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Does having a penis make you feel powerful?

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #13286 [Ignore] 01,Dec,09 02:19
One time I heard a guy say he loved the way he felt when he got hard, and that it made him feel powerful and want to get aggressive.

Do any of you other men relate to this statement?

I've always wondered what it would feel like to have a penis...

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By #80597 07,Jun,10 21:57
I certainly get off on attention being drawn to my size. I think it doesn't make me feel powerful so much and I get off on the other person perceiving me as powerful?

lpsg (large penis support group) is a website that is a good resource on this.

i also get off on small cock humiliation. i guess i get off on perceptions of size?
By #5440 08,Jun,10 11:32
You certainly do have a powerful and beautiful manhood I would love to feel your strength!

By #5440 08,Jun,10 11:29
When I comment on a big penis, I very often use the words powerful and strong. I see large cocks as a physical demonstration of masculinity, and I want that masculinity inside me, filling me and conquering me. When I'm being possessed by a thick, long male organ, I feel a unity with its virility.

But penises both large and small also make me feel very tender. I want to kiss them and caress them and pleasure them. As much as I see the penis as the symbol of masculine power, I also see the penis as the source of male vulnerability, and that makes me feel protective.

By #23212 08,Jun,10 02:59
Having a penis makes me feel like I have a nozzle on the end of my garden hose--my PiPi squirts out straight and to where it's directed; instead of 'dribbling out', sometimes getting all over 'the area', and making a little mess that needs 'a clean up'. (Of course, 'clean-up play is another topic for a fun discussion though. )

By #6568 01,Dec,09 03:02
Really interesting post......

While I don't really recognise any feelings of true aggression, I do share his feeling of tangible 'power' when properly aroused and strongly erect.

There does come a point in the arousal process where my shaft is thick, hard and twitching and 'demands' both attention and use. And, I DO feel a different sort of male when it's happening,...a sexual 'animal' sort of feeling,..and 'potent' perhaps rather than 'powerful'. As you get more turned on there is a muscle reaction in all of the larger muscle groups so your whole body is reacting and feeling good and strong(er).

My feeling towards the woman are interesting in that I feel an urgent need to penetrate quite forcefully and completely but always control that urge in the early stages of getting the woman excited and aroused. When the time comes to penetrate her it needs to be done with care and kindness (usually) so I am conciously thinking about her in a warm sensual way while actually getting into her. I do this intentionally to make it as nice for her as I can and to NOT just start thrusting.

I am quite thick around the base of my shaft so I have to control the feeling of 'power' in the early stages and suppress this by thinking 'loving' and warm sensual thoughts for the woman. I use a steady sliding movement rather than thrusts.

Once I know she is getting very excited and needs/wants more vigorous thrusts I do enjoy the very 'male' feeling of hard firm long thrusts that push right up into her pelvis. I now let the full length go in so that the thick base stretches her labia at the end of each thrust and this usually has a good reaction although I'm still concious that I can hurt her if I don't take care. Some quite soft and gentle women like hard, almost brutal, thrusts once they are fully into it and giving that is a very 'male' powerful feeling which I must confess I love to do! However, I have also got much more sensual as I have got older so it's by no means all about 'power and penis'
By #13286 01,Dec,09 19:33
wow oldbugle, this is very interesting

I like that you took the time to think about and write how it all feels to you, including the feelings towards the woman part
By #78364 05,Jun,10 23:58
Why has Joanne been deleted again shes done nothing wrong except tell the truth, why hasen't oldbugle been deleted for using this site for preying on the underaged, I don't understand
By #6568 07,Jun,10 05:15

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 06,Jun,10 04:49 other posts 
Macho bullshit....

When I'm wearing my penis, I can bench press 300 lbs...

By slipper [Ignore] 06,Jun,10 01:15 other posts 
You have been reading or listening to FAR TOO much old psychology!!!

By #38932 01,Dec,09 03:23
Not really... :/

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