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Cure for Depression

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By GeorgiaP [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 22:10   Pageviews: 58

I was lonely and depressed. Even Show It Off was depressing me. All those people, yet in reality they were just an occasional picture and lots of words. I needed to come out of my funk somehow. I thought of contacting one of the last two guys I had fucked to see if they wanted to fuck my again but for some reason that did not sound exciting.

Then I thought of Marvin. Marvin was a dom who George and I had used in out early days of swinging and who was into abusing women. I looked in my address book and found him listed and I called.

Marin answered, “Hello”. “Marvin its Georgia”, hoping he would remember me. “Georgia. Ah sweet Georgia its been a long time sweetie.” I got straight to the point. “I need your services.” “Will George be coming along?” No. just me.” Do you remember where I live?” “Yes”, I said” “Tonight?” “Yes”, I said. “is your address still the same?” “Yes see you tonight 7 PM”. I hung up the phone.

Marvin had a nice house in the East Lake section of Atlanta, I went to the door and rang the doorbell.

The door opened. He grinned broadly, simply said hello, and then enclosed me in his arms and kissed me passionately. For my part, I probably looked terrified and couldn't even bring myself to utter a word.

His kiss relaxed me. It was long and loving. Our lips were parted, our tongues slid together. My arms embraced him as his did to me. Eventually our kiss finished, though he still held me tight. "Do you, um ... want to talk first or ...... um just get to it?" he asked.

"Let's just do it," I shamefully whispered.

He led the way to the bedroom. I gasped. Across the head of the bed he'd arranged a timber device consisting of an A frame on either side, with a sturdy cross piece supporting ropes and shackles running across and above the bed. Arranged on the carpet to one side of the bed was a formidable array of whips, lashes, dildos, vibrators, some sort of electrical device and a camera. To one side of this equipment, a tripod supported video equipment.

I stood there, eyes downcast as he undressed me. He told me to kneel on the bed. I knelt, naked on the bed as he quickly stripped. His cock was a thing of beauty, hard, red, giving little twitches as his lust engorged it. The head looked ready to explode, so hard and tight. He turned towards me and placed his hands on my head guiding me toward his cock. I eagerly opened my mouth and took his cock with its dribbling precum in to my mouth. I sucked lovingly and expertly, keeping my teeth well out of the way and using my tongue to good effect. "You filthy, fucking bitch," he groaned in delight, and gave my cheek a stinging slap. I loved him for the gift, and sucked more vigorously.

Another moment and his cum would have filled my mouth, but he pulled away and grabbed up a handful of my hair, twisting it so that I gave a squeal of pain. I was whimpering and holding myself so as to minimize the pulling of my hair. He let go and ordered me, in a sneering voice, to lay back on the bed.

I quickly wriggled up to where the pillows where at the head end of the bed, and lay back with my head propped on the pillows. Marvin then pulled in leather straps that attached to the A frames at the side of the bed. In moments my wrists were secured with my arms outstretched to either side.

He bent down and selected a flat, leather belt. I felt a shudder run through my body. Soon a wide, flat leather belt came thrashing down across my breasts. "Arrrgh!" I shrieked, my face twisting into a grimace of pain.

"This is what harlots such as yourself like to get," Marvin sneered spitefully.

"Oh God!" I thought to myself, "I was thrilled and felt so incredibly sexy and worked up. My pussy dribbled slightly so that I felt a trickle of juice run down between the cheeks of my ass.

The belt came thrashing down again, on a different angle this time so that it lashed at the side of one breast. I screamed. I couldn't help it. I lay there half gasping, half sobbing.

I watched as the belt was wielded back behind Marvin's shoulder and then sizzled through the air with a whizzing sound which stopped abruptly as the leather bit into my soft flesh. I screamed uncontrollably.

The belt now began flashing rapidly through the air, striking me and then being rapidly raised ready for the next onslaught against the tenderness of my breasts. Again and again and again, the blows came raining down in quick succession. I was screaming continually. My body was bucking about on the bed, my legs kicking wildly and my shoulders heaving from side to side but unable to move but a few inches, held securely by the leather straps securing my wrists. The tears were pouring from my eyes. My chest was heaving as I gasped for shallow breaths in between my frantic screams of pain.

