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Pain Slut - How it All Started

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By GeorgiaP [Ignore] 21,Dec,23 21:38   Pageviews: 50

As with most stories that my husband and I wrote the story is true. The specifics have been embellished just a bit to account for gaps in my memory and make the story more fun to read.

This event was one of the most memorable times in our relationship. This event defined me for about three years. After this event, I woke up in too many hospital emergency rooms. It took an intervention by my closest friend, at times placing her in harm's way, to allow me to escape me. She literally dragged me away from some serious situations. Eventually George and I realized that abuse could be mental as well as physical and that mental abuse can be more damaging then physical abuse. This event resulted in my self image achieving an ultimate low. It started a long period where pain was the most important thing in my life. Pain overruled everything, my marriage, my job, my friends and my future. It was not unusual for me to sit and watch a movie on TV with George and pierce my nipples with medical safety pins.

So here's the story.

We had been swinging for several years. I was quite happy with my swinging life with my husband. Both of us had multiple partners frequently and were able to satisfy most of our fantasies. At some point, my husband got off watching me with other men or women. He was not a cockold because he still liked his times with other women and occasional men. Soon our sexual efforts became entirely centered around me with other men, preferably with multiple men. In fact gang bangs became the norm. This was OK with me as I loved getting fucked and most times I was fucked by more than one.

After one swinger's party, a powerful friend of my husband, lets call him Sam, told my husband that he wanted me again. I had been with this man several times and found him to be a good sexual partner, but the last few hook-ups with him had became rougher and rougher as he sensed that was my thing. I eventually came away from encounters with him badly bruised so I went out of my way to avoid him. When George told me that Sam wanted me, I told George, ”No.”

One night, George said that he wanted to talk with me. George again brought up the request from Sam. He explained to me that I would be Sam's for one night, that there would be no limits as to what he could do to my body. He said there would be no permanent damage. At that point I again said, “No.” George remarked that Sam is a very powerful and influential man in the same business that we were in and that having him on “our side” could do wonders for our business. George eventually talked me into being with Sam. I told him I would do it if there was a safe word that would allow me an out. George told me he would insist on a safe word.

So I met with Sam. My husband had to pick me up the day after from the emergency room. I had a black eye, deep tooth marks on my tits, my left elbow was dislocated and I had burn marks on my left nipple where someone had put out a cigarette on it. The hospital wanted to call the police but George kind of laughed it off and said that he had been a little rough with me and that I was OK with what happened. I nodded in the affirmative. While George was talking to the doctor and nurses the previous nights event played out like a “movie in my head", how I was used by faceless men, many faceless men. I began to play with my clit. My moans became louder as I neared an orgasm, then a shriek escaped my mouth as I came. I think that convinced the doctor to just get me out of their hospital. George was allowed to take me home still in the hospital gown.

During the car ride home I knew George was talking with me but all I could remember is feeling how good the night had felt. I felt extreme pain, almost enough to make me use the safe word, but it seemed that the extreme pain was coupled with intense pleasure. Sitting there in the car seat, I realized that my right hand was playing with my clit and I had an orgasm on the way home.

When I got home my husband put me to bed and I thought of the previous night. I was used, humiliated, I was raped numerous times. I was treated like an object, a fuck doll. I was bound, beaten and humiliated. I whimpered, cried and screamed. Nobody cared what I wanted, I was just a hole for their pleasure. Thinking of my ordeal, I got so horny and had to cum, to have an orgasm. I used my vibrating dildo and I had orgasm after orgasm until I lay in wet sheets, wet from my cumming and sweating. During the orgasms, I slapped my face and slapped my ass with a wooden paddle.

In the following days I could not get that night out of my mind. I masturbated frequently. I masturbated in the car going to and from work. I did not wear panties to work so I could masturbate in my office. When George wanted to have sex I had to convinced him to hurt me. I remember one particularly painful night, I was riding his cock in bed. I handed him a pair of pliers and asked him to put the jaws of the pliers on my nipples. When the jaws were in place, I increased humping his cock and told him to squeeze the pliers. He did to an extent. I knew that he didn't want to hurt me too bad but he didn't realize how much a wanted it. I stopped humping and grabbed the pliers from his hands and squeezed them tight. The pain was exhilarating and I came immediately.

George started looking for people who wanted a pain slut and we found a few and those events were such a turn on. Each time there was a certain level of pain. But no scenario approached the level of pain I endured during meetings with Sam. In each scenario, I did exactly as I was told. I know that it was wrong. I shouldn't do it. But I couldn't help it. I had to do it. My body craved it.

George came into my office at work one day and said, “Sam wants you again.” I know George expected me to say no but all I said was “OK” and my right hand began playing with my clit. George looked at me and said, “Are you sure?” Once again, I said, “OK.” George told me that Sam had given us a list of instructions for the event. I said, “Read them to me”.

George read, “There would be multiple men. There would be NO safe word. I would experience pain, lots of it. There would be no damage to my body that would not heal. I would speak only if someone said “speak”. To prepare yourself for us do the following:
All hair on your body shall be removed, including the hair on your head.
No jewelry shall be worn
You shall wear black six inch heels
Wear no makeup
You will arrive nude”
A van will pick you up at noon Saturday and drop you off afternoon Sunday.

George continued, “ Can you do that? Gives you five days. What about your hair?” I told him, “I'll buy a wig.”

