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New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.wanking uncock cock compared to cut cock 2.Cock C-O-N-T-E-ST 3.Cock photo contest ! 4.Big Cock and fondling it 5.cock to cock tributes Comments: |
What you quoted was an answer to a topic where a guy asked if uncut cocks were favored on this site. He was under impression that uncut cocks get more attention than cut cocks. Which is a whole bunch of bull shit, I'll say it again. Presence of foreskin is the not even on my list of deciding factors. I've see several ads on CL, where a guy was looking for a m4m with cut cocks only. Does that mean, everyone who got an uncut cock, should run and get circed? I don't get it, why is it so important for the receiving party? Wash it and it'll taste great, suck it and it will feel amazing, fuck it and be marry! The only thing that creates the different feeling in the vagina is the size, the length, the girth and which way the cock is curved, but not the presence or absence of foreskin.
Can you tell if a cock in your ass is cut or uncut, without knowing who is fucking you?
You, my friend, are discriminating against men who got something they had no say over. That's the way it was when they noticed it and they learned to enjoy it... My husband is uncut, and if I preferred cut cocks, would that be ok for me to ask him to get circed or if he was cut, should I ask him to work on his foreskin restoration? What do you think he would say? Or should I ask, how fast he would ran away? It is what it is, and you got to make the best out of what you got.
I have strong ideas about circumcission of baby-boys, I think that should stop! But I have nothing against clipped men!
I just think circumcission of baby-boys should be stopped as a standard-procedure. Ne need to do so! The only one gaining is the doctor having a BMW & a well paid life out of it!
I agree, but I think that religion should be banned too, but that's not happening.
have a look at:
Blah blah blah mutilation.
Blah blah blah sensitivity.
Blah blah blah masturbation without lube.
Blah blah blah unhygienic.
Blah blah blah Nature intended.
Then, somebody calls someone else something mean.
Blah blah blah FEMALE circumcision.
Blah blah blah mutilation...again.
Bottom line: It isn't the cock that matters, it's the guy who OWNS it that is important.
Bottom line under that: It's just a fuckin' dick for gawd's sake. Get over it! It isn't like they performed a damn lobotomy...
So on SYD.org, "It's just a fuckin' dick for gawd's sake". Well, that's not why I am on this site, or in this forum.
If it was "just" a dick, there wouldn't be sites like this. I have never came upon "showyourknee.org" or "showyourtoes.org"
If you don't want the discussion, don't get into the discussion!
The problem with Americans is they don't want to seriously debate about circumcision. They feel it's just normal, when it is NOT! Like owning a gun and be allowed to wear it in the streat is NOT NORMAL in most parts of the world.
On the other hand, they discuss legislation on how big your can of soda can be and if one can smoke a cigarette in a park...
Before this decade ends, circumcision of baby-boys for other than strict medical reasons will be banned in some countries in Europe. Because there is no need to do so. Because it conflicts with the physical integrety of the c h i l d.
Bottom line is: I get my ears washed by you for two words: cut/uncut. That was only part of the question in the thread... You are quite sensative!
I agree, circumcision is not necessary unless there is a medical reason for it, but so is a Sunday mess, but people do it, because they believe in what is normal for them. And so is carrying guns. I have a gun, because I live on 2 acres of land and I have snakes, badgers, raccoons and wolfs roam in my yard. If it ever gets close enough for me to feel threaten and I can't shush them away, I'm shooting, and mounting that stuff on the wall. A lot of people in US live besides wild ****, and you never know what you'll see when you open that front door. In Texas, I had a diamond back snake sitting on my back porch couple of times and I didn't have a gun at that time, and I didn't have a shovel or an axe in the house, either. I was pretty scared to go outside, you know. People argue that guns kill people, but spoons got a much higher death toll on American, but no one is blaming it on the spoons for making people fat? People kill people!
I just ask you to tell me why you think why a parent should be allowed to give order to a doctor to cut up the penis of their b o y!
no less, no more! WHY do they have that right??
Like I said...it ain't a dang lobotomy...
You make it sound like there are millions of crippled, foreskinless guys out there just hanging on to their empty, desolate lives, and forever outcast from the joys of Society and pleasurable sex until Death releases them from emotional and physical agony beyond description.
They have that right because they are the parents.
Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about the Pro-Choice/Pro-Life issue? (Not looking to get into a debate on abortion here! Just wondering if you would insist that Choice is fine...as long as they don't harm the foreskin).