Maybe forty or fifty lashes struck my poor, brutalized breasts before Marvin relinquished his hold on the strap. He was panting himself, so vigorous had been his exercising of the leather strap. I lay there blubbering, my eyes red and puffy, with my face and neck wet with tears.

Marvin was inspecting his handiwork, lightly fondling my battered breasts. I lifted my head and looked down. My breasts and all of the area around them was bright red, overlaid with raised, fiery red welts covering my small breasts which were already beginning to puff up in a swelling that I knew would last for the best part of a week.

My bonds were undone and Marvin sat watching me as I regained my sanity and ruefully rubbed my sore and tender breasts. After a minute he shoved me aside and lay out on the bed, holding his hard, lusting cock erect. "O.K. bitch," he snapped, "get on top and fuck me."

I needed no urging. I quickly got into position, kneeling astride his hips. I raised myself slightly, then adjusting my position, I eased down so that my pussy engulfed his lovely cock. I sighed with delight as I let myself sit right down hard on him, feeling his cock deep inside my body. I was so wet and slippery that his cock made slight slurping sounds as my body rose and fell, pumping myself lustfully onto his hard, erect cock.

"Fuck! you look beautiful," he said as he gazed at me. "Oh sure," I responded, aware that my face must look a mess after all of my howling. "No, true!" he exclaimed, "you look really fucked up after your bawling. "Oh," I laughed, coming to grips with what he meant by beautiful. "Next time though," he said, "don't wear waterproof make up; I like to see it streaming down over your cheeks so that you look a real fucking mess."

I fucked Marvin for some minutes before he told me to stop, adding that he'd cum if I kept it up. I ceased my movement, and he then told me to lean forward towards him. I did, not knowing what was to come. I thought that perhaps he wanted to kiss. I couldn't have been more wrong. His hand swung back and my head jerked as he hit me hard with the flat of his hand. "You fucking cunt-bitch," he snapped as I pulled away feeling slightly dazed. "Come on whore, I haven't finished yet," he sneered maliciously. I leaned towards him again and received another head jolting slap from the other direction. "Now get on all fours like the fucking animal that you are," I was told. I was mounted from behind and was fucked with such ferocity that I was nearly knocked flat with each forward thrust of his body driving his cock hard into my pussy.

Thw violent fucking lasted but a short while, Marvin no doubt holding himself in check lest he cum too soon. " He began to rub some sort of greasy gunk over my asshole, and worked a couple of fingers in as well. I felt him locating the head of his cock at my asshole, and then I felt him push forward, at the same time feeling his cock pushing inside me. I felt his hard cock deep in my ass each time he shoved his cock in.

I suppose, because I was so tight on his cock, he couldn't keep that up for so long. He pulled out and told me to hold my position. I couldn't know what he was doing up behind me, but I felt something large entering into my backside and slowly sliding in quite deeply. We were both quiet so that I heard the slight click of the switch, and my body was then filled with the pleasant vibrations of a dildo.

"O.K. whore, hold that in and roll over onto your back" I was told; I did that and was rewarded with another vibrating dildo, of large diameter, being slid up into my pussy. I now held both of these devices in my two holes, and was largely enjoying the sensation. Marvin next fiddled with the electrical device that I'd earlier noticed, and I was soon being randomly jolted with bolts of electricity emanating from the two metal probes that Marvin began poking into various parts of my body, but then beginning to concentrate almost exclusively on my sore breasts. I was jumping and gasping. "Ow! Yow!" and with each exclamation I leapt with the short, sharp shrill of pain that the probes delivered into my body.

I reached a point where I would hardly have been able to keep going with this electrocuting game of Marvin's. Perhaps he sensed this, but for whatever reason I was so very relieved when he put that device to one side and took up a pink plastic gadget. I immediately found that this was another vibrator. He skillfully began working on my pussy with it, and in just a few minutes I was in heaven. I knew that I was rapidly approaching an orgasm as I lay back in a blissful ecstasy and let my body surrender to the wonderful sensations.