I shaved and waxed everywhere so I was completely smooth and hairless. I went to the hairdresser, and after insisting, I had all my hair cut off and my head shaved.

Noon arrived. Everything was ready. I stood at the door, nude, waiting for the van to arrive. George said, “Luckily I don't see any of our neighbors outside." The thought of being seen by our neighbors caused my pussy to tingle and I felt a dampness run down my leg.

Exactly at noon a large van, one of those with the raised ceiling, pulled up. I walked normally toward the van, I didn't hurry, completely naked. The van's door slip open and I noticed the van's ceiling was high enough to allow Sam to stand. He help out his hand to help me step into the van, then he closed the van door.

“OK, you stupid cunt, listen up. This is your last chance to back out. If you stay in the van, you are completely in our power. We will do exactly what we want with you. Forget those silly things like a safe word. You have none. You are here for us; our pleasure and we will do what we want. Your body isn't yours anymore. it's ours. On the other hand, your dreams will come true. You will get what you need and your body craves. So now is your last chance to back out. This is the point of no return. Are you staying? Answer!"

I said, “Yes” Out of nowhere a closed fist round-house punch hit the right side of my face. I staggered back from the punch, I saw a flash of light in my field of vision and I felt dazed and confused. I staggered back and forth, Sam made no effort to catch me and I fell to the van's floor.

Sam looked down at me and said, “You stupid whore, the directions said that you would not speak unless I said “speak”. Did you hear me say speak? Sam, reached down and grabbed my left ear and twisted my face so that we were looking at each other. He screamed in my face, “Did I say speak?”. Now get up”

I was already shaking my head back and forth to clear my head. I attempted several times to get up, each time falling back to the van's floor. The ringing in my ear was indicative of my equilibrium being scrambled. Eventually, I was able to hold on to various parts of the van and pull myself to a standing position. I was unable to let go of my hold on the van. I knew if I did I would fall to the floor again.

I was so scared and yet I realized I was so horny. Did the punch trigger pleasurable feelings. I stood completely still. I said nothing.

Sam said. "Hands behind your back. I felt considerable wrist pain as a set of handcuffs was applied to me. I tested the range of movement of my hands with the handcuffs on. There was virtually no slack in the cuffs and the cuffs were so tight that my wrists were pinched by the cuffs. I experienced a constant dull pain in my wrists.

When he was done, he asked me to turn around and he looked me up and down. I was ashamed, but yet I felt my cunt moisten under his eyes. I wanted to sink to the floor, but of course I couldn't. There was nothing I could do to get away from his eyes. He just said calmly. "Not so bad... you are good enough."

Then he took out a pink collar, about 2 inches wide with several rings on it and fastened it around my neck. The collar was high enough on my neck that the collar forced my head up. I could not look down.

Then he said. "Open your mouth" I obeyed. "More." I opened my mouth as much as I could and he stuffed something in it and walked around and attached some straps on the other side of my head.

I realized I couldn't close my mouth. He had inserted a ring gag. Now I was really exposed. My arms were cuffed behind my back, my mouth couldn't be closed and I was collared.

I was excited to be exposed like this, my body reacted. My pussy got wetter and wetter.

The van slowed and stopped. We had arrived at our destination. He said, "Move, whore. Step out of the truck". I noticed there were lots of cars parked in the huge driveway. Before we entered the house I want to make sure that you realize you must not speak unless someone says speak. The word speak is your permission to speak. to. Failure to do so will result in a punch to your body. Yes I said punch, we do not slap, we punch when that rule is broken.”

I stumbled after him as we walked toward the house and through the door into a large room full of men, lots of them, lots and lots of them. He pulled me into the middle of the room. The men were well dressed and quickly circled around me. I was the only one who was naked. Since I couldn't look down. I had to stare directly into the eyes of the surrounding men. Each man's face was different, some had a smirk on their face, some looked at me with hunger and several men looked like they would be the pain deliverers.

Sam grabbed me by the shoulders and faced me toward the men who slowly started to encircle me."This is the whore I told you about. I don't know her name and it doesn't matter. Who cares? She's just a whore, three holes we can use as we want. Her husband provided us a complete sexual description of this cunt's fantasies and luckily for us, she is a pain slut. She wants pain, she needs it, You all have read the husbands words. She's ours until we're done with her. She knows she has no safe word. There is no way out for her. This is her fate and she has accepted it. When you deal with her your goal should be to inflict pain, without causing permanent harm. As you saw in the sexual fantasy list she will enjoy the pain. I wonder if it is possible for the pain to overcome the pleasure. We shall see.”

I was completely crushed. My husband had revealed all my fantasies. He had revealed everything. They knew, and now I was completely handed over to them. I didn't know who they were, not even how many they were.

Sam said, “OK, guys she is yours, have fun.” He pushed me against the men directly in front of me. The men pushed me back and forth between them, they pushed me around like a rag doll. Men slapped my face; men slapped my ass, men pinched and yanked my nipples. They called me things. "Whore, slut, cum slut, useless."

They continued to manhandle me. Someone had a hard leather paddle and hit my ass with it. I screamed out in pain. Others spit in my face. I was completely helpless. I could not resist. They put fingers in my mouth and pussy. I heard someone say, "She's wet, the whore is wet. She likes this. How can anyone like to be treated like this? There must be something wrong with her."

And wet I was, my juices were flowing from my pussy down my legs.

