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Tina's Dark Ordeal

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By GeorgiaP [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 14:48   Pageviews: 42

I awoke confused, huddled in the corner of the dark, dank room, knees pulled tightly to my chest. The cold, damp floor seemed to seep into my bones, and the oppressive darkness pressed down on my spirit.

I had lost track of time, days and nights blended together in a suffocating haze of despair and pain. It must have been over two months since I had been thrown into this nightmarish hole, stripped of my dignity and left with nothing but the tattered remnants of my sanity.

As I thrashed about I thought back to the day I ended up here. I had been out with Sam, sweet Sam, who always seemed to go out of his way to please me. We had gone to a place that he knew about, a friend’s house to spend the night.

Upon arrival Sam had stripped me of my clothing and laid me on a massage table. He proceeded to give me one erotic massage. His hands darted to and fro over my body drawing me ever closer to a massive orgasm and then backing off. I think they call it edging. As I continued to be deprived of an orgasm, I started to yell at him, calling him hateful names and then I started to beat on his body. I yelled, “Sam, let me cum, gawd damn it.” I continued to beat upon his chest. Sam leaned into try and comfort me and one of my blows struck him in the face. Sam cried out and began to cuss me. He had never cussed me and now he was calling me whore, nasty ass cunt, bitch, skank and many more.

Suddenly his hands slapped me hard across the face and I heard him say, “Settle down Tina.” I shrank back in fear and started to cry. I heard Sam walk away. Suddenly, the lights in the whole house went out. I lay there on the massage table afraid to move, calling out Sam’s name. I heard what sounded like a fight and then someone grabbed my hair and drug me off the massage table and through the house. I heard a door open and I was thrown down a flight of stairs into the dungeon I am in now. I did not break anything but I was severally bruised.

My only sustenance came in the form of a small box that occasionally slid down a narrow chute. The food and water inside were barely enough to keep me alive, and I had to fight off the rats to keep it. In the beginning, I managed to scare them away, but now, in my weakened state, I could hardly muster the strength to fend them off. The rats had become bolder, their beady eyes gleaming in the darkness as they scurried closer and closer. My body was covered in rat bites, each one a painful reminder of my helplessness. The worst were the bites on my nipples; the rats seemed to be drawn to them, and the pain was excruciating. My nipples were shredded, the flesh torn and raw, with dried, crusted blood caking my skin. The agony was so intense that it blurred the line between waking and sleeping, between reality and nightmare.

When I slept, it was not the restful slumber of the innocent, but a fitful, fevered state where I drifted in and out of consciousness. I would awake to find the rats gnawing at me, their sharp teeth sinking into my flesh. The sensation was both numbing and searing, a combination of pain and violation that left me trembling and sobbing in the darkness. I had long since given up hope of rescue. The initial shock and fear had given way to a numbing resignation. I was going to die here, in this forsaken pit, my body left to rot and decay, just another forgotten soul in a world that had moved on without me. The thought was almost a comfort now, a final release from the torment that had become my existence. I closed my eyes, trying to block out the pain, the hunger, the endless darkness. In my mind, I pictured myself somewhere else—anywhere else. A sunny meadow, a warm beach, a cozy room with a soft bed. The images were fleeting, slipping away like grains of sand through my fingers, but for a moment, they brought me a small measure of peace.

Suddenly I felt a pain near my left nipple. I looked down and could imagine the beady eyes of a rat nibbling on my nipple. My hands went to my chest and I had to fight to push several rats off my chest. The rats had grown bolder as I lay here. They almost seemed to relish the confrontations with me. Squealing, it seemed, with joy, as they battled my hands for positions on my body. One rat, a rather large one had taken to trying to bury into my vagina for a place to sleep. It took almost all my strength to grab his tail and pull out the forth of his body buried in my cunt. As he was withdrawn his teeth and sharp claws took little bits of my skin with him.

As weak as I was I was able to thrash around a bit and get most of the rats off of me but I knew that they were observing me in the dark waiting for me to grow still again. And grow still I must as my strength had almost completely left me.

