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By Pinkyleedinky 20,Jun,17 06:56
Looks like those bad boys are tied up for a bit!
By kre8tor69 12,Sep,17 16:56
Not as often as I might like them to be! I am just starting to try many new things for the fun of it. A GF of ours taught me that sex can be just sex and needs not to have anything at all to do with your romantic life. So I am also trying to learn about some cock play and even sucking a select few. Wnat to be one of them? Could your bling covered cock teach mine anything?

By chris51 30,Jun,18 22:52
Nice look there! Crazy huge balls!
By kre8tor69 07,Jun,20 18:48
Balls are slightly biggr than most but not too big. Had one gal tht loved to suck both in her mouth for the fun of it. I liked it as well. Want to get some weight on the sac to stretch it down a bit so I can get more bling on those things!!!

By Sir-Skittles 22,Dec,18 11:54
A clit with balls!!! Yuck!!
By kre8tor69 07,Jun,20 18:32
Thanks for your oh so friendly comment! I bet you are oh so kind to any lady stupid enough to get even close to you for any reaon. Not kind to make bad comments like this to anyone. If yu do not like a pix just MOVE THE FUCK ON!

By pantiboi 27,Aug,19 14:18
This wonderful sweetie

By #607273 29,Jan,20 20:02
hot balls and cock rings
By kre8tor69 07,Jun,20 18:18
To bad you and your fine looking tool live so far away! I was trying that ring thing for a time. I do like the look. But I reworked those and tried to wear them for days at a time. Unfortunately I guess I did not get them as polished as I thought. I got a bad scratch under my balls and it took a week to heal up. I will rework them and do it again some time because like I said I love the look!

By mountainman2 22,Jun,22 19:59
Great shot, big balls and a nice looking head

By Fredcloud 23,Sep,23 01:19
imagine the hot cum from those balls spurting out of that thick dick

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