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Night out as Nikki

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By Saintg55 [Ignore] 15,Dec,24 03:00   Pageviews: 48

As you can see from my posted pictures i am a cross dresser. The most i have done is go out late at night for a walk around my local area or for a drive and get full for my car. For the 1st time I ventured out for the evening fully dressed. I did my nails make up including lipstick and mascara and went out into a busy area. I was scared excited all at the same time and felt sick. I wondered around and got the nerve to go into a LBGQT Pub for a drink. Have gone in as aa guy never as a woman. Ordered and found a seat and sat and looked around. Within a few minutes I was approached by a middle aged guy and we started up a conversation. He was fully aware I was a x dresser and was happy to sit with me. I finished my drink and was getting upto get another and he said no let me get you one. This was the 1st time I had had a drink bought for me. He moved closer and I felt his thigh press against my stockinged thigh which sent shivers through me. We continued to chat and I felt his hand rest on my knee squeeze it and then start stroking my thigh. We carried on chatting and I felt my skirt being pushed higher. I had decided to wear tights rather than stocking as was a bit cooler out and a very tight pair of black thong panties to compress my bits. His hand continued to stroke as he turned towards me and put his other arm behind me. It then struck me i was getting chatted up and a move was being made on me as a woman.
Dressing up is not a sexual thing for me,but the attention I was getting was getting me aroused. His hand continued it upwards motion and I found my legs opening, allowing easier
access. I noticed my breathing increase and leaned in towards him. I knew that my skirt was right up exposing my legs and my panties and I didn't care. I wanted him to cup my sex but he kept grazing me and stroking my thigh.
To be continued

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