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Election 2024

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By Celestial [Ignore] 22,Dec,23 08:03   Pageviews: 44


If Trump is reelected in 2024, then various dictators will be allowed to rule the USA by presidential order.
In essence, a lot of Americans will end up being LOCKED UP and/or murdered.

If Biden is reelected in 2024, then his running mate may become the next president.
In essence, We the People should be voting for his VP running mate to be the next president.

May the best, most qualified person WIN and become the next president of the U.S.A.


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By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Dec,23 09:32
If Biden is re-elected we will Shirley end up in world war three the other countries for see him as weak and a dottering old man
Trump had a better grip on Putin and the Middle East let’s not forget he was the only president in history that got the Middle East to sign a peace treaty I’m not saying trump was an angel 😇 but he was a schrod businessman and new how to do business in the Middle East that’s why our fuel prices are so high right now
By Celestial [Ignore] 23,Dec,23 21:54

IF Biden is re-elected, we'll surely end up in WWIII? My friend, it's apparent to me that
we're already two thirds of the way through it; the authorities are petrified to declare it!
These conflicts and wars are being sold to Americans entertainment, but that could easily
come to a bitter end by summer of 2024.
I seriously doubt that "80% RUMP" (tRUMP) is as shrewd of a businessman as you claim; SIX
bankruptcies sounds more like a LOSER to me!
The Middle East peace treaty was primarily all optics. If you're truly interested, go and
checkout Wikipedia's "Trump peace plan" and you'll better understand why that peace treaty
evaporated from the heat generated by the current Gaza conflict.
As for "80% RUMP" having a grip on Putin, that seems mostly to be propaganda produced by
Western media.
This morning, I paid $3.459 per gallon of gas this morning. How does that compare where
you're at?

By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Dec,23 02:06
3.39 yesterday
By Celestial [Ignore] 24,Dec,23 08:17

Thanks. That's good to know. I tend to think that the price of diesel
fuel could be an indicator of the trend of inflation because practically
everything we buy is delivered using diesel. IF I remember correctly,
the cost of diesel this last week ranged between $5.02 and $5.15.

By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Dec,23 11:52
Yep around 5 dollars a gallon here too and heating oil is hovering around the same as gas lots of elderly people freezing this winter they can’t afford it on a fixed income

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 22,Dec,23 09:38
Fatshit Dump will have a stroke after he starts losing primaries to NiKKKi, whom the oligarchs are starting to bankroll.
By Celestial [Ignore] 23,Dec,23 18:30

Thanks, Gntlmn. I'm aware that the oligarchs are giving her some consideration and
starting to bankroll her. We'll see how things look early next year.


By saucyman [Ignore] 22,Dec,23 09:42
Not sure this is the platform for that kind of discussion but.... my 2 cents as an English guy. Trump is dangerous and unstable af. Biden is a non entity. Neither can really control world affairs but Trump could definitely negatively affect them in a bad way. Sort your shit out USA!!!
By Celestial [Ignore] 23,Dec,23 18:22

Thanks, saucyman. I always appreciate hearing comments from those who live abroad.
The reason that campaign 2024 has already started is that We the People have decided
that more time is needed to sort out the sh!t.


By chubbyloves [Ignore] 22,Dec,23 14:28
I think we need new blood. Not old people, and term limits. This election will be a shit mess (PS I am 76) and have nothing against old but Dementia Joe has to go
By Celestial [Ignore] 23,Dec,23 17:07

Thanks, chubbyloves. I wholeheartedly agree that the 2024 election is going to be a
sh!t mess ... of GLOBAL proportions.

We the People THOUGHT they had the right person in 2016. Then We the People changed
their minds in 2020. I suspect that 2024 will be a landslide for #47. Things will
START to gel immediately after the Chinese New Year begins (February 10, 2024).


By #662360 [Ignore] 23,Dec,23 07:18
How is it that in a country of 300 million people you Americans can only find Trump or Biden as possible Presidents? Over here in Britain we’ve only got 60 million but we do better with our unelected King and elected Prime Minister.
By Celestial [Ignore] 23,Dec,23 08:26

Thanks XJacker, I AM trying to stop a 2020 RERUN.
Happy Holidays.


By Flowo [Ignore] 22,Dec,23 14:30
I know a country where old men rule
You can't stay there because nothing can happen there
The tyrants are sitting on the throne
And dream of fame

These are a few lines from a song by the German rock band Spliff. Do you want me to name a few countries where such assholes are in power? I would like to talk about e.g. Not discussing at the moment. There are nicer things and it's better to concentrate on yourself. Merry Christmas
By Celestial [Ignore] 23,Dec,23 08:23

Thanks Flowo. Yes, I agree. I'm concentrating on myself and
we will talk about it later. Happy Holidays.


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