One man approached me and leg-whipped me to the floor. I fell on my back and trapped my cuffed hands behind me. I rolled over to my left side to relieve the pain of the cuffs digging into my back.

I felt a man use his foot to flip me over onto my stomach. Men reached down and grabbed my shoulders to hold me still. Two men grabbed each leg and pulled them apart, wide apart, painfully apart. Someone pulled out a vibrator and held it against my clit. I tried to free myself but it was impossible no matter how I fought, I couldn't get free and my body betrayed me. I started moaning and rubbing against the vibrating tool.

Someone started talking in my ear. "You know you're a whore and we all know that you'll behave as such. You get turned on being humiliated and beaten. You haven't known pain like you are going to receive from us." He continued to talk and they continued to massage my clit with the vibrator. After a while, I couldn't resist. I came. I came hard, getting my release in the hands of those brutal men.

Another man said, “Sam said that you like pain, but can there be too much pain. Can there be enough pain to override the pleasure feelings?” They removed the vibrator and I almost asked for them to put it back. I felt an object, a large object placed against my pussy. I felt the large object stretch and enter my pussy. “Fuck my shoe, cunt.” I felt a pounding at my pussy. It was like someone was hammering the shoe. My pussy was being stretched, stretched more than it had been before. I felt my body react to the intrusion. Amazingly I found myself trying to hump the man's shoe and I came again. I felt the shoe being withdrawn from my pussy and the man said, “Damn, I know it will go in farther. Seems to me that this useless piece of shit is getting off humping my shoe.” Then the man kicked me hard in the pussy. I know that he was trying to ram his shoe into my pussy but he missed. I shrieked in pain from the kick as my pussy was squashed beneath the man's shoe. I screamed in pain and I said, “Please stop, don't hurt me anymore.”

I heard the group of men gasp and one man said, “Tsk, tsk. Did you hear that, the whore spoke without anyone saying speak.” It was at that moment that I realized I had spoken out. I said, “No. no. no it just hurt so bad, I will not do it again.” Please no more.

The man said, “pull her to her feet boys the stupid slut broke a rule. She needs to be punished.” I was pulled to my feet and held up. I am not so sure I could have supported myself. I was whimpering and crying for I knew what was coming.

The man said, “If you promise you will not do that again, perhaps I can cut you some slack. “ I said “thank you, it will never happen again. The man said, “ Damn cunt after I said I would cut you some slack you spoke out again.” Then the man punched me hard in the stomach. As soon as the punch landed the men holding me up let go of me and I doubled over and fell to the floor. My stomach hurt so bad and I felt the contents of my stomach come up my throat and out through my nose and mouth. I lay there in pain for several minutes. A man came up to me carrying a bottle of water. He put the nozzle to my lips and said,”Drink up.” I drank from the bottle and swished the water around in my mouth and spit the water out on the floor.

My knees were still pulled up near my shoulders. Someone pushed 2-3 fingers into my pussy and started moving them in and out. Someone else put his arm around my neck and held me. The fingers drove faster and faster in and out of my now very wet pussy. A man said, "You know we'll fuck you. We will **** you. We will use all your holes. You're just some holes. You're nothing but a fuck doll."

And then I came again, even heavier than the first time.

They continued to laugh at me as I orgasmed on the floor with my drawn up body swinging side to side.

A man about 20 feet away shouted, “Crawl to me you stupid cunt.” The men parted from around him and I crawled toward him. I remember wishing that he would fuck me when I got to him. As I crawled men cam up and slapped my face hard. I don't know how many times they slapped my face. My brain began to get fuzzy from all the slaps. I began to realize that I was exactly what they said I was, a cheap slut, a whore, all my holes they could use. I was nothing but holes in their eyes. I felt completely useless.

When I got to the man, he said, “Beg me to fuck you and I will.” I almost said something then quickly realized he was trying to get me to speak again. I wrapped myself around his legs like a cat, rubbing my face against his cock tucked away in his pants. Someone pushed a large butt plug in my ass.

I saw all the men that I could see take their cocks out of their pants and start to stroke them. I crawled from man to man trying to get a cock through the ring gag and into my mouth. It soon became a game to the men as they would dip their cocks through the ring gag and then quickly withdraw them.

One man had two guys hold my head steady and he pushed his cock through the ring gag. I just knew they were all going to **** my mouth.

Then a hot liquid came out of his cock into my mouth. He said, “Don't let her move.” His piss was causing me to cough and gag and I felt like I was drowning. When I thought I could no longer take it, he withdrew his cock. Then about 10 or so men began to piss on me, they pissed on my face and my body. Then the shame of it, my pussy convulsed into a massive orgasm.

Now I really had reached the bottom, now I really was as useless as they told me. I WAS WORTHLESS.

When they were done, they pushed me down on the floor so I lay helpless on my stomach, wet with piss all over. Someone put a boot on the back of my neck to hold me down, pressing my head hard to the floor. Another man grabbed the butt plug and pulled it from my ass. The butt plug was immediately replaced with an object that was huge. I heard the buzzing sound of a vibrator again. I couldn't help it. I had been aroused by the total humiliation. I came there on the floor, soaked in piss, with a boot on my face and a big vibrating object in my ass. The men moved away and I was left to the vibrations in my ass. I don't know how long I was left there but I know I had orgasm after orgasm and the constant vibrations were driving me mad. I wanted to cum but I wanted the damn vibrations to stop.

