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By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 08,Jul,24 08:15   Pageviews: 28

when I turned 21 years old and very thirsty I remember seeing this poster for the first time. 30 years later I took this picture when I was drinking my free large Birthday picture of Vitamin R ( Rainer Beer ). On are Birthdays my friends and I would walk 5 blocks on a street called, Tower ave. Within thoughts 5 blocks there were 10 Beer bars. By the time we crawled are way to that 10th large Birthday picture of Beer we were shit faced,( pissed ) . We named that 5 block walk, THE TOWER CRAWL. 10 more years have passed and things have changed. The city has cut us off with no more free pictures. The poster that I seen for the first I time I had a beer is no longer there. I wounder if that poster is still around today when I look at this pitcher and remember the last 40 years. P.S. THE TOWER CRAWL lives on as a health walk and swap meet.

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By Luvanicecock [Ignore] 09,Jul,24 10:12
Sorry I wasn't at that bar
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 09,Jul,24 15:36
We sure got hammered back then. You can't get Free beer for your birthday no more dam law makers. If I did a crawl now days it would probably would be my last one parting that hard.
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 09,Jul,24 15:42
Glad I got a picture of that poster . I have never seen it again. That bar has been there for ever . Makes me wounder how long that thing was on that wall. It had a frame around it. Late 70s may be.
By Luvanicecock [Ignore] 11,Jul,24 10:47
That was certainly a different time
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 12,Jul,24 23:07
It sure was.

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 08,Jul,24 08:15

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