As the rats began their nightly feast, I did not fight them this time. I was too tired, too broken. Let them come, I thought. Let them take what they wanted. I had nothing left to give, nothing left to lose. My only hope was that, in the end, death would come swiftly and mercifully, freeing me from this endless suffering. In the darkness, my breaths grew shallower, my body finally succumbing to the relentless assault. I felt the numerous rat bites upon my body. The rats were on me from head to toe. I felt the big rat burrowing into my cunt, biting at the insides of my vagina.

As my consciousness began to fade, I felt a strange sense of relief. Soon, I would be free. Suddenly, a light came on in the dark room. The light blinded me, and it took several minutes to adjust so that I could see. I looked around and saw a figure standing at the top of the stairs. It was Sam. I tried to speak, but only a dry cough came from my mouth. Sam spoke. “Don’t try and speak, Tina.”

I stared at him, a mixture of fear and hope in my eyes. Maybe, just maybe, he had come to set me free. But his next words shattered that fragile hope. “This is a special day, Tina,” Sam said, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “You’ve been down here in the dark for two full months. I thought we should celebrate.” My heart sank as I watched him descend the stairs, a sickening dread replacing the fleeting hope. He held two slices of cake, their bright colors a stark, mocking contrast to the gloom that surrounded me. Sam placed one piece of cake in front of me, carefully sticking a candle into the icing. He lit the candle, the small flame dancing cheerfully in the dim light, then stepped back, admiring his handiwork.

The sweet scent of the cake filled the room, a cruel reminder of a life that seemed so distant now. My stomach growled, the primal hunger gnawing at my insides, but I felt too weak to reach out for the cake. I just stared at it, my vision blurring with tears I couldn’t shed. Sam watched me with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. “Go on, Tina,” he urged. “Make a wish and blow out the candle.”

My mind raced, thoughts tumbling over one another. Wishes? What did I have left to wish for? My freedom? Revenge? An end to the pain? The candle flickered, the tiny flame a symbol of the fragile hope I clung to. I took a shallow breath, mustering what little strength I had left, and leaned forward. With a soft, trembling breath, I blew out the candle. Sam clapped his hands, a twisted parody of a celebratory gesture.

“Happy anniversary, Tina,” he said, his voice dripping with mockery. He took a step closer, crouching down to my level. “Did you make a wish?” My eyes met his, and in that moment, I felt a surge of defiance. My voice was barely a whisper, but it carried the weight of my suffering. “I wished…for you to let me go.” Sam’s smile widened, a cruel glint in his eyes. “Oh, Tina,” he said softly. “Wishes don’t always come true.”

“Tina aren’t you going to eat your cake?” Sam said. I shook my head no. Sam flew into a rage, once again, calling me the foul names he had that night. He knelt beside me and grabbing the cake, he shoved the cake in my face, smearing it all over my face. “Oh the rats will eat, yes they will.”

Sam said, “Let me look at you. The rats seemed to be doing a good job on you.” With that he reach over and gently took my chin in his hands and he leaned over and kissed me on the lips. His hand travel down and gently cupped my breasts. He looked at my shredded nipples and said, “Tina, this must have hurt.

Sam looked between my legs and said, “well god damn, Tina, you have an actual rat’s nest between your legs. That’s unbelievable.

Sam stood up, his shadow looming over me, and turned to leave. The light flickered once more before plunging the room back into darkness, the celebration over, leaving me alone with the remnants of my shattered hope and the rats that still lurked in the corners, waiting for their turn

Sam’s voice pierced the darkness once again, the tone calm and almost conversational. “This room is bathed in a light that allows my four cameras to see you perfectly. I have a site on the dark web that people subscribe to watch you. You’ve grown to be quite popular. I think you have over 100,000 subscribers, which has made me a ton of money.” My heart pounded as his words sank in. I wasn’t just a prisoner; I was a spectacle, an object of entertainment for countless strangers. The realization made my skin crawl.

“The biggest complaint I hear,” Sam continued, “is that you are so filthy. Your lower body is covered in shit, and the rat bites are starting to become infected. We need to fix that.” The lights came back on and I watched in horror as Sam walked over to a corner of the room, uncoiling a hose with deliberate movements. The metallic clink of the hose unwinding echoed in the confined space. He turned a valve, and a powerful jet of water burst forth, the pulsating stream promising more pain than relief.