I was at the bottom. I couldn't sink lower. I really was nothing. I am a disgusting useless whore.
A man said, “ You've had your fun, soon it'll be our turn."

A man came up to me as I lie there piss soaked and he said, “Its almost time for the gang bang cunt. I think there are at least 30 men here who have been enjoying humiliating you but I know that the ultimate goal of each of us is to fuck you over and over and over again. But first your body must be prepared, None of us wants to put our cocks where others have been. Your husband describe how free you are with your pussy and who knows what shit you have growing in that cunt of yours. And your ass, those of us that want your asshole do not want to have to clean shit from our dick when its over. Its time for your cleansing.

They fastened a leash on my collar and pulled me out into the yard. I started to attempt to stand and one man told me to crawl. I was pulled and half crawled across the concrete decking. I could feel the concrete tearing skin from my knees. I was told to sit on my butt and I did, Sitting on my butt caused the object in my ass to be inserted farther up my ass and intensified the vibrations coming from the object. I was close to cumming again. I saw the men take out a water hose and spray me with cold water. They used a brush with a long shaft and stiff bristles to clean the accessible areas of my body and then I was shoved over to each side in turn to be cleansed.

Then a man approached me with a toilet brush, the brush was round, bullet shaped and about 6 inches long, 3-5 inches in diameter with about a 9 inch handle. He said, “”We need to clean out your pussy prior to us putting our dicks in it. Roll over on your side.”

He poised the brush over my pussy and started pushing it inside me. It was going in, but slowly. The man then said, “Damn I forgot the lubricant.” He then squirted a whole tube of peppermint toothpaste on the brush. The brush was once again placed at the entrance to my pussy. As the end of the toothpaste covered brush touched my pussy, my pussy was suddenly ablaze. It burned, oh gawd how it burned. The brush didn't go in easily and it required a little effort. I screamed and screamed and panted for air as I felt the brush begin sliding inside my open burning pussy. It felt like each bristle of the brush was scraping the inside of my pussy. Finally after working the brush around and pushing hard enough, the entire brush disappeared inside my pussy. He started working the toilet brush in and out of my pussy and I watched as the toothpaste and pussy juices spilled out. He fucked me with the brush harder and harder, spreading my hole open wider and wider. He pulled the brush out where only a small portion of the brush was inside me. Then he said, “What ya think fellows, out or in?' A chorus of “Ins” followed and he plunge it fully back inside me again. I looked down toward my pussy and saw the handle of the brush sticking out and saw that the toothpaste foam escaping from my pussy was a light pink. I must be bleeding inside.

The man said, “Out?' A chorus of “Out” was his reply This routine, In and Out went on for several minutes. I was writhing and moaning and screaming at intervals, and I felt an orgasm approaching. I thought how can I cum when I am experiencing so much pain? The man stood up, leaving the brush inside of me, and said, “Wait we need to make sure that clit is clean too.” The man reached into his pants pocket and withdrew a plastic kitchen cleaning pad and place it against my clit and began scrubbing my clit hard and fast while he jammed the toilet brush in and out of my cunt with lighting speed. My sensitive clit was being stroked like it had never been stroked before. Can you scrub a clit raw? It wasn't long before I screamed. Screamed does not do it justice, wailing is that louder than screaming. Then I began coming, my pussy contracting against the brush, which just sent me into more orgasms. I came so hard I squirted all over the place. Finally after at least four orgasms in succession, I was done for. The man pulled the brush out of my swollen cunt and tossed the cleaning pad to the side.

"Now that we have her pussy clean its time we get her asshole clean. Our dicks are going to be in there also. Its time for the enema," the man said as he picked up a long rubber tube with a rectal nozzle attached to the end. I noticed another man was holding the enema bag and he was filling it with the hose. The man said, “Wait, we must be civil and use a lubricant.” Saying that I saw him hold the enema nozzle and squeeze a small amount of the peppermint toothpaste tube on the nozzle. Holding the nozzle in his right hand, the man parted my cheeks,withdrew the vibrating object and placed the nozzle at the entrance to my ass. I cried out as the nozzle made contact with my asshole and my asshole was on fire.

"I am a doctor in my private life and in my professional medical opinion, an enema should be no more than a liter and a half. But seeing as we have had other women take over two liters, we will start with two and a half liters,” the man said. And with that, the man released the clamp on the enema tube. As the water flowed into me, the men around me cheered and I heard, “Clean out her intestines.”

I looked up at the full enema bag being held by another man and I could not believe that I was being forced to undergo an enema. And a large enema at that. Never had I experienced an enema under sexual situations. As the enema fluid made its way into me, my belly began to look stretched, bloated and heavy. I felt beyond full but yet water continue to enter my ass. I felt minor muscle contractions. I heard gurgling from my stomach area.

The men stood in a circle around me, laughing and joking among themselves. Thee enema nozzle was removed from my asshole. As I lay there on the concrete, I could feel the enema fluid start to leak out of me. One of the men said, “Hey bitch don't mess up the concrete, hold the damn fluid in. If you don't hold the fluid in there will be hell to pay.” As he said that four men separated themselves from the crowd and came over toward me. The four men worked together to have me on my hands and knees on the concrete. Another man came up and I felt a long wooden stick of some kind enter my asshole. The man started to fuck me with the wooden stick. Enema fluid was leaking from my asshole as the stick went in and out. Another man came up and kicked me in the stomach and I felt the pain from the bloating intensify.

