Comments made by xxx79 recently:

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15,Feb,25 06:09
Oh! I'd love to, but my dick is in a cage. I am very good at using my mouth and I have many strapons that I could use. I understand that it's not the same, but it would be very nice, at least for me.

14,Feb,25 11:53

14,Feb,25 11:53

09,Oct,24 01:37
how much I would love to fuck you with my strap on!

25,Jul,24 00:54
very nice!!! Does the cage pinch your skin or cock? I want to get one, but I'm afraid it won't be good in the long term. can you give me a review? Thank you

28,Jun,24 10:51
es kommt auf die Scheiße an! Deins ist sehr schön!

22,Jun,24 00:47

30,May,24 07:57
I missed you so much! Finally!

30,May,24 07:55
I would like it very much!

29,May,24 04:19

22,May,24 01:28

02,May,24 12:55

02,May,24 12:48
Very HOT!!!!

02,Jan,24 10:08

15,Dec,23 12:08
I would also really like to be able to do it... but I can't...


09,Nov,23 10:20
Beautifull! Do you think it can be used for fucking? (with a right dildo)

02,Oct,23 01:00
Yes, of course! one wears the tool and the other turns the screws!

02,Oct,23 00:58

07,Sep,23 08:37

05,Sep,23 12:22
WOW! Very NICE!!!

04,Sep,23 10:50
Very HOT!

22,Aug,23 01:35

22,Aug,23 01:35
Wow! i love it!

07,Aug,23 12:08
Wow!!! Very nice!

14,Jul,23 02:17
I love your little cage too

14,Jul,23 02:02
beautiful and impressive! I'd almost be afraid to try it! no!!! I would try it right away!