He approached me with a twisted smile, the water spraying wildly until he adjusted the stream to a more controlled, yet still brutal, pulse. The first icy blast hit my legs, and I flinched, the sudden cold sending shock waves through my emaciated body. I gasped for breath as the water stung my rat bites, the pulsating jet mercilessly stripping away the filth that clung to my skin. “Hold still,” Sam commanded, his voice devoid of empathy. The water pounded against my raw flesh, each pulse like a thousand tiny needles stabbing me simultaneously. I bit my lip, trying to suppress the screams that threatened to escape my throat. My body convulsed with each spray, the powerful jets pushing my frail form against the cold, hard floor. The water mixed with the dirt and blood, creating a dark, swirling pool around me.

As Sam continued his sadistic cleansing, my mind raced. The knowledge that so many people were watching me, taking pleasure in my suffering, was almost too much to bear. Sam finally turned off the hose, and my body slumped in relief as the relentless assault ceased. He stood over me, his face illuminated by the harsh light, a twisted smile playing on his lips. "Wife and I are going on a two-week cruise starting tomorrow, your web viewing paid for it" he said, his tone almost conversational, as if discussing a mundane detail of everyday life. "I'm not sure if you can make it two more weeks. Please try. I will be watching you on cam daily."

The news hit me like a blow. Two more weeks in this pit, alone, with only the rats and the darkness for company. The thought was almost too much to bear. My body ached from the brutal washing, my wounds stinging from the water’s impact. The idea of enduring this for another fourteen days seemed impossible.

Sam's eyes gleamed with sadistic amusement. He enjoyed the power he held over me, the knowledge that my fate was entirely in his hands. He crouched down, bringing his face closer to mine. "Remember, Tina," he whispered, "I’ll be watching. Don’t disappoint me." With that, he stood up and turned towards the door. The light flickered and then vanished, plunging the room into darkness once more. I lay still, the cold floor pressing against my skin, my mind racing. Alone again, I felt the despair creeping in.

Sam paused at the door, his smirk visible even in the low light. "Oh, I almost forgot," he said, a glint of cruel amusement in his eyes. "One of the guys who watches you is a real sicko. He paid an ungodly amount of money to have me put his idea in play. Wait here, I’ll be right back." He disappeared for a moment, and when he returned, he was carrying a coffee can. He turned off the main lights, plunging the room into darkness once more, then placed a small light in the center of the room. The weak illumination created a tiny circle of light, barely enough to see by, but enough to reveal the horror about to unfold.

Sam approached me, the cold, greasy smell of the bacon fat hitting my nose even before I saw his hand emerge from the can, slick and shiny. "Bacon fat," he explained with a twisted grin. He began to smear the greasy substance over my emaciated body, his touch methodical and invasive. As the rancid fat covered my skin, my senses were overwhelmed by the smell and the feel of it. I could see the beady eyes of numerous rats glinting in the dim light, just outside the circle, drawn by the scent. They seemed to pulse with a ravenous anticipation.

Sam took his time, making sure every inch of me was covered, leaving no part untouched. The greasy layer clung to me, a sickening barrier that only seemed to attract more attention from the waiting rats. "Goodbye, have fun," he said with a final smirk, before picking up the light and heading back up the stairs. I heard the door lock behind him, the sound echoing like a death knell.

Almost immediately, the rats descended. I felt the first bites, sharp and searing, and then a flood of pain as more and more rats joined the frenzy. Their tiny teeth tore into my flesh, each bite a spark of agony that quickly grew into a wildfire of suffering.

Two particularly bold rats began to chew on my face, their teeth digging into the delicate skin. My vision blurred with tears, my mind reeling from the unbearable pain. Every part of my body seemed to be under attack, the rats’ claws scratching and tearing as they fought for the tastiest morsels.

In the midst of this horror, my strength finally gave out. My body, already weakened by months of torment, could not endure the assault. I slumped back onto the cold, hard floor, my spirit crushed by the relentless agony. I felt the life draining from me, my consciousness slipping away like a retreating tide. As the rats continued their frenzied attack, the pain began to dull, my mind distancing itself from the unbearable reality. I felt myself floating, my spirit lifting away from the broken shell of my body. There was a strange peace in this final surrender, a release from the endless suffering. The last thing I saw before the darkness claimed me completely was the beady eyes of the rats, gleaming with a hunger that I would no longer feel. And then, finally, there was nothing.

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