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By swflnudeguy [Ignore] 26,May,24 08:56   Pageviews: 38

Ok, so I have had this pegging fantasy for a long while. I have mentioned it to a few girlfriends in the past and they were not into it. I know I was born in prudish times but cant for the life of me figure out why I am so sexually adventurous. There may be something wrong with me but I like to try everything, even at my age. Haven't fulfilled that pegging fantasy yet and im not going to give up, but chances are slim. But i will hold out hope.

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By Wantboth [Ignore] 01,Jun,24 16:58
Just looked it up, and I say, let's do it. I love using my purple dildo

By Wantboth [Ignore] 01,Jun,24 16:56
I'd gladly do anything with you to please your hot cock; I'll be honest, gonna have to look up pegging, but hey; if it's sex, and both want it, I say go for it!

By #716043 [Ignore] 26,May,24 09:19
If she won’t do it I bet he will.

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