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By Celestial [Ignore] 21,Jan,25 06:45   Pageviews: 32


MONEY is an invention of humans which they use as their ultimate measure of success, but
the USA does NOT back-up their currency with anything!

Basically, their currency is operating on "Fumes of Faith" which could totally evaporate
THIS YEAR. Then their richest people will become broke, homeless vagabonds who will be
begging from other poor and homeless people on the street.

Can they trade in their paper dollars for some BRICKS?

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By Tempp [Ignore] 21,Jan,25 16:00
if you backed it with something tangible like precious metals, the economy is still a house of cards. The current system is more stable. Don’t listen to the crackpots who think their system is better.

By nekekal [Ignore] 21,Jan,25 13:12
For what it's worth, I think most countries paper currency is worthless. None of them are backed with anything. Except what you can buy with them.

In the US, the only thing that you can buy easily are guns and politicians. Both go pretty cheap.

By slipper [Ignore] 21,Jan,25 12:56
I'd not hold my breath awaiting drastic change, after all, even "backed" currency is done so with some other arbitrarily human designated "thing." I'm afraid We're stuck with how it is, my friend.

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