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School nudity project part 3

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By Mynakedcock [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 12:27   Pageviews: 57

Sunday comes round and we all just relax for the day I`m not so worried about Monday as Tracy has this little blue pill for me to take.
Then Monday comes round and we are assembled waiting for the mini bus to arrive to takes us to the smallholding.
The mini bus arrives driven by Miss Black and we all get on and Miss drives off, on the way she informs us that she will not be staying with us today as she has a meeting to go to. She continues to tell us that her friend Sophie will be telling us what to do and we are to do whatever she says without question.
By the way Alan have you been able to control your erections over the weekend remember Sophie will not like it if you get a hard on. To be honest no I have still been getting hard, but I have a plan I have got a little blue pill from the chemist which is suppose to stop me getting hard, (I didn’t say who got it as I didn’t want her to get into trouble).
That was a good idea Tracy she said I know it was you, and respect to you Alan for not saying who actually got it in case of getting her in trouble, as it is not a bad drug I will overlook it. But I want you girls to be alert just in case and help Alan out if he does get a hard on, I don’t want to hear any complaints from Sophie that she has been offended at all.
We arrive at the smallholding and Miss parks up, ok you can get undressed here and leave your clothes in the mini bus, and asks me if I have taken my tablet yet, I reply that I am about to do so and take it.
After we have undressed we get off the mini bus and are greeted by Sophie, she is a very pretty young lady about 30ish years old and she is naked too, Miss Black introduces us all and re-affirms that Sophie is in charge and will give us our duties for the day.
We are gathered round and Sophie says we will work in pairs and separates us she puts Jill with Tracy, Jane with Sue and then Me with Pam.
Omg I think this wont be good Pam hates me but it is what it is and Pam doesn’t even complain to my surprise.
Jill and Tracy are given the job of starting to weed the veg patch, Jane and Sue to clean out the Pig sty and Pam and I to feed the Chickens and collect their eggs.
So we all go off to our jobs and I think to myself that I`m glad I had taken this pill to stop me getting an erection it would be really bad if I got one working with Pam.
So Pam and I go to the Chickens area and as told find the corn feed for the Chickens and start spreading it around.
Oh no I think I am getting a hard on what is happening This pill is not working, OMG Pam shouts you said you took a pill to stop this, I knew you were a pervert, no sorry Pam I promise I`m not this should not be happening I took the pill.
Ok I believe you but stay away from me I don’t want that monster anywhere near me, ok Pam I say I will keep my distance as much as possible.
We finish feeding the Chickens then start to walk round the area looking for egg, Pam leads and I follow her keeping a gap between us then Pam must have spotted an egg as she suddenly stops and bends over sticking her bum in the air and exposing her pussy from behind, she stopped so suddenly and I was looking at a sight I had never seen before I nearly walked right into her cock first.
Pam see I nearly walked into her and screams at me I told you to keep your distance, I know but you stopped to suddenly and the way you bent over was a surprise to me, what do you mean the way I bent over she shouted At me.
I tell her that I had never seen a girls pussy like that before and it was a surprise seeing your pussy like that and I didn’t react quickly enough.
Oh shit Pam says Sophie is coming, oh no she cant see me with a hard on what shall I do I say, go over there behind that shed I will tell her you needed to have a pee, wow that’s a good idea thanks Pam I say and quickly go.
I go over to the shed which turns out to be the Pig sty where Jane and Sue are working and they see me come and also see I have a hard on, oh my Jane says you shouldn’t have a hard on you took a pill to stop it, I know but its not working and Sophie is with Pam now so I am hiding.
Sue cries you got a hard on again in front of Pam I bet that didn’t go down well, no not at all but she is covering for me now I`m here having a pee she is telling Sophie.
Wow Pam is helping you Jane says that’s a surprise she has always been against you being in our class, I know I say I couldn’t believe it but yes she is helping me.
You cant go back to the Chickens with a hard on Sue says and we girls have to help you, what shall we do Alan, well I need to cum quickly or Sophie will think something is wrong can I rub my cock along your pussy till I squirt my semen please.
Ok if that will help but you are not to put your cock inside me, ok I promise not to do that.
Sue faces the wall in front of me and bends over and hold my cock head and gently rub it along her lovely pussy and it feels great it is so sensitive, and Sue`s pussy is getting wet which is giving me more pleasure as well.
Jane is keeping an eye out for Sophie in case she comes towards us and suddenly cries out omg Pam is coming this starless me and I suddenly push forward and at a time when my cock head is inline with Sues pussy hole, I cant help it but I push my cock into her pussy, it doesn’t go in far but it is so nice.