I don't "make it sound" like anything. I never said anything like: "there are millions of crippled, foreskinless guys out there just hanging on to their empty, desolate lives, and forever outcast from the joys of Society and pleasurable sex until Death releases them from emotional and physical agony beyond description."
Don't put words in my mouth!
I am just against the practice of circumsising baby-boys as standard-procedure.
And for as far as "They have that right because they are the parents." goes: if I would say I would have my s o n pierced with a PA-piercing, just like daddy has, this forum would explode! And rightfully so!
Hands off! Physical integerety is a right!
Why is this allowed? Well, apparently our society doesn't see it as a big whoop tee do, it's been practiced for centuries, is relatively safe (except for a few cases per year, where something goes wrong), provides some health benefit and requires less frequent washing, also it's easier to clean a baby boy, who is circumcised than retracting the foreskin of their sоn on a regular basis. Some parents just don't want to deal with it, as sometimes the little penis gets hard as you clean it, and some parents are uncomfortable with seeing their kids boner every day.
What do you think about tonsillectomy and appendectomy? How about **** transfusions?
society is to us not the same concept. your society differs from mine. and an asian or an african could come in the discussion, with a completely different background.
in stating our opinions we all have our background, what i think is normal is ridiculed at the other side of the world. and same way around, i may question something that is normal or standard procedure on a different continent.
in europe is a discussion going on about circumcising boys. europeans doctors advice is NOT to do it anymore. because there is no need, no gain, and no advantages or benefits. that is NOT just my opinion, that is the opinion of the organisation of doctors in my country and in more countries in europe.
95% of the boys in europe are NOT circumcised. And it is NOT a problem! in this discussion the arguments used are: physical integrety of the baby-boy against 10.000 arguments from the opposing view.
i think the argument os physical integrety is enough. that, and the fact that a circumcission can not be undone is enough.
and if parents cannot deal with the boner of a little **** when the wash his genitals, and can't deal with the fact thad a **** has a sexual side, maybe they should not parent at all.
or think about why they have a problem with the sexual feelings of the boy who was born as a consequence of their own sexual act.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
coz*; hearing*
I couldn't care less what label you put on me!
I also fund Warchild and Greenpeace, do you mind I have an opinion of what is wrong in this world?
I don't care if some cut-brigade hardliners get sick and tired of it.
The practice of cutting up baby-boys for no (medical) reason has to stop!
End of message!
That's baselikely it!
Think about it this way: the only reason why opposition in any kind of field exists, is a reaction on what is happening and NOT considered well to go on like that!
The powers that be, they don't discuss or debate, they just execute their power, and will typecast anyone who thinks different as: "brigade"
You seem to have missed the point of my comment, so I will explain:
There are around 500 threads posted on the forum which address the same issue as this one does.
Each one of them covers the same exact arguments...usually posted by the same exact people.
They all end up as shouting matches and name-calling instead of actual discussions.
I was just pointing out that you were kind of pissing up a rope by starting a new thread about the same thing.
Also, while I have nothing at all against dicks, it is, at the end of the day, just a tube of meat designed to allow a man to pee standing up and to deposit semen in a lady's who-ha. Hardly the most important part of the body. Removing the foreskin does not impair any important bodily functions. On the other hand, carving out a chunk of the brain would seriously screw up a person's thinky-junk.
The reason that "Americans" don't want to engage in "serious" debate about circumcision is that it is a damn sully subject to waste time on when there are much more REALLY serious issues to discuss. Global climate change? World hunger? Economic collapse? Diseases spread throughout the world? Sure, starving people are stuck in a drought, have no money for food and are wasting away from illness BUT...they have their FORESKINS, which is what REALLY matters...
Basically he is a New Ager with an agenda, he will not deviate from that agenda nor will he listen to or consider any other viewpoints or opinions.
Even if he were confronted by a group of leading urological specialists or even Jewish mohels he would not listen, in fact he would mock and argue with them.
Not only will such individuals fo-r-ce their agenda onto others they will also frustrate and stifle informed debate. Their minds are closed and as far as they are concerned you / we are wrong.
"Does cut/uncut, shape or form, being small or even big, big mushroom or small head make a difference??"
The only reaction is on cut/uncut. And there is some sensetivity there!
This same thread asked if "shape or form, being small or even big, big mushroom or small head make a difference??"
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