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Just an update: I'll probably update more photos within the next month

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By AmazingLuna [Ignore] 14,Mar,24 09:12   Pageviews: 14

Just an update. I'm 23 now and in a few weeks I'll hopefully get back to getting laser hair removal and then I'll start taking new photos. I'm just not in the mood lately to take new photos but I will eventually. I also plan on actually getting bottom surgery one day. As I'm mostly bottom. The idea of being a top isn't all that appealing to me. While I'd let someone play with my girldick or suck it. I'm just not that dominant nor do I really like the thought of being a top. I'll probably end up with a guy in the end unless I find a woman who doesn't find me having bottom surgery as a deal-breaker. Also I guess it just means. I'll have an extra hole for a guy to fuck. Or a woman to peg ha ha. Anyway I'll probably take new photos within the next month or less

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