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Dollar Bill Challange

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #310192 [Ignore] 22,Oct,12 08:27
How does your cock compare to a dollar bill? Take the dollar bill challange and post the pic. Here is mine!

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By #311013 23,Oct,12 08:58
Its show my dick. Not measure my dick
By #68656 23,Oct,12 09:21
Exactly, well stated.
Further to that this matter is not relevant to we non US residents.
Could the original poster supply us with the dimensions of the currency note in question so we non US residents can at least make some sense of this otherwise trivial and silly matter.
By #218130 23,Oct,12 11:37
According to Wikipedia

(United States Of America)
Value: $1
Width: 155.956 mm
Height: 66.294 mm
Weight: Approx. 1 g
By #287786 23,Oct,12 13:27
so it is roughly 15.6 cm or 6.1 inches.
By #218130 23,Oct,12 13:52
By #63505 24,Oct,12 23:07
I had no idea that the dollar bill was that long. It seems shorter.
By #303133 24,Oct,12 23:09
Imagine how much bigger it looks when held beside the average dick! On second thought, forget I mentioned it...
By #218130 24,Oct,12 23:52
By #63505 26,Oct,12 04:31
Actually that would be kinda cool for a measurement picture.
By #218130 26,Oct,12 05:10
Maybe some member of the USA can scan a dollar bill and upload the pic. Then us non-USA members can join in the fun

By #218130 22,Oct,12 09:22
I don't know, don't have $'s here. Will a credit card do
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Oct,12 09:34 other posts 
dreamer, I was concerned the "dollar bill challenge" might leave a number of members ineligible since this currency is used in the United States......
By #218130 22,Oct,12 09:51
Is this the correct measurements?
Value: $1
Width: 155.956 mm
Height: 66.294 mm
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Oct,12 10:26 other posts 
Obviously, there are things that United States is not in sync with the rest of the WORLD on .....we tried metrics and found that our people did not adapt so we continue to use inches and Fahrenheit.
By #222660 23,Oct,12 20:39
Waddya mean "others didn't adapt" ... you're one of the only countries in the western World still using imperial measures!!

By WristThick [Ignore] 22,Oct,12 14:54 other posts 
I have a couple of comparison pics on my page and don't think anyone is in a position to judge, based on the fact that this is a PENIS and PUSSY PIC SITE!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Oct,12 15:44 other posts 
I find it amusing that a man would feel a need to compare his dick to any object. I have yet to see a female compare her breasts to a cantaloupe or whatever! C'mon!!!? Really!!!? Who knows what the size of the cantaloupe is or the size of the banana or Coke is! Furthermore, who really cares? And as for using your dick ad a toilet tissue dispenser, seems like someone has too much time in their day for experiments. Just sayin........ And by the way, back atcha...
By #102374 22,Oct,12 23:16
My dick.and every other dick should be for pleasure. No matter what size. Use it right and its pleasurable.
By WristThick [Ignore] 23,Oct,12 13:02 other posts 
Comparison pics are the best way to judge size other than simply measuring. Toilet paper rolls, beer bottles, coke cans and other man made objects are made in standard sizes.

And something I do most of the time is show girls how thick I am on their forearm. They're wrap their fingers around my shaft and see how big a gap is between their fingers. Then they'll slide their hand up on their forearm until they get the same gap

By #196416 23,Oct,12 08:57
In Canada we don't have the dollar bill just a dollar coin we affectionately call the looney! So if you send me some dollar bills or tens, twenties whatever you like I will take pics and post on here..
By #218130 23,Oct,12 09:15
Yeah! Send me some too. Our exchange rate is very shitty now. Can get some good money for dollars
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Oct,12 12:58 other posts 
daffu, love looking at your goodies but you are Canadian looney for real!

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Oct,12 09:18 other posts 
Seriously........do men really have a fixation on how long their penis is? Measuring your dick against a banana, a dollar bill, using your dick as a toilet tissue dispenser? YIKES!
By #274357 22,Oct,12 09:49
I don't understand it either, and I have a penis.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Oct,12 16:15 other posts 
I've noticed and it is an attractive one at that! Hey? Is your dick multipurpose? Can it serve as a toilet paper dispenser, maybe it could be used to flick on the light when you enter a room with your hands full or possibly a windshield scraper during Michigan winters? Surely your dick is more than just a dick.........

By #147052 22,Oct,12 09:58
I went from a dollar dollar to a 100 dollar bill. But I kept it in my wallet where it belongs.

By #220845 22,Oct,12 09:22
With inflation being what it is, mine should cover a ten
By #218130 22,Oct,12 09:24
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Oct,12 09:37 other posts 
67malibu, this post makes me believe that the poster is a newsboy or living on a very fixed income. One dollar, for real, one dollar?

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