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Do sleazy comments turn you on, or gross you out?

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #89828 [Ignore] 30,Jul,12 14:43
Ladies and gentlemen:
I see a lot of comments in the forum which graphically describe what the poster would like to do to another member's genitalia. I THINK that they are intended to be flirty/sexy but, more often than not, they actually seem inappropriate/perverted. I understand that this is a sex site, but seriously...can't sex be a bit more classy?
What do the rest of you frequent forum posters think?

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Similar topics: 1.cruel comments on rowina's pictures   2.big cum load   3.Poop fetishes   4.Comments on my body please. Females too please. Is my dick small or ugly, does my body turn you on?   5.Eww... Gross.  

By #147052 28,Sep,12 10:30
Tastefully done, they are okay but most posting here are not great authors or can express themselves in flowery language so their comments end up being mostly guttural trash.

By bella! [Ignore] 30,Jul,12 18:48 other posts 
Ha! I was here before using a different name and this is why I do not post pussy pics. Pussy pics seem to open the door for every lewd comment from anybody. When commenting, I try to stick with the generic comments such as; sexy, hot, wow, etc. Unless of course, it's a pic that hits me as being funny, then I tend to leave a wordy, silly comment. Should I develope a friendship or an understanding with that member I *may* leave a spicy comment.
By #285834 18,Aug,12 18:40
Yes???? and good guys have to pay a price? I love you girl!
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Aug,12 04:40 other posts 
The feeling is mutual sexy!
By #292769 19,Aug,12 12:46
Bella ... I believe the main point of this site is to "show your genitals". If everyone chose to only post a pic of one of their nipples, I don't think this site would last very long.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Aug,12 13:14 other posts 
versbot, evidently you didn't read or grasp the discussion topic posted. It was not about ME posting pics of one nipple, it was geared at members making inappropriate, perverted and/or sleazy comments. I'm curious, is that why you deleted your initial profile because you weren't getting enough comments like; "I would love to fuck that hole until our balls were bouncing off each other" every time you posted a picture of your asshole? Gee, if I didn't know any better, I would think that you are directing some sort of barb at me.

By #201191 17,Aug,12 13:28
It is a porn site.
By #289712 19,Aug,12 06:05
that about answers everybodys gripes
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Aug,12 06:13 other posts 
To spooky67; So because this is an "adult site" there's carte blanche, members can say anything they want because everything goes? Oh HELLLLLLLLL NO! Now that's something we would say in the "D".

By #289712 19,Aug,12 06:09
by saying "a few people" i am in no way directing it towards anyone in this thread.. elsewhere i was referring to..

By #289712 19,Aug,12 05:13
as i try to retain some level of civility in my comments, it is my opinion there will be no correct answer or resolution to this debate.. posting pics on a site of this nature is always going to attract unwanted attention and gutter level comments from some, it should be expected.. i am a straight guy who has no interest in other men at all, but i figure if they wanna look and say something, whatever, no problem.. a few people i have read complaining about this (men and women) have posted images of themselves open to the world, graphic close ups, sexual acts. then bitch people are commenting in a sexual nature.. the viewers are not checking out your new hi-fi in the background, this is not the girl guides, nor a church sponsored event, so let it be, i say, unless it borders on harassment.. then it's a new ball game.

By #261269 17,Aug,12 15:06
It's a porn site,"show your dick" show your cunt",Vulva's and penis' what do you think you're going to get, Shakespeare and Beethoven?

By #291618 17,Aug,12 14:37
i really dont mind i accept all kind of comments when i have one that doesnt likes i just answer thanks urs nice too thats all jaja its a porn site!! but i like writting more classy comments saying what i really would do hahah

By #187578 04,Aug,12 12:34
Gross out more often then not the classy and appropriate thing to do is PM and initiate a conversation

By #6568 30,Jul,12 18:58

Personally, I greatly pefer everything about sex to be "classy" and cultured. There seems to be an aceptance in western societies that sex needs to be as 'dirty' as possible for it to be satisfying,...but that has never been my pleasure.

It's strange becasue there are parallels between sex and food and food is surrounded by extreme good manners and culture,....One would not seek to enjoy food more by cramming it into ones mouth with ones fingers so why ca some women (and men) only get fully excited by the most crude sex?

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