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Hitachi Magic Wand Massager

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #172995 [Ignore] 09,Apr,12 19:06
The Hitachi Magic Wand Massager, origionally sold as a massager for sore tissue and muscles, is one of the best sex toys ever invented. When used as a sex toy, it is usually applied to the vulvar area or anus for erotic stimulation and can be used by both sexes, jointly and separately. There are all kinds of erotic attachments for it.

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By #5532 21,Apr,12 23:53
Nowhere in Christianity does it forbid masturbation or the use of intimate toys. Everywhere in Christianity one will find scripture twisted, bent, misinterpreted, etc claiming that everything from a woman getting her hair cut to sleeping in the nude is a sin.
By #172995 22,Apr,12 00:24
By #172995 22,Apr,12 22:40
I can obtain the same results with a newspaper and a razer blade.

By #172995 20,Apr,12 01:24
My Faith is a personal experience in which I am personally connected to a loving Heavenly Daddy, totally dependent on how He wants me to relate to Him. True spiritual experience or faith can only be in the context of doing His will as He revealed it in his Torah (Hebrew word for Teachings/Instructions). Pre-digested, one-size-fits-all theologies on how men should relate to God are a hindrance to the rich fullness of Biblical faith.

By #172995 18,Apr,12 18:12
A few killjoys will imply that a woman enjoying herself with a vibrator or a sex toy is somehow "sinful". Chauvinist killjoys can't handle the idea that women have been endowed (by their Creator) with a greater capacity for sexual pleasure than men. Killjoys have a penchant for blaming victims for the misdeeds of the perpetrators. Eve suffered because of Adam's willful disobedience in Gan Eden. Adam's first wife, Lilith, rebelled and became a demon.
By #172995 19,Apr,12 13:31
Bloody Englishmen who take themselves way too seriously deserve our earnest prayers. The chauvinistic killjoys of this world need our humble prayers. They need to learn that women are more spiritual than men. "But I tell you, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!" Matthew 5:44

By #172995 11,Apr,12 18:31
Stoicism and Gnostic Dualism are incredibly stupid.

Gnostic Dualism only proves that Augustine of Hippo was a misguided and dysfunctional loser with multiple personality disorders.
By #146919 12,Apr,12 10:42
i have never met Stoicism or Gnostic Dualism i will have to reserve judgment on thatas for multiple personality disorders you should know all about them
By #172995 14,Apr,12 15:16
The double-standard schizophrenia of stocism, gnostic dualism and Platoism resides in the pulpits of your corrupt churches. It is a cash cow for the corrupt and greedy churchmen that you support with your taxes.
By #68656 15,Apr,12 06:26
It would appear that Jimmy does not like organized religion nor does he appreciate being asked simple questions about his personal beliefs as this private message he sent me today attests.
You can form your own opinions.

" By JimmyFunBoy at 14,Apr,12 22:53

You insult my intelligence with incredibly stupid dogma and I am not a member of the Orthodox Christian faith. My faith is none of your damn business."
By #172995 16,Apr,12 14:22
Your problem is that you agree when it suits your agenda and infer that someone is lying when it doesn't.

The church went wrong when it replace the Jewish Teachings of Jesus with a political agenda.
By #146919 15,Apr,12 13:28
seems all his bats have left the belfry again i think he is just trying to yank peoples chains
By #68656 15,Apr,12 14:08
That is all he is doing, nothing new and one of the oldest ploys well used by politicians and religious leaders when they are questioned. They try to deflect the questions or attack the questioner.
At least he is academically interesting.
Just for interest I received this comment from an interested party who is not a member of this group and is following this enthralling business, he states
"He sounds ashamed of his faith in the devil."
By #172995 15,Apr,12 19:30
Your Third Degree Interrogations carry the spirit of the Inquisitions (which didn't end until 1824). The Jews in Oz have little use for nosy, self-appointed missionaries like you. Instead of stalking me, you should try stalking and harassing the Naturist-Christians of Oz with your basketful of judgmental, self-appointed elitisms. Its a pity that you don't understand that both Jews and Gentiles are saved by Faith and that the Entire Bible from cover-to-cover is a Grace program.

