Comments made by
These are comments this member made on pics.
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04,Feb,25 03:25
damn, you have an awesome cock. I am so jeaous
15,Mar,24 04:33
absolutely perfect.
02,Oct,20 23:56
damn that is a nice cock.
23,Aug,20 05:03
that is a beautiful cock
09,Aug,20 12:51
truly beautiful. I get hard every time I see it.
26,Jul,20 00:52
Damn, that is a good looking cock.
22,Jul,20 02:27
damn, that is a really nice cock.
21,Jul,20 00:19
you have a really nice picture.
13,Jul,20 22:49
you have the most beautiful pussy.
13,Jul,20 22:41
you have an incredibly sexy ass. I would love to see more.
12,Jul,20 02:25
that is an awesome cock.
29,Jun,20 05:26
that is absolutely gorgeous. I get hard every time I look at it.
14,Apr,20 12:09
you have a beautiful pussy. I am hard as a rock.
14,Apr,20 12:07
That is a gorgeous view. You have an incredible ass.
07,Dec,19 02:02
you have a gorgeous pussy.
17,Nov,19 06:52
I am so turned on by your lips. I get hard every time I see them.
01,Nov,19 00:51
awesome picture
08,Oct,19 01:05
cool picture. 2 very nice looking cocks
08,Oct,19 01:04
awesome pic. three nice cocks
26,Sep,19 18:13
that is a nice cock.
24,Aug,19 06:10
absolutely gorgeous. beautiful lips.
14,Aug,19 03:19
cool picture. two very nice cocks
12,Aug,19 00:44
very nice dick
05,Jul,19 23:24
you have the most beautiful lips.
25,Apr,19 12:52
what a beautiful set of tits.
10,Apr,19 12:29
that is a really nice cock. I am jealous.
25,Feb,19 01:11
you have a very hot body
22,Feb,19 09:20
cool picture
14,Jan,19 03:23
that is a cool picture. two nice cocks.
11,Jan,19 12:54
that is a very nice cock
06,Jan,19 01:13
I love your lips. I would lick that for days
02,Jan,19 06:56
beautiful pussy
29,Dec,18 06:32
that is a fat cock
29,Dec,18 01:18
cool picture
29,Dec,18 00:33
cool picture
28,Dec,18 15:14
good looking cock
24,Dec,18 08:07
damn that is a nice cock
23,Dec,18 00:25
you have a really nice cock
17,Dec,18 13:34
wow you have a really nice cock. I wish I had your size.