 07,Sep,13 01:19
Isn't that one of the entertaining parts of being on this site? Silly Arexa....
By #358797 07,Sep,13 01:56
It'd be more entertaining if more people could actually hold a slightly decent conversation. Switched my messages to friends only because I got so sick of guys telling me they want to ram their dick up my ass. Only one dick I want up my ass, and it sure as shit wasn't theirs! Lol.
By #164428 07,Sep,13 01:29
Thank you, my sweet dear.
By #358797 07,Sep,13 01:57
No need to thank me for the truth.
By #409634 07,Sep,13 02:37
Well excuse us then. Let me be the first to plant my lips on that there fart box of yours...well after I take my foot and kick ya where the good lawd split cha.
By #164428 07,Sep,13 04:56
By bigguy [Ignore] 07,Sep,13 05:31 other posts 
Come on ladies cut her a little slack she is just looking for a compliment. Ya'll get all the attention "and deserve it" but don't blame her for trying. Sl_ttywh_re15 1st of all I don't like your choice of usernames that's very disrespectful to yourself. To the business at hand being sexy is not just about a bunch of photo's of your naked ass "are whatever'. You may very well be, you want a few pointers on being sexy I have 1 in mind that has commented here above check her out. Miss Evil-Fairy, SHE IS SEXY!!! As a matter of fact after looking back I have no hesitation in telling you to look at all the above ladies, they are all very sexy! These ladies are all beautiful and sexy and not only do they look sexy they talk it. Have a good time here if you are really sexy you will not need to beg for attention I assure.
By #358797 07,Sep,13 13:41
No offense, but it's easier to cut someone a break when they don't arrogantly demand something they have yet to earn.
By #316255 07,Sep,13 13:47
Nobody came on this thread demanding compliments, nor being rude and abrasive (giving people the bird) but one, bigguy. That's why she's received the responses her actions generated.

We are all grown women here and don't need to be reprimanded on our responses to rudeness.
By #390248 07,Sep,13 13:56
uh oh! it appears that somebody has miscalculated.
By #164428 07,Sep,13 15:40
I couldn't have said it better myself.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Coming on, unknown to us, and saying she'd "better be mentioned" is beyond rude. And then to say it again in so many words, while flipping the bird? I have noted, in her page comments, that she trolls for compliments as a matter of course....Her name should be Attentionwhore.

People here know I'm a big mush, but this really pushed my buttons.
By bigguy [Ignore] 08,Sep,13 01:32 other posts 
I did not approve at all of what she did, don't read something that is not there. Emm i'm sorry you took it the way you did I didn't mean to shit in your cornflakes. You know i'm a nice guy and always give someone the benefit of a second chance. I didn't look at her and see she was shooting the bird at us, had I seen that my comment would have been a bit different. I did not make the statement to be taken as I was reprimanding anyone, I know that none of you are **** except possibly the person that made the demand to be mentioned. I'm on your side not hers but I will give her a chance and i'm sorry if some of ya'll don't like it. She is new which is really not an excuse for her to do that. I want to look at it this way, is she even sexy?
Can she show that she is? As of now I sure havn't seen it.
Here is a challenge lady, prove it, you have your work cut out now, you sure had a piss poor start. SEXY is a title you earn around here and the right attitude can be sexy. It's all you now!!!

By #419898 22,Aug,13 09:00
Oh, that's easy!
By #333646 22,Aug,13 09:03
who is it then?
By #419898 22,Aug,13 09:55
By #409137 22,Aug,13 15:50
EMM most definitely but as Laurence sayes there are so many it would be rude not to inclued them all. kisses to all you lovely lady's
--------------------------------------- added after 34 hours

Here you are my inspiration has just cum down from the Gods
And of cause all the other lovely's who it would be rude to leave out
By #428387 07,Sep,13 02:20
For #409137 read poolboy And can I just mention Rose
By Rose [Ignore] 07,Sep,13 16:58 other posts 
Thank you very much!

By #427539 02,Sep,13 06:33
My wife
By #316255 04,Sep,13 18:31
How about her mother, her cousin, the unicorn and half the other women residing in that fantasyland in your head?
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Sep,13 18:32 other posts 
By bigone21 [Ignore] 04,Sep,13 19:06 other posts 

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