Comments made by dovatorxx recently:

These are comments this member made on pics.
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31,Aug,24 10:27

04,Mar,24 04:16
grazie fra!

19,Oct,23 04:53
yeah great hot sight!

18,Feb,23 04:36
eccome ti sucherei che te lo consumo!!!

09,Feb,23 11:15
hi mate! wherever u like!!

07,Dec,22 04:11
my pleasure mate

01,Dec,22 08:12
tanta roba!!

23,Sep,22 05:38
ti farei un pieno indimenticabile!!!

06,Jun,22 05:58
grazie fra, anche la tua galleria di tutto rispetto!!

18,Feb,22 07:56
quando vuoi con quel bel culo!!

27,Aug,21 04:01
quando vuoi fra

14,Aug,21 17:24
yes babe taste it all up to my balls... if u can afford it

14,Aug,21 17:16
thanks babe i wonder u can make it shine even more with your juices

13,Jul,21 17:06

22,Jun,21 05:28
gran bel culo!!

22,Dec,20 07:06
Thx mate it shines for u ah ah!!!

22,Dec,20 07:06
Thx mate!

17,Dec,20 18:31
Hot tool!!

17,Dec,20 05:05
Thx mate!

20,Oct,20 18:18
Yeah mate!!!

28,Sep,20 03:07
U both are welcome mate!!

25,Sep,20 11:29
Really thx mate!

25,Sep,20 01:19
Thx mate!

23,Sep,20 04:39
Really thxs mate!!!

23,Sep,20 04:18
Thx mate!!!

23,Sep,20 03:21
Thx mate!!!

23,Sep,20 03:17
Just waitin to disappear inside u!!!!

09,Sep,20 04:50
Wow what a rod mate!!!!

22,Aug,20 03:24
Thx mate but u damn too!!!

13,Jul,20 03:38
Its yours!!

09,Jul,20 17:49

03,Jul,20 09:31

03,Jul,20 09:27

03,Jul,20 09:26
look at next pic

17,Apr,20 17:48
i cant find the better way to pleasure to such missile on the launching ramp.... there are too many!!!

16,Apr,20 18:34
thx mate!!

16,Apr,20 18:25
thx mate glad u liked!!

05,Feb,20 11:10
really hot rod and balls!!!

24,Jan,20 08:28
that is absolutely the worst comment recieved!! so sad to hear!

22,Jan,20 10:28
thx u mate!!

22,Jan,20 10:28

06,Dec,19 17:25
whenever u like!!!

06,Dec,19 17:25
avanti che ce'posto!! 😂😂

27,Nov,19 08:25
thx bro it was!!!

27,Nov,19 08:25
would be hot!!!

20,Nov,19 10:38
if u dont mind to choose a hole while i use the other... ah ah

20,Nov,19 08:22
so glad u like it bro!

11,Nov,19 03:32
that's a double dream!!!

05,Nov,19 17:25
si tiene che e' un piacere!!!!

03,Nov,19 12:30
thank u bro

02,Nov,19 05:22
yeah it had been hot indeed being inside there ah ah 3

02,Nov,19 05:22
thx bro!!

02,Nov,19 05:21
thx bro!!

01,Nov,19 05:31
omg what a starting point fuck!!!!!