Comments made by lengthwise recently:

These are comments this member made on pics.
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12,Mar,25 08:11
Looks like a good load... would love to see how you fill one in a video...

19,Feb,25 13:23
I would try to cum more

16,Jan,25 11:50
Measure from the top!

19,Dec,24 10:10
Hey if you wanna make some comparison pics with me there's a woman who loves to judge and let us know who she thinks looks bigger or better for fun. Feel free to msg me!

15,Dec,24 13:24
Yep. That's the correct way to measure. Very nice!

06,Nov,24 14:25

06,Nov,24 12:24
Absolutely in love ! You got the goods babe

03,Nov,24 18:27
Hi nice measuring! I think of your girl measured my cock she would find it bigger than yours

29,Oct,24 15:50
Can't wait to see more of you guys....

27,Oct,24 18:54
Nice pic! Would you mind leaving a comment on my video? /qcdwu76jptodpic.html

23,Oct,24 10:57
Wow such a big rack!

23,Sep,24 08:06

23,Sep,24 08:05
Thank you so much... I think your thick cock could do some damage

21,Sep,24 22:37
You look great

06,Sep,24 19:38
Thanks! Anytime you wanna compare let me know. Nice girth!

15,Aug,24 09:41
Thanks yours is still nice!

15,Aug,24 09:41
Thank you!

01,Aug,24 10:48
Nice tits and nice abs.. do you workout?

01,Aug,24 10:47
You have a very sexy body! Love it

11,Jul,24 17:08
Try and take a pic while measuring more like the ones in my profile