I moaned and groaned lustfully. My body arched, pressing my pussy upwards onto the vibrator. The sensations where heavenly. Oh God, it was too much, I was being driven insane. It was too gorgeous, too wonderful to bear any more. I was moaning in a lustful frenzy. "Fuck! Fuck! !!!!! I had to push Marvin away and I did so as I brought my knees up and moaned with absolute delight. Marvin laughed, "you love being a slut, don't you bitch?" "Oh God, yes." I agreed with honesty.

My mind and body were in a state of complete surrender. I felt that Marvin could do anything that he wanted with me. I lay there happily watching as he once more secured my wrists as before, then watched submissively as he attached leather gauntlets around each ankle, then looped the ropes from these gauntlets up over the beam supported by the two A frame sections.

Marvin pulled on the ropes so that first my legs where lifted high into the air, and then gradually, as he worked my body higher and higher, bit by bit, I slowly was pulled into an upside down position, until I hung there supported from my ankles. My view was very limited, as my head, in that upside down position, faced directly toward the wall. I didn't need to see to know what was happening to me though. I heard the whizz of the lash as it cut through the air at a rapid rate. Thwack - the leather cord struck one side of my buttocks and then continued on, slashing across both of the cheeks of my backside and then continuing on, wrapping around over my hip and winding itself around my belly. The pain, sharp, biting, and crippling, raced through my body and into my brain. I screamed in a shock of pain that filled my entire being. Marvin gave the whip several flicks to loosen it from around my body. I then saw it snake back out of my vision, and I knew that I was in store for another horrendous lash. I howled "no.o.o.o.o!" through my sobbing tears, but heard the whizzing noise as the lash sped towards my helpless body. Again the whip struck and twisted around my body, this time higher, somewhere up around my waist. The pain was horrendous. My body, even though hanging helplessly like a carcass, shook and spasmed, causing me to swing about on the rope.

I screamed, I howled, I pleaded for mercy, all to no avail. He lashing my helpless body as I spun and swung about hung from my ankles. I had no idea at the time, of how many of these cruel, spiteful, brutal lashes I received, though Marvin told me later that it was twenty.

I was screaming, howling, bawling uncontrollably, my brain empty of all thought other than the awful pain. I was going mad, my brain being driven to insanity by this violent and brutal treatment. Finally Marvin stopped and loosened the ropes so that my wrecked body slid down awkwardly onto the bed. I lay there, howling pitifully.

Marvin was undoing my bonds. Hushing me and trying to calm my wretched sobbing. "It's all right," he said soothingly, "you've had enough of that."

I began to slowly regain my senses. Marvin was kneeling astride my head. I was still blubbering in abject misery as he took my head in his hands and began to roughly fuck my mouth. He grasped my hair and began savagely thrusting his lust gorged cock into my mouth, jamming into my cheeks and then thrusting right to the back of my throat and making me cough and choke. I felt him taking a tighter grip on my hair, hurting me and making me squeal, then he most deliberately pushed his cock into my mouth, right to the back and into my throat. My stomach muscles began to heave violently as my body tried to vomit out the cock that was choking me. My eyes streamed with tears and my brain reeled as I suffocated for breath. He eventually pulled out leaving me heaving and gagging and coughing violently, my spittle running from my mouth and down over my cheeks. I was still gasping in mouthfuls of air as he again began choking me with his cock. I tried to twist my head to get free but his fists clutching my hair held me rigidly in position. Again my body was reacting violently, heaving, choking, my stomach muscles aching from their violent reactions to my body being throttled. He began to get more violent and brutal, pounding his cock down my throat, his body slamming into my face so that I thought that he'd break my nose. Suddenly his body stiffened and he held his position with his cock deep down inside my throat as his cum gushed forth. I was semi-conscious when he withdrew, leaving me gasping violently, choking, coughing, my throat emitting rasping, whistling noises as my body tried to draw breath once more.

I finally began to breathe again in a rapid gasping manner, and my brain began to slowly clear a little. I lay there, an absolute wreck, my entire body sore, aching, my mind dazed.

My bonds were fully removed now. Marvin led me stumbling and unsteady, to the bathroom where I made an attempt to wash my face and tidy myself.

A half hour later, still naked and sitting on the sofa, I drank the coffee that Marvin offered. I at last began to feel, physically and mentally, that I could continue living and go home.

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