Sue screams and Pam appears at the same time, what the fuck Pam shouts I cover for you and this is what you do, and Sue how could you let him do it to you.
We all freeze in the moment and I am still there with the head of my cock inside Sues pussy not knowing what to do or say, then Sue says Alan please take your cock out of me as much as I am liking it I don’t think it`s right.
Right at this same moment we hear another loud scream this time it is Tracy and Jill what are you doi9ng, startled again I suddenly push forward again and push my cock further into Sues wet pussy, and what a feeling my cock is half way into a girls pussy and it is amazing.
Sue is panting and gasping for breath omg she manages to say, please stop I don’t want this and you promised not to put your cock inside me, sorry I say and start to pull it out when Pam says Sophie is coming don’t move Alan or she will she you Jane and I will distract her.
I try to stay still but it is hard all I really want to do is push my cock further into Sues pussy and her pussy is getting wetter all the time and I can feel me slowly sliding into her bit by bit, and Sue is moaning all the time too.
Shit Sue Pam comes back and says I thought Sophie was going to hear you but she has gone now, then Sue suddenly pushes back onto me and my cock goes right into her pussy, I am ball deep in a girl and it feels so great, I can feel Sues pussy clamping around my cock so tightly it is like my cock is being squeezed like a sponge.
Oh no I am going to cum and sure enough that’s what I do deep inside Sues pussy, Sue screams no why, what did you do.
Then we all hear another shout WHAT IS GOING ON HERE, it is Sophie and there is no hiding it as I still have my cock deep inside Sues pussy. I pull my cock out of Sue and stand there now still very hard, my cock is not getting soft.
I am so disappointed with you all Miss Black promised me there would be no misbehaving like this and you Alan would keep your erections under control, I have no choice but to report this to Miss Black.
Sophie called Miss and got her to come straight away to collect us pulling her out of her meeting.
Miss Black arrived and we all got back on the mini bus and started to get dressed, NO you will not get dressed you will stay naked and when we get back to the school there is going to be a discussion about what happened and punishment will be given.
We arrive back at school and go to our classroom where Miss asks why we had let her down so badly, I speak first and tell her it was my fault the pill did not work and I still have a hard on now my cock still hasn’t gone soft.
I continue to explain that Pam did try and cover for me and Sue was only trying to help too, help by letting you penetrate her with you cock, no that was an accident that should not have happened and I am sorry it did, the girls where only trying to help this is all my fault not theirs.
Ok Alan I accept your honesty and loyalty towards your class mates, but I still have to punish you and the punishment will be that you are not to wear any clothes for the rest of the term and you will lose one grade too.
Miss continues to tell the girls that they are lucky that I took responsibility for the incident and will not lose any grades themselves, but they must try harder to help me if I get a hard on again in a situation when it is totally inappropriate.
She then also asks Pam to stand up, Pam she says I am also very impressed with you after all the fuss you have made about Alan being in the class and having erections you were the first to help out, well done Pam and I am giving you a credit on your grades.
Miss Tracy asks as we have all seen each other naked can we share bathrooms as there is 5 of us girls with just 3 showers, and 1 boy also with 3 showers, it would make it a lot easier for us girls, that sounds like a reasonable request so yes your bathrooms are now mixed Miss says.
We are all dismissed and go and retrieve our clothes from the mini bus and go to our bedrooms and get cleaned up ready for dinner.
After dinner I decide to take a walk in the school grounds to clear my head after the days events, as I am Leaving Pam asks what I am doing and I tell her, to my surprise she asks if she can join me ok I says if you like.
We walk a bit in silence to start with then she says thank you for today and taking all the blame I got you wrong and I am sorry you are not a pervert.
Thank you Pam that is good to hear.
We walk a little more and get to the pond I ask Pam if she would like to sit here on the grass for a while, ok she replies and we sit down.
Alan Pam says, when you see me bend over at the smallholding did you think I looked very sexy you must have seen my bum hole, I think a moment and then reply yes it was very sexy and it was the first time I had seen a girl in that position.
So you liked seeing my bum hole she asked again, not only your bum hole I answered but also your pussy from that angle, it was very sexy.
This conversation is starting to turn me on and I get a hard on again, I expect Pam to get up and storm off but she does not she is very mellow about it and accepts it, she says it`s ok Alan I`ve seen it so many times now it doesn’t matter.
Thanks I say that’s good but I promise you I don’t do it purposely, you know something Alan I have been such a bitch to you and it`s not your fault, it`s my brothers fault because of what he done to me and I have blamed all boys thinking you are all the same.
May I ask what he done to you I ask, she says I think I can trust you now but you must promise never to tell anyone else, ok I promise.