I started to cum from the stick fucking my ass. The stick was removed from my asshole and that did the trick. Enema fluid shot like a fountain from my ass. I felt so relieved to have the pressure of my bloated belly removed. And then a man walked up and roughly reinserted the large vibrating object in my ass. The vibrations instantly brought me close to another orgasm. How can I cum anymore? My pussy and asshole were on fire and my body is weak from the “pleasures” I had experienced so far.

And then I felt a stream of high pressure water hit my body as a man said, “Clean up the whore.” The men washed down my whole body concentrating on my pussy and ass. I could feel the high pressure stream cause my pussy lips to flap around. The high pressure water on my pussy and asshole hurt like hell but I found myself trying to move to direct the water to my clit and I came again.

When they were done, I was freezing, they took me inside and pushed me to the floor in a corner of the room. Nothing to sit on, no towel to dry me off or blanket to make me warm. Someone took the ring gag out of my mouth.

It was nice to be able to close my mouth again. My jaw was really sore. However, the vibrating object remained in place in my ass and my arms were still cuffed behind my back. The room looked good, someone seemed to have cleaned the piss off the floor.

As if through a fog, I heard them drinking beer and eating. I couldn't move. It was like I was paralyzed. They commented on me and how much fun they'd had so far. The most common words I heard were "the worst whore we met", "total slut", "cheap fuck doll" as they laughed and made high fives.

Then I listened as they started to plan how they would continue. They weren't done with me, yet. The real gang **** hadn't even started. The vibrating object was driving me crazy, it was making me cum over and over again. The feelings were intense, a mixture of intense pleasure and pain. I had had enough. I couldn't take it anymore.

Then without thinking thru the consequences, I heard myself say, “Hey, this is my safe word, its “enough”. I have had it. I have had enough. Let me fucking go.”

All eyes looked toward me, shocked at the fact that I had spoken up, breaking the rules once again. I saw Sam get up from the table and walked toward me. I crawled into the corner of the room, “no, no, no, no I quit, please let me go, I quit.”

Sam came to me and knelt in front of me and took my face in his hands. He started to caress my face and pulled me toward him and he gave me a kiss on the top of my bald head. “Cunt, you can't quit, its against the rules. And you spoke out again breaking the rules. What are we to do with you?” I said, “let me go, you guys have had your fun. You have proven that pain can overcome pleasure.” At that moment a series of moans escaped my lips and I had another orgasm. Sam chuckled, “But have we? We have done this many times before and I have never seen another woman cum as much as you. I began to cry. “There still remains what to do with you for breaking the rules once again.”

“George, come here,” and I saw the crowd of men part and my husband walked up to Sam. I said, “George, thank god, please put an end to this and take me home, please George.” George never looked at me and addressed Sam, “I am not sure but she needs to pay for breaking the rules repeatedly.”

Sam addressed George, “ You have seen us use the yellow jacket on bitches right?” George nodded his heads and said “That might convince her to stay quiet.”

During this entire conversation I was calling George every foul, disgusting thing I could think of.

“Get the yellow jacket.”

“OK, OK, punch me,punch me hard, I will not speak out again, punch me.” Sam said, “No my dear you must learn. Get her in that chair.” I was picked up, the cuffs were removed and and I was placed in a chair and the cuffs were fastened to the chair.

A man arrived with a test tube and gave it to Sam. Sam showed me. It was a tube with a plunger and inside the tube was a yellow jacket. I shuddered. “Interesting device, we have shaken the tube to anger the yellow jacket and then placed the opening of the tube so that it covers a woman's nipple. But surprisingly the yellow jacket crawled on the nipple but did not sting. Then we devised this method of delivery. The tube will be placed over your nipple and then we will slowly push the plunger in continuing to trap the yellow jacket closer to your nipple. Eventually the yellow jacket will have had enough and he will sting. We will do the right nipple. If you speak out again, we will do your left nipple and if necessary we will do your clit” I shudder.

I watched as the tube with plunger was shaken a few times then the plastic top was taken off and the tube was place over my right nipple. I turned my head away but Sam forced me to watch. “Watching is half the excitement.”

I watched the yellow jacket attempt to fly and I could hear the buzzing sound. The the yellow jacket landed on my nipple. I tensed every muscle in my body. I could feel the yellow jacket walking over my nipple. “See . What did I tell you for some reason the yellow jacket will not sting. Now we will force it to sting you.”

The plunger started into the tube and the available space for the yellow jacket was slowly becoming less and less. The yellow jacket seemed to respond to the intruder and was jumping all over the place within the tube. As the plunger went in farther and farther the yellow jacket was forced against my nipple. Once again, I tensed my body. I felt the yellow jacket's wings against my nipple and then he stung me and then he stung me again.

I shrieked very, very, loudly. If Sam had neighbors they would be calling the police. Oh my gawd, the pain, the pain hurt so much. I felt the tube being pulled away from my nipple and they were able to trap the yellow jacket within the tube. The man who identified himself as a doctor earlier, stepped up and gave me a shot in the left arm, saying, “That should prevent any side effects.”

