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Started by #3034 [Ignore] 02,Dec,09 18:17
After seeing the prostitution topic I figured I would start this topic to see how many 4-20 followers I have on here. Do you think Marijuana should be legalized. And why or why not?

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By #296159 13,Dec,12 12:38
Well in Germany,we have a amount (it depends on the state) of weed you are allowed to possess without getting a
prosecution. But the consumption is still illegal. So and because we also live right on the border to Holland, many people just smuggle their weed through the border control. And if they get cought it will be a crime, because they have tried to import marijuana in to the country. So in fact i would think it would be a better idea to not legalize it, but to decriminalize the drug. So everybody would be able to smoke, grow and possess weed under a sertain amount.

By #303133 12,Dec,12 17:42
Hey! Where did mr7 go?
By #323005 12,Dec,12 17:43
I think he started insulting Admin...
By #303133 12,Dec,12 17:44
Always a bad move...
he was here a second ago and then...POOF...he goed bye-bye.
By #323005 12,Dec,12 17:46
"no great loss"
By #303133 12,Dec,12 18:09
Anger issues will ALWAYS bite you on the ass...
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Dec,12 18:32 other posts 
I believe he deleted his own profile. He left a message on my page before he left. I'm going to miss him.

By steve8211 [Ignore] 11,Dec,12 07:29 other posts 
Doesn't make any difference if they legalized or not. If somebody wants they will go get it!!

By #59855 10,Dec,12 13:14
From Matt's Wife: I am not in favour of legalizing pot at all. It can help some people in medical form but that has to be regulated.

By boc [Ignore] 07,Dec,12 10:55 other posts 
Yes, marijuana should be legal. The "war on drugs" is only a feel good slogan for the extreme right.

By CreativeOne [Ignore] 07,Dec,12 07:35 other posts 
Man made booze ... God made Pot , who do you trust ?

By slipper [Ignore] 10,Dec,09 02:22 other posts 
Yes, and tax it!

By #6236 03,Dec,09 12:09
the hemp indistry was killed by the americam forest ,paper giants,they saw it as competition for their products,so they gave it a bad name.did you ever see the film reefer madness,produced by the paper industry,the name randolf hurst springs to mind.
hemp is a viable product for paper and is legal,mj is the same thing with a higher thc content,in canada marijuana is legal by presiption for the ill,and they may grow their own for their needs,the gov't grows it too but i have heard it is terrible,
aspirin is made from willow bark go figure,

By #38932 02,Dec,09 20:21
Don't care...

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