Oh! I'd love to, but my dick is in a cage. I am very good at using my mouth and I have many strapons that I could use. I understand that it's not the same, but it would be very nice, at least for me.
14,Feb,25 11:53
14,Feb,25 11:53
09,Oct,24 01:37
how much I would love to fuck you with my strap on!
25,Jul,24 00:54
very nice!!! Does the cage pinch your skin or cock? I want to get one, but I'm afraid it won't be good in the long term. can you give me a review? Thank you
28,Jun,24 10:51
es kommt auf die Scheiße an! Deins ist sehr schön!
22,Jun,24 00:47
30,May,24 07:57
I missed you so much! Finally!
30,May,24 07:55
I would like it very much!
29,May,24 04:19
22,May,24 01:28
02,May,24 12:55
02,May,24 12:48
Very HOT!!!!
02,Jan,24 10:08
15,Dec,23 12:08
I would also really like to be able to do it... but I can't...