It`s hard to talk about it and if my parents found out there would be a lot of trouble, she paused a bit then continued and told me that when she was 13 her brother came into her bedroom one night and got into bed with her naked and raped her.
OMG I say that is awful I can see why you have been against me being here but I promise I wont do anything like that.
Ok I believe you I know boys want to have sex with girls but not like with my brother, yes boys do want sex even me but not like that.
We walk back to the school building and to our rooms, it is getting late so I go straight to bed.
The next morning I wake up and go to the bathroom to pee and shower, I forget that it is now a mixed shower and go to the urinal to have a pee, I am having a pee when Jane walks in and can fully see me peeing oh sorry she says, I try to stop but it is to late and have to continue.
No I`m sorry I forgot this is now a mixed bathroom I should have gone in a cubicle and eventually finish peeing and shake my cock a bit to dispel any last drops of pee from it.
Jane has stood there not moving while I finished peeing she looks fascinated by the sight, are you ok I ask, oh yes she says it was a bit of a shock seeing you peeing but it`s ok it was actually quite sexy seeing it.
Really I say, yes it was and she asks if I have ever seen a girl peeing before, no I say never I think it would be sexy seeing a girl peeing too.
Ok come with me she says and goes into a shower she stands in front of me and takes off the panties she is wearing throws them out of the shower and crouches down facing me and with her legs apart, I can see between her legs right into her pussy and she starts to have a pee.
Wow it is such a turn on seeing Jane pee I immediately get a hard on, I see you like it Alan and stood up.
Can I ask you something Alan, ok I say, when you put your cock inside Sue yesterday did you like it, of course I did I like it a lot, I`m going to tell you a secret Sue liked it too she said it was amazing having your cock in her.
She is the first of us in our class to have sex the rest of us are still virgins I think, I obviously did not mention the talk with Pam the previous evening and agreed with her yes your probably right.
Then suddenly she announces she wants to have sex and wants it now, well I am so hard and turned on I say ok, shall we go to my room I ask, no I want it here and the same as Sue had it and she turned round bent over and supported herself on the wall.
I go up behind her and rub my cock on her pussy like I did with Sue and then start to push it into her, at first it won’t go in so I push harder and it starts to go in and Jane is moaning wait it hurts just stop and wait a bit so that’s what I do.
Then I go again slowly pushing my cock into her and it goes in a bit more, I pull back out a little bit and then push again this time a bit harder and this time I slid right in and Jane lets out a big scream I stop again and ask her if she is ok yes she screams it`s great.
I start to slide out of her until just the tip of my cock is still inside her tight wet pussy then push back in and this time I slide in nice and easily and it feels great, it is not long before I sense that I am about to cum and sure enough I cum squirting my cream inside Janes Pussy.
I pull out of her pussy, what is that it that was so quick, sorry I said I wanted to make it last longer but couldn’t, ok she said but it was nice Alan but next time you must last longer.
Wow there’s going to be a next time is there I say, oh yes Jane says and don’t stop peeing in the urinal.
Then Jill comes in, hi Alan she says before going into a cubicle for the toilet.
Jane and I then shower and clean up before breakfast and class.
At class we all sit at our desks me of course naked as this was my punishment naked till the end of term another 7 weeks away.
Miss Black enters and looks at me and comments good to see you have not ignored your punishment Alan.
Right class there will be no more nudity project assignments for another 2 weeks but I can tell you the next one will be a challenge and will involve you all being naked in in front of others.
The whole class gasps what naked in public, yes sort of in public but certainly in front of others that is all I am going to say for now.
The rest of the school week goes by nothing exciting happening just class and relaxing in my room studying and some time chatting with the other girls.
Then Friday we are told at the end of class that we have a long weekend there will be no class till Tuesday.
Wow that’s good we all cheer and we are dismissed from class.
That evening after dinner I decide to go for a swim and go to the pool and find Nancy and Lucy are there with a couple of other girls that I hadn’t seen before, Nancy introduces them as Sally and Claire new students in their class.
Why are you naked Sally asks, so I tell them about my punishment and why, so you had sex with a girl and now you have to stay naked Claire said yes that’s right.
Nancy told us about it but we thought she was joking Sally continued, wow you certainly do have a big cock Claire added I`ve never seen one that big before.
Oh how many cocks have you seen then Claire I ask, she replies lots I have seen all my brothers and some of their friends naked and my dad and Uncle, wow that is a lot for a girl your age I tell her.
Did you like seeing their cocks I enquire, yes it`s ok but I have never seen one stick up hard like yours is before she answers, oops I say sorry I keep doing this I cant help it.
