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By selfsucker [Ignore] 11,Aug,24 10:06   Pageviews: 43

sucking your own dick is the ultimate act of sex, completely fulfilling in and of itself. those who can do it are an elite and most fortunate group. in my case, it took considerable hard work to achieve a high level of penetration. to do it for decades and then lose the ability (we all get old and our bodies change, usually not for the better!) is a devastating thing and in my case, led to a desire to have 69 sex with another man who has a dick like mine (a little bigger will be ok, too!) it seems to me that 69 sex with a man whose cock and body are like mine will be like selfsucking without the contortion, and I am looking forward to mutual cocksucking with the right man.

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By selfsucker [Ignore] 23,Aug,24 08:52
I see you live in australia, it seems everyone I'm attracted to lives thousands of miles away.

By smokieb69 [Ignore] 12,Aug,24 01:39
I fully understand this... I can suck my own dick, but not as successfully as before. I am also getting older now and its getting harder to do it and I dont want to injure myself. I also have the desire to suck a dick like mine - I wish I could clone myself, so that I could suck my dick easily and completley
By selfsucker [Ignore] 23,Aug,24 08:49
wow, that's exactly how I feel. I also love riding a dildo way up my ass while cumming. your cock and body look very similar to mine. it seems like 69 with the right guy should be a lot like selfsucking but without the contortion.

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