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I've been wondering????

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By cockforcock [Ignore] 09,May,24 03:36   Pageviews: 139

I've been wondering: I enter quite a lot of photo competitions but rarely win. What do you think should I enter? Theme and pic. Would love to hear you suggestions.

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By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 10,May,24 09:46
Absolutely you have one hairy monster of a cock. Show it off and be proud of it.

By fila1305 [Ignore] 09,May,24 04:47
I've never won a contest. A lot of times even less votes then average. So I don't bother entering anymore. I just vote.
By cockforcock [Ignore] 10,May,24 00:09
hope i can count on your votes

By MM_DD [Ignore] 09,May,24 18:52
You are always a winner in my book.

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