Comments made by slipper recently:

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23,Jul,24 16:01
Even the best photographer can benefit from a great subject.

22,Jul,24 17:21
A shame to let that beautiful unused option go... unused.

22,Jul,24 17:16
I would if I could!

22,Jul,24 17:14
MY pleasure, I assure ya.

19,Jul,24 01:04
Sweet package (and, I'm usually a softies man)!!!

19,Jul,24 01:03
If I squint it sorta looks like three balls!

19,Jul,24 00:47
Simply... STUNNING!

17,Jul,24 20:28
I couldn't cum like that when I was 18.

15,Jul,24 01:08
Thanks for the kind words!

15,Jul,24 00:54
Simply... D E L I G H T F U L !!!

14,Jul,24 19:02
Simply... D E L I G H T F U L !!!

14,Jul,24 19:00
What a... S W E E E T I E !!!

14,Jul,24 18:54
Absolutely... D E L I G H T F U L !!!

14,Jul,24 18:48
Sweeet; now let's get you a tighter cage!!!

14,Jul,24 18:47
LOVE the tight, small nut-sack!!!

14,Jul,24 18:45
S W E E E E E E E T !!!

14,Jul,24 18:39

14,Jul,24 13:47
It would certainly be MY pleasure to do so... over and over!!!

14,Jul,24 13:40
Sound perfect to me!!!

13,Jul,24 00:20
Yeah, work that thing!!!

12,Jul,24 12:44
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Use that skin! Mmmmmmmm!

12,Jul,24 12:42
Insert yourself fully, rubbing your swollen glans around and around my spongy one until you're ready to thrust in even more deeply pushing my flaccid cocklet before you fully into my groin. Then, have your way with my "pussy" until you cumm... again and again.

11,Jul,24 14:52
This is an old picture. Since I can no longer get erect you would probably like you doing that even more now because there would be much more room (5" deep) and I'd not force you out by getting hard. You could use my skin-pussy to your heart's content... and then do it some more!

11,Jul,24 14:44
F A N T A S T I C !!!

09,Jul,24 23:39
Don't we all!

09,Jul,24 20:35
How nice... I love wrinkles!!!

09,Jul,24 20:30