![](/avatars/220/220436.jpg) .
There is NO justice when someone tells lies to The Court. A remedy for this extremely important
issue must be found and implemented ASAP. This is the remedy:
At the moment a lie is discovered (due to VERY BUSY fact-checkers while Court is in progress),
Court should recess while a surgeon is summoned to CIRCUMCISE the tip of the tongue of the liar,
right there in the court room! The surgeon should ask the liar if they wish to recant and tell
the truth. If they agree to recant, then Court should reconvene. Otherwise, their tongue will be
CIRCUMCISED promptly, without their consent.
I should add this:
If a defendant knows they're guilty, but pleads "NOT GUILTY", then that is also lying to The Court.
IF at trial they're found guilty as charged, then having their tongue CIRCUMCISED shall be added
to their sentence.
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For first offense of forcible r a p e performed by a male, the glans [head of the penis] should be
decapitated with a red-hot stainless steel guillotine blade specifically designed for this caliber
of punishment. That should cauterize the wound which may help reduce bleeding and infection.
If there is a second offense, then the rapist should have one testicle removed [if he has two].
Otherwise: If the rapist has only one testicle, then it should be divided in half so that he has
only half of a testicle remaining.
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