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By Nubie [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 12:19   Pageviews: 154

I was a transfer student at age 10 to a new school It was in the middle of the school year and i started school without knowing anything about the school layout--especially where the bathrooms were. So first day I asked to be excuse to go to the bathroom and i have no idea where it is. Im wandering the Halls and Bro. Paul asks me where im going and i say the bathroom but don't know where it is. So he walks me to a far off bathroom and we go in and there are two urinals and a booth. I go to the urinal and he of course goes to the other one. Now I'm nervous and as I pull my zipper down and pull out my dick I hear his zipper go down and I glance over and see not only his dick but his ball sack also. I can/t pee as I,m so nervous and not only that but i start getting hard and i know he is looking at me cause he is talking with me My eyes stay down and i can't help but look at his dick and balls He says when he cant pee he shakes his dick and he starts shaking his dick and he says go ahead to me to try it i am rock hard and he says that its really hard to pee when he's hard and that maybe we shpould come back later to pee I say yea and am beet read and as he turns to me he has his cock and balls right there in front of me. It was the beginning of our buddy system and more will follow

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By GeorgiaP [Ignore] 25,Dec,23 11:43
Great stories. I am so glad to know that there is at least one other person that uses the blog to relate stories of our past experiences. My husband George, god rest his soul, was bi and I know he would have enjoyed these these experiences

By #665411 [Ignore] 13,Dec,23 19:46
Totally hot story man nothing like that **** fun

By Nubie [Ignore] 13,Dec,23 03:31
Good morning Pipcock, So glad you found my experience so exciting It certainly was. I have so many more Looking at your cock pictures you kind of remind me of how Brother Paul's dick looked. I liked the one that turned me on then and turns me on right now...Can we private chat? Would love to relive your first experience. Please private chat the story

By pipcock [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 20:03
That is so exciting. Nothing happened much in my first 50 years. I do remember a student teacher at my primary school...he had returned from France and that was very exotic in those days. He wore very tight pants and his long penis was obvious down one thigh top. I was 11/12 and was mesmerized by this masculinity. Whenever we interacted I had this strange feeling come over me, which I now know to be an uncontrollable flush of homosexual desire. I had to wait till my late 50s to experience it again....and I have made sure to enjoy the experiences that come with that flush. Odd how I remember that from so long ago, and it was always with me but not understood.

By #662360 [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 17:23
I remember I saw my first naked flaccid and hard up boys cocks at about age 12 in the school gym changing room and showers. My naked cock was hard up too at this first sight. Our pubic hair was just starting to grow and I hadn’t masturbated first time yet.

By Nubie [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 17:20
So there we were alone in the shower. Brother Paul was right across from me in the shower, and we were lathering up. Now it was weird cause I knew being there was just to be naked and not to get clean. He would not stop talking to and thus was always looking at me. I had a almost painful erection that pointed right up against my belly and I was almost embarrassed by it--but was so happy to be able to show him because I knew he liked it and I loved that he liked it. He would ask me a question every so often so that I would have to look at him and every time I did his eyes went straight to my dick to let me know that he was looking and then I would look at his cock. He seemed to be always stroking his and it was getting flush and thicker slowly by slowly. He then asked me if I ever saw a fully grown man naked and i said no that he was the first although i saw nudie magazines. He asked me if he could touch me and if I wanted to touch him and before i could answer he reached out and touched my balls and then my dick and commented how nice it was and how hard it was I was so excited that I shuddered and back up just a bit He said its ok and grabbed my hand and put it on his dick and I started to squeeze my first dick He started getting harder and harder and I noticed his ball sack tightening up and he asked if I would kneel down and jerk him off I didn't really know what to do but he held his hand over mine and we jerked him off together and WOW He came so much in such a quick time and for a long time. He stayed hard for a bit after that, and he told me to lean against the shower wall and he put my dick in his mouth and sucked me for what seemed like forever and I climaxed, but I don't think I had sperm yet but boy did I shudder It was fantastic. We then dried off got dressed in quiet and walked up stairs. I left to go home, and he said he would see me tomorrow and to be ready to practice after classes again.
And that was only the beginning

By Nubie [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 14:51
Hey Old Gray-- How exciting was the first times with older men I had an uncle show me a few things-- well actually all he wanted me for was to suck him off--mostly in his car --and i had to be naked-- i didnt mind but it was
very weird but very exciting for us both i guess

By oldgray69 [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 13:49
I started young myself after I was shown what to do by an older cousin

By Nubie [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 13:49
so all that day and that night all I could do was see Brother Paul's cock and balls--- in my mind His dick never really got hard at the urinal -- but it was thick and look like it supported itself in a really strong way -- His pubic hair was a reddish brown and looked really thick but real soft. His balls looked like they were shaved and they were way bigger than mine needless to say and his ball sack looked real tight too The color of his dick was also a reddish pink and he had a real pink head and the ridge looked so solid I can still see it today But anyway I played with myself all night I still wasn't cumming as I was almost just entering puberty Still had no hair on my dick but was proud of the little peach fuzz I had. I definitely looked my age As it would I was a real good basketball player for my age and the following week i went out for the JV team and made it and Bro Paul saw the tryouts and saw how good i was and asked if i wanted to practice with the varsity some time I, of course said yes even though all i could think off as we were talking was his dick and that i wanted to show him mine again. The first practice comes and i play and then we all have to shower which was gonna be a problem. I was very shy as they all were taking off their clothes and their dicks were bigger, they all had hair on their dicks and i was the lil skinny boy AND i started to get hard in my clothes and I was visibly concerned about going into the shower with these guys with a boner. Thankfully Bro Paul saw my fear and told me to shower later and that i should go sweep the gym floor after taking 50 free-throws. By the time i was done all the older boys were on their way out and it was just Bro Paul ane me and he said that its time to shower -- JUST HIM AND ME ALONE IN THE OPEN SHOWER WOW

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