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cut dicks

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #38502 [Ignore] 24,Nov,09 14:16
it is known that cut dicks take more time to come...which is perfect for us , women. So I am wondering why do some men REFUSE to get circumcised?

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By #39260 25,Nov,09 19:50
I was circumcised about 6 years ago and I've noticed that I can last longer than I used to. Self control is important but I don't think that there is any doubt that it has made a big difference to me.

I wouldn't say that all men should be circumcised (I was done for medical reasons) but I certainly don't think that it deserves the bad press that it gets.
By #6568 26,Nov,09 04:54
It takes me a lot longer to cum than it did 6 years ago but I am uncut,...so, how do you know it's not just an age thing? In my experience sex is quite different from one period of your life to another and you go thru times when it's hard to control your responses and others when although very aroused you have good duration and control,..and then there are other times when sex is relatively unimportant amongst all the other stuff going on in your life......

........I can't see how it's possible to make any kind of dogmatic statement about this since it can't be scientific. You need to carefully monitor the 'duration' of, say, 1000 uncut men and 1000 circumcised men to draw any worthwhile conclusions, and, as far as I know, nobody has done so.

......then there is, anyway, the likes and dislikes of women,...some like prolonged intercourse, but others like it fairly 'short but hot'.......

By #23508 25,Nov,09 07:21
You might want to ask my wife about how long it takes, I'm uncut and our sessions last around 45 min (not including forplay) I think is has more to do with control when and when not to cum that is the question.

By #6568 25,Nov,09 07:17
I really can't believe how stupid some of this nonsense is,.........why don't you cut your ears off,..there will be a lot less risk of infection, it won't make any difference to your hearing and there will be nowhere for dirt to accumulate so you won't have to wash......and, it will look 'so much neater'....

By slipper [Ignore] 24,Nov,09 23:42 other posts 
If you ever experienced what a foreskin feels like you would understand how silly your question is. It is heaven to have mine stimulated, since my 4skin is probably the most sensitive part of my bod. To have a tongue lightly rimming the tip of my skin, inside and out, and just titillating the slit is absolutely wonderful and even beats cumming, in my book!

By hytiger [Ignore] 24,Nov,09 18:49 other posts 
"it is known that cut dicks take more time to come" is it? please point me to the relevant research regarding how long it takes for cut & intact guys to ejaculate.

Since women keep harping on about g-spot orgasm, then why don't you get your clitoris removed?
Oh dear, that sounded harsh... but in all seriousness that is basically what you are asking for in males here, so why not extend that to all females having their clitoris removed as well???

I'm intact, I can ejaculate from foreskin play alone, so why should I have that sensitive erogenous zone taken away from me?

In my experience, cut guys have varied in the same way as intact guys... some ejaculate in under a minute, others, myself included, can last for well over an hour.

If your preference is for cut guys, fine, only go out with cut guys!

By #6568 24,Nov,09 18:22
As an uncut man I can tell you that the foreskin is rich in nerve endings and its sensations are quite distinctly different to those in other parts of the penis such as the glans. The idea much mentioned by those who defend circumcision, that it's just a redundant piece of tiresome skin is quite wrong. Removing the foreskin for any reason whether deemed neccessary or not, removes part of a mans sensual palatte. Here in the UK circumcision for medical reasons is usally carried out by skilled sureons who try to reconstruct the most sensitive parts of the hood, namely the frenulum, to retain as much sesation as possible.

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