I looked down at my right nipple and watched it grow, the swelling was pretty immediate and as the immediate pain began to lessen the nipple started to itch. Sam, who was still kneeling with me reached over and grabbed the right nipple and began twisting the nipple to and fro. Oh gawd, even though the large object was vibrating away in my ass, I did not feel any pleasurable sensations, I did not feel like cumming. “Slut, did you like that? Please talk again so we can do your left nipple, please.” I rapidly shook my head back and forth indicating no. “And if you truly want to make me happy, then talk again and we can use the yellow jacket on your clit. We have never done that to anyone, what ya say, you game for it?” My head continued to shake indicating no.

Sam said, “OK, get her back on the floor and then lets eat. Then the cuffs were removed, I was told to stand. A couple of men helped me up and turned me around and recuffed my hands behind me. Then I was shoved back to the floor.

Being unable to rub my right nipple made it just that much worse. I could not ignore the pain in my right nipple. I tried to drag my right nipple along the floor to see if I could combat the infernal itching. Didn't seem to matter.

While the men ate I just squirmed on the floor. Eventually the pain subsided and I noticed that I felt the vibrations from that large object in my ass once again. Sam walked in and said, “I forgot that the vibrator had two higher speeds.” He withdrew the remote fron his pocket and upped the speed one notch and my lower body began to dance around with pleasure. Then I felt the vibrations increase in intensity again. I felt my pussy convulse and a massive orgasm took over my body. And I mean it. The orgasm seemed to originate from my pussy and flow along the outside,of my entire body. Then I felt fluid gush from my pussy and I squirted and settled for a minute and then I squirted again.

I almost yelled out for someone to come relieve me of the object in my ass but the pain and stinging in my right nipple reminded me what a bad idea that was. So I sat there in my own juices, wiggling across the floor. I thought I loved to orgasm but this was ridiculous. My body was sore, all my muscles were fatigued. Yet I still had an orgasm about every 10 minutes or so.

When they'd finished eating, I watched as the men reentered the room. A few of them carried a stainless steel table and other equipment into the room. The table had openings all along its perimeter. I guess the holes were to tie things to. They forced me to my feet and reached behind me and took off the hand cuffs. My hands were pretty much numb and as I started to rub them together to bring feeling back to them, two men grabbed my arms and prevented that. I was thrown across the table landing on my back and my arms were tied, spread eagle to the side of the table. The object in my ass was removed.

Looking down between my legs I could see that foot supports like the ones used in a gynecological examination were being attached to the table. My legs were placed in the support and and then I heard a cranking noise. I quickly realized that the gyno foot supports were moving apart from each other. The cranking continued until I screamed in pain, then stopped. Then I heard a click and the end of the table supporting my ass dropped away. The only support for my body was my back and my legs. I realized that this position presented both my pussy and my asshole for fucking. Another set of cranks took the slack from my arms. I was truly spread-eagled.

My head was hanging over the edge but I could not lower my head due to the collar. They removed the collar and my head hung down. Clips were attached to each ear lobe and tied to the bottom of the table. The clips forced my head to remain hanging down.

That was clearly not enough for them. They attached two clips to each labia. The clamps each had their own strings. The strings were pulled and fastened, I guess, somewhere on the table or on the metal bars. In any case, the result was that my pussy was now fully spread and opened.

A man came up to the end of the table that my head was on and he stood close enough so that his clothed cock was closing off my mouth and nose. I struggle to get air but I was held in place my the clips on my ear lobes. After a few seconds of me thinking I was going to suffocate, the man stepped back just a bit.

I hard Sam speak, “Well cunt, you may not see it yet but we are at the pleasure part of the evening. You are going to get all the cock you ever wanted. But... “and he paused, “we will want to test once again the hypothesis that pain can override pleasure. So I am afraid we need to hurt you again. Don't talk, remember that yellow jacket.”

I felt clips being attached to my nipples. The clips were very tight and when the clip was attached to the right nipple, the pain was almost unbearable. I heard Sam chuckle, “You should see how large your right nipple is, its enormous. Then I felt my boobs being pulled up. I guess the clips were attached to cords that must be attached somehow to a rod above my breasts. My tits were stretched completely upward.

Despite all the humiliation and all I had to put up with so far, I felt even more ashamed, more defenseless and more vulnerable than ever. Now I really was just a set of holes.

When I looked around, I saw, from my upside-down position, a lot of naked men, best guess, more than 20, with rock hard cocks, each man stroking his cock to maintain his erection.

The someone, Sam? Pulled a stainless steel cart up to the side of the table. I couldn't see what was on the cart but I knew I was not going to like it. I felt a sharp jab along the side of my left tit, sharp enough to break the skin and I felt a trickle of blood run down my tit. Then I heard and felt a horrible sound. A hammer of sorts was driving a needle or rod through my left tit. The pain was intense and I nearly fainted. I felt another sharp point on my left tit, then the hammering sounds and another rod started to slide through my left tit.

I fainted. I woke to smelling salts being waved under my nose. The rods through my left breast hurt like hell.

I heard Sam say, “OK, guys let s fuck the bitch. All her holes are open. She also,loves you to pull on the rods through her left breast, remember she likes pain.”

No words were needed, the men just started.

I don't know how long it lasted. At times, I had a cock in my mouth and in my pussy or my ass. Most of the time all three holes were being used. I couldn't do anything. They just used me. Masturbating in me. If I hadn't been before, I really had now degenerated into a fuck doll. Admittedly alive but nothing more than a fuck doll. Three meat holes.

The rod in my left breast was continually tweaked. I love fucking but I think the total degradation of my body was surprising the urges to cum.