Why does it get hard like that Sally asks, Lucy answers her it happens when he is feeling sexy and wants a girl to rub it, really says Sally, well yes sometimes I want a girl to rub it, I like it when a girl rubs it.
Nancy then tells them that she has seen me rub it and what happens, wow you have seen him do that both Sally and Claire say, have you seen him do it too Lucy they ask.
Lucy goes red in the face and says no not me, why have you gone red Lucy Nancy asks, shut up Nancy she retorts.
Then without warning Claire puts her hand out and grabs hold of my cock, oh my that is very hard she says and very hot, how hard Sally asks, you feel it to Claire says so she does wow that is hard isn’t it.
Nancy asks what I am going to do over the weekend, I tell her not much probably walk in the woods and relax by the pond and watch TV and swim here in the pool.
What pond Lucy asks, I tell her about the pond in the woods, that’s sounds nice I will look for it tomorrow too she says.
Us to the others say, maybe we will see you there Alan, ok I say maybe.
I feel the need to pee so tell the girls I am going to the toilet and will be back shortly, ok they say and I get up from the poolside where I am sitting and start to walk towards the toilets Claire does the same saying she needs to go too and walks with me.
I go into the boys and go up to the urinal but I find it hard to pee with a hard on so take a long time I still haven’t peed when I hear Claire calling me, asking what’s taking so long and she walks in to the boys toilet.
Haven’t you peed yet she asks, no I cant while I have a hard on I explain even though I really want to, so I give up and go back to the pool with her and get in and swim and play with the girls.
My erection eventually goes down and again I`m needing a pee desperately so I get out of the pool and head for the toilets again, I just get there in time to pee in the urinal not realising that Claire had followed me and was standing at the doorway watching me.
What are you doing watching me pee I said when I see her, I wanted to know what it looked like she answered, oh ok I said well it`s not the first time a girl has watched me pee, not the first time she exclaimed, no I said and told her about Jane the morning before and about her showing me her peeing.
We again went back to the others in the pool and played around for a bit longer before it was time to go.
The girls went to their changing rooms and I started to leave, but Sally said please wait for us and walk back with us, ok I will wait here for you.
A couple of minutes later Nancy walks out of the changing room naked saying she left her towel by the pool, she went and got it then said to me I dare you to go in to the girls changing room right now, oh what if Sally and Claire are naked.
Dare you right now I`ve dared you so you have to do it, ok I say and go in to them and sure enough the other girls are there in the shower area naked, they all scream when they see me shouting what are you doing in here with Nancy standing behind me giggling.
Lucy says I bet you dared him to come in didn’t you Nancy, still giggling she says yes, ok girls I say I will go now and see you outside and go.
Outside I can hear them talking and how Sally and Claire didn’t like what Nancy done Lucy said it didn’t really matter as he had seen her naked before, wow Sally said when, I had to do a dare and spend an hour in his room with him naked a while ago.
Who dared you to do that Nancy giggled saying it was her after Lucy had dared her to go to my room and be naked, is that when you see him rub his cock, yes that’s right, so Lucy did you see him rub his cock too, no I didn’t want to talk about it.
Oh please tell us what happened ok but you must not tell anyone else and she relays the events of that hour to them, omg that sounds cool Claire says was it a nice feeling rubbing your pussy on his cock, I suppose it was nice it didn’t hurt.
Then they all exited the changing rooms now dressed greeted by me with a hard on again from hearing their conversation.
Are you going to walk back like that Sally asked on seeing my hard cock, that’s a good question I say probably best I don’t, then before anyone could say anything else Nancy says dare you.
Well as said it is only natural for a boy to get a hard on so I agree and off we go we pass 3 other girls who all have a good look at my erect cock and have a good giggle, when we get to where we have to separate we go our own ways saying see you soon to each other.
Sally says very soon as she walks off with the others, I wonder what she means by that I think and go to my room.
I put the TV on and sit on my sofa to watch it after about 25 minutes my door opens and Sally comes in and closes the door behind her, she is now wearing a nightie she comes in and sits beside me and asks if she can come in, well you are already in now aren’t you giggling she says yes.
Would you like me to take off my nightie and sit with you naked she says, if you like I tell her that would be great.
She stands up and takes it off and sits back down next to me and very close, I ask her if this is a dare to as it was with Nancy and Lucy, yes I have to spend the night with you, the whole night I say, yes and in bed with you naked she tells me.
Ok I say I`m not going to bed yet I`m going to watch TV for a while first, ok but if you want to go to bed earlier just go and get in, no I will wait for you she said.
About an hour later I said ok I`m going to get into bed now are you going to as well, yes she said so I turned the TV off and said I was going to the toilet first ok she said I had better go too and followed me to the bathroom I went to the urinal and Sally went into a cubical and we both had a pee washed our hands and returned to my room.