Telling a lie, making it big, and telling it often is popular in Oz?

Why did Evangelicals paint "Jesus Loves" on the wall of the gas chamber at Auschwitz?
By #172995 16,Apr,12 03:04
Why are Jewish families in the American Southwest still suffering from the Inquisitions?
By #172995 16,Apr,12 14:26
Your problem is that you agree when it suits your agenda and infer that someone is lying when it doesn't.

The church went wrong when it replaced the Jewish Teachings of Jesus with a political agenda.
By #146919 16,Apr,12 15:12
i actually agree with this last pointthe bit about the techings of Jesus that is and where the chuch went wrong
By #172995 17,Apr,12 18:49
Right or wrong, organizations always want to protect their status quo. Meaningful reform will come only when the people in the pews demand it. Why settle for a few crumbs (of watered-down, man-made theology) from a pulpit when we can feast on a full-course, Messianic buffet.
By #172995 18,Apr,12 18:42
The Good News of Messiah involves the living out of a radically transformed-transforming lifestyle that displays the Glory of God. An example of the "Good News" is the radical lifestyle of Mother Theresa.

One of Yeshua's main themes is "Hearing and Doing".

The gnostic, cheap-grace doctrine of "Thought Righteousness" claims that "If you just have the right thoughts about Jesus you are OK. You don't even have to make any actual effort to please G-d."

Thought Righteousness is the laziest and cheapest form of Works Righteousness than can be imagined.

By #176420 11,Apr,12 19:20
Can't you find a real person.Why rely on a magic wand.
By #172995 12,Apr,12 12:19
Our alpha-male culture doesn't want to admit that some women need more than one man to satisfy them. A bird in the hand is handier than two in the bush.
By #172995 14,Apr,12 15:18
A rabbit attachment also helps.

By #68656 11,Apr,12 13:01
A rather odd device for a good Orthodox Christian to be promoting.
By #146919 11,Apr,12 13:44
he does seem to have a rather odd set of opposing views
By #59855 11,Apr,12 15:07
From Matt's Wife:
By #172995 11,Apr,12 19:30
Your tiny little boxes full of false presuppositions aren't even close.

Since the false guilt trips of Gnostic Dualism seem to know everything about everything. Please tell us about the thousands of Eastern Christians who were murdered by Western Churchanity during the Western Crusades. Interesting how perps always want to blame their victims. Why does Western Churchanity continue to slander the victims of its Western Crusades?
By #172995 12,Apr,12 00:12
I'm beginning to see your double-standard agenda. You dislike Orthodox Christians because Orthodox Christians know that Augustine of Hippo was a lying chauvinist and false teacher who put down women. You dislike Jews because most Jews know that Augustine of Hippo was a lying chauvinist and false teacher who caused Eve to get a bad rap in the Garden of Eden. Augustine's lies also caused countless women to be burned at the stake. Western Churcianity keeps getting dumber and dumber because Roman Catholics are Pavlovian conditioned dupes of Augustine and Protestants are Pavlovian conditioned dupes of the RCC.
By #172995 12,Apr,12 12:16
Your legalistic works-righteous cult is seeking forgiveness from a mythical guilt that is a colossal hoax. Augustine's doctrine of original guilt is a morally-insane doctrine of demons.
By #172995 13,Apr,12 13:00
Its unfortunate that you and the Rev. Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Cult are both in denial of the Bible.

A Blessed Pascha (Easter), Chag Pesach Sameach, Happy Resurrection Day and a Blessed First Day of the First Fruits.
By #172995 13,Apr,12 22:18
The Bible is a Love Story, not a legal document. It is a love story about G_d, not us. John Calvin is a blithering idiot fool because he attempted to interpret the Bible as a legal document. The Rev. Fred Phelps is a blithering idiot fool because he is also a Calvinist.

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