The men squirted their cum in my throat, in my face, on my bald head, in my pussy, in my ass, on my stomach - everywhere. I was soon covered in semen. They kept on beating me, slapping my face, spitting on me and calling me names.

I'm ashamed to say it but I did cum multiple times. I stopped caring. I just lay there. Forced, tied up, used.

Sam came up to me and and turned his backside to me and sat his ass down on my face. “Lick my ass, cunt, I just took a shit.” He lowered his ass down so that I could smell his dirty asshole and then he rubbed his asshole back and forth over my face. “I told you to lick my asshole, you stupid cunt. Stick out your tongue. Fellows pull on the rods in her tit for me.” When I heard that I shoved my tongue out and tasted his asshole. Luckily, it appeared he had been lying about just having taken a shit because he was mostly clean and it was mostly smell from his ass being in his pants all day.

I licked his ass for a few minutes and then he turned and put his dick in my mouth and started to hump my mouth. “Take it all, you know you love it, he deep throat me.” His dick was forced deeper and deeper into my mouth, his dick was shoved down my throat and I found I could not breathe. I attempted to maneuver my head to allow me to take a breath. My movements pulled one of the clips from my left earlobe. The clip snapped off, blood rushed into the earlobe and it hurt like hell. I was able to turn my head enough to open a small airway and I sucked in air while Sam fucked my mouth. Drool escaped my mouth and I heard myself making a gwack, gwack kind of sound. Then without even thinking about it I felt another orgasm take over my body.

I realized that a woman who could have an orgasm when she was exposed to this made her nothing more than a cum dump, a slut, a whore and realized that was what I am. Now I knew it deep inside. There would be no going back. I was destined to want equal amounts of pain with my pleasure. Heck, I bet I could orgasm to just pain.

I am everything they'd called me. They were right.


Sam moved away and the one clip was taken off my right earlobe. The clips were removed from my nipples and the rods were slowly withdrawn from my tit. My legs were released from the gyno supports and I was rolled over on my left side and a man bent down and held two large gold barbell-shaped rods in front of my eyes. "Now we'll put these on you so you will always remember what you are.

I felt someone swab both my breast with a red fluid. I believed it was to prevent the rod puncture woulds from becoming infected., Then I felt a sharp sting in the my left nipple as something clamped down on it. Whatever was clamped to my left nipple was then pulled to elongate the nipple. A man said, “Normally we would deaden the nipple for the next part but since you like pain...” and I felt another large sharp rod pierce my left nipple. The pain, I keep saying that the pain was unbearable, but yet it seemed like each pain was intensified. It was like there was a beast within me strumming my nerves. I found out later they were pushing the huge rod with the barbell on one side screwed off through the hole made by the sharp rod. Once the rod was through my nipple the other barbell was screwed on and my nipple was released from the clasp. Once the clasp was removed and my tit feel back toward my chest I swear I could feel the weight of the bar pulling my nipple down. Sam said, “Lucky you, the doctor said that we needed to wait until the swelling in your right nipple goes down before we pierce it.”

"Now you look even more like the whore you are.”

I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I had crossed that line.

The guy who was fucking me in my ass forced me to yet another orgasm. I must be a sick pervert. Fucked in the ass while my nipple was forcibly pierced and yet I cum.

I sink deeper into my total humiliation.

Now they began to calm down a little. Most of the guys had cum and need to rest.

"Is it finally over now?" I thought. And with that thought comes a fear. "What will happen now?" "Will they let me go home?" I don't dare finish that thought. I lay there on the table wondering.

Then someone pulls me by the arm and drags me to the corner, pushing me to the floor. Two bowls are placed before me; one contains something to eat (I don't know what) and the other water. I quickly ate the food and drank the water.

I am so tired and I hurt everywhere. I make no attempt to get up or leave or run away. My mind drifted to thoughts of my husband George. I realized that he wasn't really at fault. I had allowed him to develop me as a pain slut. I had allowed him to offer me up again to Sam. He thought that this was what I wanted to become, a pain slut. At that moment George came up to me and he said, “I love you Georgia, its been exciting to watch you today. Its been like nothing else we have ever done. I love you.

I said, “George, I forgive you and I love you too.” I then thought oh no. George turned toward the group of men and said, “Bring the yellow jacket” and walked away. I will not bore you with what happened next, reread the above account of the right nipple, but suffice it to say the pain was even more excruciating due to the barbell through my left nipple.

I was completely overwhelmed by their violence. I did not see how one human could treat another human like this. My body was totally used and I understood it wasn't mine anymore. My mind had been fucked just as much as my body. They owned me and could do what they wanted. But what more they could do?

They had taken my body and made it theirs. I had nothing to say about it anymore. I was just a thing, a tool, a doll. Something to be used and thrown away. I looked down at the body that used to me mine but wasn't anymore. The left nipple was weighed down by the barbell through it. I lay there contemplating my future. Would Sam call on me again and again. Would George, would I allow this painful occurrence to happen again and again.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up feeling cold. The sperm on the body had started to stiffen. The guys were still partying going. They seemed to be at the best party ever.

Someone looked over at me. "Look, the whore has woken. She probably wants more," and laughed. "What do you say guys, time for the next round?"

Someone grabbed me by the arms and pulled me to my feet. I just whined.

