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fuckin snobby bitches who ban me fer no gud fuckin reason

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #13855 [Ignore] 16,Aug,09 22:12

wtf... i am confused n concerned y u have banned me???

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By bigone21 [Ignore] 06,Aug,13 17:00 other posts 
oh jeezz! a male chauvinist pig that doesn't spell to well...

at the back of the queue please!!

By #23212 07,Aug,13 04:52
"to well..." what?
Didn't YOU mean to spell it, 'too well...' ?
By bigone21 [Ignore] 07,Aug,13 12:10 other posts 
got me there!!
By #23212 07,Aug,13 20:15
By #196416 07,Aug,13 20:22
Does anyone realize this initial post was almost 4 years ago? Why are we still bringing it up?
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Aug,13 20:23 other posts 
I revived it you darn duck! , kiss my pitootey!

Recently, I was banned for giving a random male member ( with 1 point ) 150 points. I was advised by a reliable source that the member I chose, thinks girls are icky . The point being, members, both male and female, are banned for weak reasons.
By #23212 08,Aug,13 01:57
I absolutely have never thought that "girls are icky"! So, can I kiss your "pitootey"?
By #23212 07,Aug,13 20:35
Of course I realize this! If you check below for the first 'revival', I think you'll find that 'JustWill' revived it on 03 May 13, then 'bella! on 04 Aug. 13

By #303133 03,May,13 11:48
Wow. This approach is SURE to get you unbanned...
By #354961 03,May,13 12:51
Yep ... you're right!
By bella! [Ignore] 03,May,13 13:42 other posts 
-drifter-, you cannot deny, there are a number of snobby members ( both men and women ) on SYD. And it is my humble opinion that the women seem more inclined to use their ban option.......unless of course, you're a spineless, got no balls and a little dick weasel of a man that whines when someone says mean things to him.... I will say this, I have ALWAYS found ArtooDeetoo to be kind and respectful. Let me toss this out into the universe, ArtooDeetoo was verified by the wife of Matt52. Do you honestly think she would have tolerated poor behavior? I don't think so.......
By #303133 03,May,13 14:30
bella-I have never conversed with Artoo, so I will take your word (and that of Mrs Matt)regarding the droid's character. My comment was directed at the original (deleted) poster. Just seems that he/she chose a less than diplomatic way to ask why the ban occurred.

I also agree that "banning" is the refuge of the spineless. I discovered earlier this week...while trying to post a comment on another thread...that I had been banned by its creator. Weird thing is: to the best of my knowledge, I had never had a single interaction with the individual prior to the comment I was posting!
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Aug,13 18:10 other posts 
Recently, I wanted to lighten my number of points. I looked at who was online and this one particular member with only 1 point was my choice. I spent 200 points so he could receive 150. Today, I received the 150 points back with a message on my wall; "I hereby give you 150 points back!". I attempted to message him back however he only accepts messages from friends. When I tried to post a brief message on his wall, I quickly found out that I had been banned. I now wonder if my idea of giving someone an award based on another members nomination, is a good idea.......
By #136427 06,Aug,13 16:29
I need points have them to give! I lost a ton when some one deleted their account and all my comments got deleted. And I agree some people mostly the fakes are ban happy. Ask if someone is real and get banned or even burned. My happy face is now an angry face because if that shit...
By #44497 03,May,13 14:31
JustWill, you're right ! I just love your comment !

By #14182 17,Aug,09 06:07
Have you asked them why? I have banned several people and when they inquired as to why, I told them. I think you deserve at least a reason. Usually it's because of rude, hateful statements.
By #13855 17,Aug,09 21:46
how am i gonna ask em of they bann me???
By #3997 19,Aug,09 11:53
There had to be a reason why you got banned, i can prob guess why, but maybe get back on some kind of good grace and they will release the ban, and you can just go on with viewing and commenting pic with respect

By #3997 17,Aug,09 11:10
Again with this calling them FSB*****S is not a good way to start, i wonder why they banned you, I have banned a few people from my pages, its just an option that you have if your being disrespected, someone doesnt respect your wishes if you told them not to do something, any reason is why you have that option, just move on doesnt make sense to make a discsssion about it, if you think about it you will find your answer

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