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Who had chigger bites that reshaped their cock at an early age?

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By Gntlmn [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 20:10   Pageviews: 92

My latest photograph shows off how my cock got reshaped when I was a kid.

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By Celestial [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 20:43

Now, I'm rather curious about a few things.

Were you naked when the chigger took a bite of your 'cigar'?
Did you see it when it took its first bite?
If so, was it an American chigger or a European chigger?

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 20:58
Definitely an ameriKKKn chigger... And had to have bitten me while my pants were on 😂
By Celestial [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 23:27

Hmmm. It must have got inside your pants when you unzipped and
let the horse out to take a leak or get some exercise!


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