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The Next Step ...

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By Celestial [Ignore] 28,Mar,24 09:42   Pageviews: 52


The next step in the evolution of the human species is a Global Nuclear Holocaust.
It will determine how many humans survive into the future. For how long?
The safest place to exist will probably be in tunnels and caves. In all likelihood,
the only sustainable food source will be mushrooms ... and worms.
As you and your progeny morph into the future, you'll begin to notice that your nose
gets longer and more pointed. Fear not; you're becoming moles and voles.


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By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 30,Mar,24 07:12
Maybe we'll evolve like the wolves surrounding Chernobyl and develop a resistance to effects of radiation
By Celestial [Ignore] 30,Mar,24 09:00

That's a nice thought. Are any veterinarians examining the wolves surrounding Chernobyl?
The nuclear issue has a much, MUCH LARGER footprint than Big Foot.

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By chubbyloves [Ignore] 29,Mar,24 14:41
seen that Movie. If we are lucky, our granddaddies from space will come back to fix things.
By Celestial [Ignore] 29,Mar,24 20:30

I didn't know there was a movie.


By Gntlmn [Ignore] 28,Mar,24 21:04
The Prophet
By Celestial [Ignore] 28,Mar,24 22:22

Thanks. What inspired me to write this article is the war going on between
Israel and Gaza. I've never heard such atrocities and genocide in my life.

I think Netanyahu wants the Hamas tunnels for the Jews to live in! Soon enough,
Jerusalem will become a desolate land, uninhabitable for 100's of years due to
radiation from so many nuclear bombs pointed at it.

By Celestial [Ignore] 28,Mar,24 23:27

We should NEVER forget what Benjamin Netanyahu said:
"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."

This still seems to be his attitude toward the USA.


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