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Members but no pics.

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #9223 [Ignore] 20,Sep,09 06:02
Is there any one but me that think there is to many members that not got any pics up loaded?

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Similar topics: 1.SEARCH MEMBERS BY THEIR PICS.   2.Purging inactive members   3.Leaving a "Public Message" on members pages   4.ATT all members   5.Members pics  

By #3251 22,Sep,09 10:52
There are some of us who can't post pictures - old computers, etc. Give us a break ! I've met some great guys on this site, who accept the fact that I can't post pictures. I would if I could.
By #8589 23,Sep,09 02:23
OK, but if taht is the case then make sure that you mention it, either in your message or in your persinal details.
By #3251 23,Sep,09 06:45
Thanks, Somerset. I just added that in my profile - "computer too old to post pictures" - I just don't think it's fair to throw people like me off the site. I've enjoyed it, tried to post favorable comments, have refrained from posting negative comments, & have made some good friends, and added some thoughtful comments. This can't be a "one size fits all" site - if it was, it would be worth much less than it is now. And YES, I wish you all could see my cock.
By boy [Ignore] 28,Sep,09 15:58 other posts 
Do I get you right? You really want to tell us that you can't upload any pics because your PC is too old? Any PC that can be connected to the net can also post pics! Maybe you should just try a little bit harder!
By #3251 03,Oct,09 08:06
YUP - my digital camera requires more RAM than my computer has. Simple as that.
By #38932 02,Dec,09 20:32
... how much ram is that? You could be running a linux OS with only 32MB of ram on a Pentium 3, and dial-up internt and you could still copy high definition photos from a camera and still be able to post them on this site. No excuses...

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 21,Sep,09 06:31 other posts 
I think that when someone new joins the group that they should have a time frame in which to post at least one pic....if they fail to meet that requirement then their membership should be expired. I also feel that anonymous and non-pic displaying people should not be allowed to comment or communicate with the members who do participate with pics. If they are not going to post pics...then they should not be allowed to do anything but look.
By #1995 22,Sep,09 03:04
Totally agree.
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 22,Sep,09 05:53 other posts 
I think that the site Admin could set it up so that pics cannot be downloaded or stolen. It's a problem, but I think there was a site that I used to belong to that restricted downloads to only paying members, but you could do that to all members or just anons.....right?
By admin [Ignore] 23,Sep,09 01:22 other posts 
Any pic can be downloaded if it can be seen. Most primitivelly - you can always capture the screen by PrintScreen (PrtSc) button and then paste it into Paint and save. This will work no matter what kind of protection I install here.
By admin [Ignore] 23,Sep,09 01:30 other posts 
>anonymous and non-pic displaying people should not be allowed to comment or communicate with the members who do participate with pics. If they are not going to post pics...then they should not be allowed to do anything but look

Ok. this sounds reasonable, I can do an option that will block members without pics from posting comments or sending pms to you. I bet noone will use it, except may be 10-20 members, but it's not that hard to make.

By #5526 21,Sep,09 10:02
they should have to post a pic before they become a member. No pic no membership!
By #1995 22,Sep,09 03:05
Also totally agree
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 22,Sep,09 05:54 other posts 
I agree with this too....
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 22,Sep,09 05:55 other posts 
It's a microcosm of society...some do all of the work while the rest are bunch of freeloaders....

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