I got into bed first and Sally next we lay there next to each other a while before I needed to turn onto my side Sally done the same facing away from me so she had her back to me and snuggled up close to me which I thought was very comfortable.
Sallies bum was right up against my pubes and I could feel myself getting a hard on and it is pressing against the bottom of her bum cheeks, oh no Alan are you getting a hard on she enquires and she opens her legs a bit and my cock goes between them and rests against her pussy.
I think to myself how I would love to poke it inside her pussy but remember she is only 12 years old so decide I had better not try.
Then I feel her touch the tip of my cock and it is so sensitive there it feels great and I moan with the pleasure of the feeling.
Do you like me touching you there Sally asked, oh yes I reply it`s great she rubs around the tip and I cant help it I push forward and with the way my cock is between her legs it is almost like was inside Sue and Jane.
I slide back until I am nearly out from between her legs and push back in again I do this a couple of times then when pushing back Sally moves a bit and changes the angle and the tip of my cock pokes into her pussy lips, it doesn’t go inside her but nearly did.
Sally says no you cant put your cock inside me, sorry I say I wasn’t going to that was an accident, ok she says.
Do you know what I would like to do I say, what she answers, I would like to rub the tip of my cock on your pussy, how she asks I will show you.
You need to lay on your back with your legs open wide, ok she says and lays on her back and opens her legs, I get in-between holding my cock and put the tip of it against and start rubbing it up and down her pussy lips.
This feels so good and Sallys pussy is getting wet which makes it feel even better, I push my cock in a little so the tip is between her pussy lips but not inside her pussy and continue rubbing up and down her pussy.
Sally is moaning and getting even wetter the feeling I am experiencing is so intense I cant help it I push a bit harder between her pussy lips, noooo she cries not inside me, ok I say and can feel myself about to cum, I stop rubbing and hold my cock with the tip just inside her pussy lips and rub my cock a couple of times and then squirt my semen between her lips.
After this I lay back down next to her that was great thank you for letting me do that, I hope you liked it too, yes it was nice she said.
I want to go to sleep now she said ok me too I replied and to sleep we went.
At about 5 o`clock in the morning we were woken up by Nancy shaking us what’s up I said very drowsy Sally has to come back now before others see she has spent the night here Nancy pulls the covers back off of us and gasped Sally did you have sex last night, no of course not, then what’s that in your pussy.
Sally puts her hand between her legs and feels her pussy and says oh no your semen is still there I need to shower, what did you do last night Nancy asks you said you didn’t have sex.
We didn’t he didn’t put his cock inside my pussy just rubbed it on my pussy.
Ok but we need to go now, so they quickly left my room, and I went back to sleep for a while until around 7 o`clock when I got up to go to the toilet.
I returned from the toilet and Tracy was in my room waiting for me morning she said I just wanted to know if you wanted to come with the girls and I to the cinema tomorrow evening, ok I said that would be great, Tracy was about to go when she said what’s this is a nightie.
Oh shit I thought it`s Sallys and she has just gone back to her room with Nancy naked, oh yes it`s one of the younger girls at the school she was dared to come here to my room and get naked in front of me last night and leave her nightie here and walk back naked.
Oh very strange but girls will be girls I was dared to do risky things to when I was younger but I was to cowardly to do them.
Then I see a semen stain on my bed sheet I try to hide it by pulling the top cover over it but to late Tracy sees it first, is that what I think it is she cries you didn’t have sex with her did you, no of course not she is to young, I masturbated last night, oh ok she said and left my room saying she would see me later.
I sit down for a few minutes then decide to get showered and go for breakfast, when I get to the canteen Nancy, Lucy, Claire and Sally are there when Sally sees me she goes all red in the face and looks away I approach them and greet them and tell Sally although she must already have realised I have something of hers in my room.
I know Nancy made me leave so quickly I didn’t put it back on and walked all the way back to our rooms naked, did anyone see you I asked, no luckily Sally replied.
Well you can get it whenever you like I tell her, ok she says and asks if anyone else see it, yes I tell her but not to worry and explained to her what I told Tracy.
Oh no Sally said does she believe you, yes I think so and when she see the stain on my sheet I told her that I had masturbated.
I ask them what they are going to do this morning, don’t know yet they said and asked me the same, I`m going to go for a walk after breakfast and relax by the pond I told you about.
Claire asks if she can come to it sounds very nice there, ok does anyone else want to come as well, I will Nancy says the others say they will see, I arrange to meet them outside at 10 o’clock and have my breakfast.

More to come soon.

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