I was pushed toward another table and I was still unsteady on my feet and I fell forward and landed on my stomach, my already sore nipples smashing against the solid table. They quickly tied me down. My legs were strapped against the table legs, wide apart. A strap over my waist and shoulders holding my body firmly against the table. (My body? Was it even my body anymore?)

I lay there once again bound and stretched ready to be used. But now I knew that this body wasn't mine any more. It belonged to the men, maybe to all men, to use and abuse as they please. I couldn't do anything about it. My only connection to it was through my mind. A mind that could feel everything they did with it, both pain and pleasure.

"We need to get your cocks hard again guys. A perfect way to do that is to whip a whore. I have a few different variations of whips here. Try them. Are you guys tired of listening to this cunt scream, well lets do something about that.” Push this in the whore's mouth," he said and threw a rubber ball to the guy standing closest to me.

He pushed the ball deep into my mouth almost choking me, so I couldn't scream. At the same time, I felt the first whiplash on my ass. They took turns whipping me. I could do nothing but lie there and receive it.

A guy came up to me and spat in my face. “You're enjoying yourself, right whore. Right? You have all the guy's attention and you know you will be raped again. And you can't wait to let it happen. You fucking whore." Then he slapped my face, hard.

One guy had crawled under the table and put the large vibrator in my ass, another held a vibrator against my clit while another whipped me.

"I can't wait any longer", said another.

He walked up to my face. Took the ball out and replaced it with his cock.

So, there I lay, whipped, raped in the mouth and forced into another degrading orgasm. And cum I did. I was so ashamed but I couldn't hold back; it was impossible to resist. I just came in my total humiliation.

All the guys laughed out loud and said if it hadn't been proven before it was now. This was the worst whore ever and she deserved to be raped and punished with the whips. They seemed to be done with whipping and switched to fucking, even if some took their pleasure in whipping the back while fucking the ass.

Cock after cock used my holes. One from behind and one in the face. The body that lay there was not mine anymore. I had left it. It was just a tool for their enjoyment. And they enjoyed it. It was like I was outside my body watching it being ravished. I felt for the poor woman but I could see that she was enjoying all that was happening to her.

Again, I got semen in the throat, in the face, in the pussy, in the ass, on the back, everywhere. Some of the guys started collecting their sperm in a large glass container. The fucking continued for a long time. My body was completely spent.

Finally, it started to calm down. One last load squirted in my face and they slapped my face some more.

Sam came up to me and spoke, “Untie the bitch, no restraints and sit her in the chair.” Shortly I was sitting in the chair. One last thing for you to do.” and he reached around and grabbed the glass container and showed it to me. “The sperm of 18 men is in this container and we want to see you drink it all down. All of it, if you spill a drop we will bring out the yellow jacket for your clit.”He handed me the container and said, “Drink up.” I tipped the container up and started to sip at it. The cum taste sweet, then bitter, somewhat metallic. “Faster cunt, we ain't got all day.” Sam reached my hands and started to lift the container. I gulped and swallowed all that I could but it was a losing effort. At one point the sperm spilled out of my mouth, over the container side and on to my tits.

I listen in horror as Sam said, “Get the yellow jacket. We finally get to see a whore get the yellow jacket on her clit.” I started to shake my head side-to-side in the negative. I was afraid to say no, afraid of what horrors Sam might inflict on me. I watched the yellow jacket tube be brought forward and I screamed. Sam put a blindfold on me and said, “You don't need to see this.” The yellow jacket tube was brought to my ear and I heard an angry yellow jacket. “OK, its time, hold her legs apart.” Hands spread my legs apart, hands spread my pussy lips apart and I could feel the opening of the tube being placed against my skin with my clit inside the tube. I tensed my body, awaiting the sting. I waited and I waited and I could feel the pressure of the plunger against my clit and Sam started to laugh, “got ya there, you whore. There is no yellow jacket in that tube.” The men roared in laughter.

I felt perfectly giddy and I smiled back at Sam.

“Everyone seems to be satisfied and now we have one important thing to do. We know you're just a set of holes. You can't ever be fucked like an ordinary real woman again. That can't ever be done anymore. And it's something you know as well."

Sam pulled me up out of the chair and he held me close, actually caressing me. He started to talk to me. “We are done, Georgia and you did good.

Sam said, OK, guys time to go.” A lot of the men had already left and in 10 minutes time it was just me and Sam. Sam was still holding me tenderly.

"Now its time for me to make love to you, to treat as a woman should be treated. Follow me” and he took my hands and led me upstairs to a king size bed and he told me to lie down on my back. I did so and he lowered himself next to me and while caressing my body he started to deeply kiss me. After a few minutes of kissing he moved down my body and placed his mouth on my pussy. Sam's tongue darted in and around my pussy. He sucked on my clit and I felt the passion build. After eating my pussy he gently moved my legs apart a with his knees and placed his body between my legs. He slowly entered me, his cock was huge and it felt so good. After all the roughness of the past many hours, the tenderness was wonderful. I felt the orgasm building and then, the pleasure feeling faded away, and then as Sam made love to me the passion built once more and I looked forward to an earth shattering orgasm. And then the passion faded away. Something was wrong, very wrong. I started to whimper.

Sam said, “Whats wrong Georgia? Are you OK?”

I pushed Sam's upper body up off my chest and I pounded on his chest with my fists.

I said, “Sam for fucks sake, stop being so damn nice, HURT ME, please HURT me

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